CTI Textual Studies Home Page

[Obtaining Texts] | [Text Archives] | [Academic Research] | [The Internet] | [Commercial Sources] | [Creating It Yourself]

Obtaining Electronic Texts

Electronic Texts on the Web

The World Wide Web is ideal for obtaining texts for which otherwise you would have the hassle of remembering FTP addresses. On a Web page the texts may be gathered together into a virtual archive and the user can access them without needing to know where they might be physically located (if electronic texts can be described as being physically located anywhere)

The following are sample links to text archives. Each of these archives has further links to other resources (expect to get happily lost!)

Text Archives

Academic Research

The Internet

Commercial Sources on the World Wide Web

Further sources of electronic texts and text analysis tools can be found in the relevant sections of the CTI Textual Studies Resources Guide

Creating Your Own

The CTI Centre for Textual Studies held a workshop on electronic texts in March 1995 which included a section on the World Wide Web. There is a virtual handout for this section which includes links to HTML reference pages and tools to aid the creation of Web pages

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Author: Michael Fraser, CTI Textual Studies
Page created: 13th May, 1995
Last modified: 7 July 1996
Page URL: http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/service/workshop/etext/