Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of
Please note that this site is rarely updated
and many of the links may no longer work. See the My Humbul
edition instead
This section provides an annotated index of
Internet resources relating to theological studies. Many of these sites will,
of course, contain further links to other notable places not included here.
We hope that you find something of use or interest here. Please submit academic
sites for inclusion via the Humbul
Humanities Hub.
Resources added
when page was last updated
Resources particularly
General Guides
Religion Index (Rutgers University). This is a comprehensive listing (woth
commentary) of Internet resources for religious studies and theology. The
gateway is categorised by topic, a sample of which include: Anthropology &
Sociology of Religion, Archaeology and Religious Art, Comparative Religion,
Ethics & Moral Values, and various religious traditions. Recommended.
- Religium: Religious
Studies Center compiled by Arden Eby. An good listing of online resources
with categories including Reformation Studies, World Religions, Islam, Judaism,
and a section on anti-religion.
Finding God in Cyberspace by John Gresham. A select listing of resources
for the study of religion first published in 1994, revised 1995 and now last
revised: July 2002.
- Fides Quaerens Internetum
(Christian theology) Well organized index of links. Particularly good for
links to theology-related institutions and departments. Compiled by Bryan
Stone (Azusa Pacific University).
- Not
Just Bibles: A Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet. Defined as
'classical Christianity'. Related to this is the Guide
to Christian Literature on the Internet.
- CrossSearch: Online Christian Resource
Directory An extensive list of links with a search engine in the style
of Yahoo! Not a bad place to start if you don't know what's out there.
- Religious
Studies and Theology resource list (University of Toronto gopher)
- FTP to the Religious
Studies directory at the University of Toronto. Includes directories of
Papal & Vatican documents
- KristNet hovedside Norwegian
guide to Christian resources compiled by Ellef Gjelstad.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Bibles and Biblical Studies
Resource Page for Biblical Studies - Biblical scholars should go here
first. This useful collection of resources was created by Torrey Seland. Assoc.
prof in Biblical Studies at Volda College, Norway.
New Testament Gateway, authored and compiled by Mark Goodacre, lecturer
in theology at the University of Birmingham, the site effectively combines
the editor's own academic expertise with the classification of Web resources
to create a subject-based gateway where every link is accompanied by an annotation.
Sections include the Greek New Testament, textual criticism, Paul, the early
Church, Jesus in film, scholars with Web pages, and email lists. The site
also includes the All-in-One
Biblical Resources Search, an easy way to search multiple databases and
catalogues from one page.
- Bibelwissenschaft compiled
by Franz Böhmisch (Passau). Extensive catalogue of resources including
a section on computer-aided
- Material
Culture of the Ancient Canaanites, Israelites and Related Peoples: An Information
DataBase from Excavations Resources and presentations drawn from the University
of Pennsylvania's archaeological excavations at Beth Shan and other sites.
Assembled by Jack Abercrombie (Brandeis University).
- The Society
of Biblical Literature web page Includes SBL Membership directory, details
of publications (print and electronic), as well as other information. Part
of the Scholars Press TELA
Primary Texts
- The WWW Bible Gateway This
one's good and worth a visit if you need to check a reference in the RSV,
KJV, Darby, YLT, and also German, Swedish, Latin & French.
- Navigating the Bible is an
impressive site, part of which aims to teach the Hebrew recitation of the
Torah (particularly for Bar/Bat Mitzvah). Included are: the Pentateuch, Torah
Portions, Haftarot, and Blessings. The English text has a commentary, the
Hebrew text has both a transliteration and a scroll image of each portion
with a RealAudio chanting of the text. There is also an interesting section
on the performance of the Torah and Haftarot (including a Java-based tutorial).
Bible Browser constructed by Richard
L. Goerwitz. This resource was well worth a visit but unfortunately has been
- The Blue
Letter Bible Project where 'blue letters' refer to hypertext links to
commentary, (towards the popular end), RealAudio and RealVideo messages (devotional
more than anything else), and interlinear Greek/Hebrew (using gifs to display
the Greek/Hebrew). The Bible provided is the KJV.
- The GOSHEN Online Study Library
A set of five cross-referenced topical and dictionary resources comprises
the central feature of this site. Enter a topic and see which biblical texts
Nave, Easton, Vine and others quoted.
- Greek New
Testament Editions provides annotated links to various electronic editions
of the Greek NT which can be freely downloaded. Some are encoded in Beta Greek
and may be displayed using a suitable font (for Silver Fonts from Silver Mountain
- The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts
Project An international scholarly project to make images and transcriptions
of the New Testament manuscripts available over the Internet. The directors
of the project are James Tauber and Tim Finney whilst the advisory board includes
many familiar names from the worlds of biblical and humanities computing.
A catalogue of papyri and manuscripts is currently under construction.
- Polyglot Bible: The Gospel
of Luke The Gospel of Luke is provided in four parallel versions (chapter
by chapter): Anglo-Saxon bible, Wycliffe Bible, KJV, and New International
Version. A MS-Word document of the Gospel is also available for downloading.
There is also a Polyglot
edition of the book of Samuel with Latin, Old Spanish, and Modern Spanish
editions of the text. Assembled by Mark Davies, Illinois State University.
- Douai-Rheims Bible
on-line Converted into electronic form by members of the Free Catholic
List under the direction of Dan Connolly
- Non-Canonical Documents
A large range of apocrypha, gospels, acts, pseudepigrapha and other non-canonical
writings (compiled by the Wesley Center for Applied Theology).
- The Papyrology
Home Page ( John D. Muccigrosso, University of Michigan). Contains an
extensive list of Internet sites which provide digital images of papyri as
well as annotated links to scholarly literature.
- The
Philo Concordance Project has published a printed word index to the works
of Philo of Alexandria. The web page includes details of the printed publication
and some information about the present status of the project.
- The Works of Flavius Josephus.
English translation by William Whiston of the Antiquities, the War, and Against
Apion. The complete text can be downloaded as a Zip
file for further analysis.
Secondary Material
- Ioudaios Book Review
Service Reviews of literature in first century Jewish and Christian studies
from 1991-1994
- Learning New Testament
Greek. Towards an online textbook of Koine Greek (by Corey Keating and
others). Includes an annotated list of NT Greek grammar books. See also Beginner's
Greek by Daniel Arseneault which also includes a good list of links
to NT Greek resources. See the Software
section of this guide for non-Web Greek learning resources.
- Interpreting
Ancient Manuscripts constructed by Timothy W. Seid. This is a resources
which could easily be used in the classroom. It has been converted to the
Web from a Hypercard stack which is still available from the Humanist discussion
list archives.
World Without Q is a web site designed and maintained by Mark Goodacre
(University of Birmingham) on the Synoptic Problem. The site is described
as "the home for Q sceptics" and essentially presents the case against
Q. Dr Goodacre also provides a useful set of links to other web resources
dealing with the Synoptic Problem and the Synoptic Gospels in general (including
an illustrated
page maintained by Stephen Carlson and the critical
(reconstructed) text of Q). There is also an associated email forum, Synoptic-L,
which is devoted to the critical, scholarly study of the Synoptic Problem.
- Post-Modern Bible: Amos (Tim Bulkeley).
Post-Modern refers to the extensive use of hypertext and multimedia commentary.
Main part of the site is a commentary for most of the book of Amos.
- Old
Testament Life and Literature by Gerald A. Larue. The author is Professor
Emeritus in biblical history and archaeology at the University of Southern
California. This electronic book (in its printed form) was a set textbook
for Old Testament studies. It is concerned with "the literature, history
and religious thought of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. The approach
to these themes is chronological and utilizes literary and historical analytic
methodology, as well as the results of archaeological, anthropological, geographical
and Near Eastern studies".
- Old Testament
Pseudepigrapha Online course under construction by James R. Davila (St
Andrews). This Web site will be used in conjunction with an international
email forum (otpseud on to teach
an undergraduate course in the Spring Semester. The WWW site was setup on
3 February 1997.
- The
Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit an exhibit from the Library of Congress entitled,Scrolls
from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship.
One of the first theology-related resources to make use of the Web. If you
are teaching/researching the DSS in Hebrew then you may be interested in Jack
Kilman's DSS font based on the scribal hand found in the Great Isaiah
Scroll (1QIS).
- The Orion Center for the
Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). As well
as a description of the Centre's work together with general information about
the scrolls, the Center makes available an extensive bibliography of literature
published concerning the scrolls since 1995. The annotated and extensive list
of Web resources dealing with the Scrolls and associated literature make this
a good starting point. Oh, and they have a graphical tour of the caves as
- From
Papyri to King James The Transmission of the English Bible.
An exhibition at the University of Michigan tracing the history of the bible
from 150 CE to 1611 CE. Includes images of papyri fragments.
- The Gnostic
Society Library The Gnostic Society was founded in 1928 and its site,
especially the library, provides a wealth of information for the study of
Gnosticism. Texts in translations include: The Nag
Hammadi Library, translations of Gnostic scriptures
and fragments, the Corpus
Hermeticum, and an impressive collection of Manichaean
writings. There are also a selection of RealAudio lectures and introductory
essays. This site should be useful for the study of early Christianity and
also the life of Augustine of Hippo.
- Metalogos: Thomas, Philip and Valentine.
Developed by the Ecumenical Coptic Project (under the editorship of Dr Thomas
Paterson Brown) the Metalogos site provides translations of the Gospels of
Thomas, Philip and Valentine based on the Nag Hammadi texts together with
suggested biblical parallels. Commentaries on the 'female spirit', 'angel
and image', and 'the Paul paradox' are also available.
- Gospel of Thomas
Far more than simply the text of the Gospel of Thomas, this site includes
a variety of 'Thomas' texts, discussions of Thomas and Wisdom, essays, and
links to other apocryphal texts. Maintained by Stevan Davies.
- An
Electronic Edition of The Life of Adam and Eve Extensive report
of research undertaken by Gary A. Anderson (The University of Virginia) and
Michael E. Stone (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) on the surviving texts
of the apocryphal story of Adam and Eve. The report includes details of the
Greek, Latin, Armenian, Slavonic and Coptic sources; information about the
process of creating an electronic edition; and an archive
which includes the English texts of the individual textual traditions, a synoptic
presentation of the text, and essays on the Life of Adam and Eve.
- Inscriptions from
the Land of Israel. A project at the University of Virginia (directed
by Michael L. Satlow) which aims to collect together extant inscriptions from
Israel from the Hellenistic, Roman, and Persian periods (c.330 BCE to 614
CE). Inscriptions from Beth She'arim are currently available for searching
and browsing. Inscriptions are encoded using SGML allowing for quite complex
searching. The results are displayed using DynaWeb.
Documentation of Theological and Interdisciplinary Literature (School
of Theology at University of Innsbruck). Includes BILDI: Documentation for
Biblical Literature Innsbruck, a searchable database of literature held at
- Quest
for the Historical Jesus. An extensive site compiled by Andrew Bernhard
which includes excerpts from the writings of scholars in this field.
- Bibliotheca
Sacra Theological Journal published by Dallas Theological Seminary.
Articles from 1985-94 have been converted from the CD-ROM edition and made
available over the Web. The CD-ROM (with search engine) can be obtained from
Galaxie Software.
- TC: A Journal
of Biblical Textual Criticism This is a peer-reviewed electronic journal
published by Scholars Press (General
Editor: James E. Adair). The journal has an associated email list, tc-list
on and the journal site plans to be
the home of various text-critical projects.
- The Journal of Hebrew
Scriptures (General Editor: Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta ).
The first article of this refereed online journal was, Helmut Utzschneider,
Text - Reader - Author Towards a Theory of Exegesis: Some European Viewpoints.
- The Location and Identification
of Shikhin On-line article by James F. Strange, Dennis E. Groh, and Thomas
R. W. Longstaff.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
History of Theology
Historical Texts
- The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Project. The TLG Web page for latest news and information
- The Thesaurus
Linguae Latinae Project Details are available of the plans to develop
an electronic edition of the TLL. The printed TLL is the only dictionary which
attempts to comprehend the entire Latin language. The project commenced in
1894 and scholars are currently working on the letter P.
- Duke Papyrus
Archive An excellent set of pages which include over 1,000 catalogue records
and 200 digitized images of papyri at Duke University. An online introduction
to Papyri is also available.
- The Early Church Fathers
Electronic editions of the nineteenth century series consisting of A Select
Library of Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Fathers. The volumes are available
for downloading and each volume occupies around 1.5 MB of hard disk space.
A few of the volumes are encoded in HTML (though the entire volume must still
be downloaded) but most are in plain ASCII. The foundations are now available
for a hypertextual presentation of early Christian history and theology. Wheaton
has other texts available as part of the Christian
Classics Ethereal Library (
- Project
Wittenberg A collaborative effort to put a wide range of Lutheran writings
on the Internet, either in the original language or in translation.
- Project Canterbury
is a project to make available Anglo-Catholic texts online. Current holdings
include Tracts for the Times, John Keble's The Christian Year,
several biographical resources (e.g. Desmond Morse-Boycott's Lead, Kindly
Light: Studies of Saints and Heroes of the Oxford Movement (1933)), documents
relating to Anglican orders, and a collection of miscellaneous texts (including
a selection of texts by W. H. Frere). The site is hosted by the Society of Archbishop
- Celtic
Christian Documents includes a digital copy of The Lorrha "Stowe"
Celtic Missal, and a Celtic Breviary. Be warned that the HTML files for these
documents are long. More Celtic Christianity sites can be found in the Denominations
section of this Guide. The Celtic
Art and Cultures site (University of North Carolina) includes topics on
Celtic High Crosses and Irish monasteries.
- Medieval
Manuscript Leaves (Rochester Institute of Technology). This site contains
a sample 51 leaves from manuscripts which highlight the development of manuscript
production from the 12th to the 16th centuries. There are images from the
Bible, various church service books, the writings of the Church fathers, and
some of the Classics.
- A Guide to
Thirteenth Century Theologians (by Gary Macy, University of
San Diego). Guide to around ninety Paris and Oxford theologians
including Stephen Langton, William of Durham, Robert Grosseteste, Albert
the Great, Erkendfried, Bonaventure, and John Pecham. Each entry
provides information about dating and a summary of works (including
bibliography of published editions).
- Augustine on
the Internet Professor James O'Donnell's pioneering method of
teaching Augustine
- Gregory of Nyssa
by David A. Salomon (University of Connecticut). An index of all English translations
of Gregory of Nyssa's works which are available on the Internet. The translations
are mainly those of Br. Casimir McCambley (Cistercian). The author is working
on a CD-ROM version of the Gregory material.
- Cyril of
Alexandria by Ted Mayes. Includes translations of a selection of
Cyril's letters and homilies as well as links to other sites.
- St
Augustine of Canterbury by Ghazwan Butrous. Web site presently
under construction which is dedicated to the 1400th anniversary of
Augustine's mission to the English.
- Agnellus
of Ravenna and his Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis,
the book of the Church and churches of Ravenna. The full Latin text is
available here together with further reading.
- Egeria in
Jerusalem The Latin text (with translation) of the wandering
Egeria's observations of the liturgy in fourth century Jerusalem. Fans
of Sister Wendy Beckett will enjoy reading the full account of Egeria's
travels around the pilgrimage sites of the east (sadly, not yet on the
- Thomas
Aquinas, Summa Theologica in English translation
(Dominican). A work which, given its deliberate structure, is well
suited to the World Wide Web. This resource provided by
The New Advent
Catholic Web Page
- Jacob Boehme
(Bruce B. Janz, Augustana University College). Site includes bibliographic
and biographic resources, links to the primary texts of Boehme (in translation),
and various secondary resources (including links to related thinkers).
- John Wesley Center for Applied
Theology (Northwest Nazarene College). This site is designed to provide
information concerning the life and works of John Wesley. Includes: The Wesleyan
Studies Page, electronic versions of the sermons
of John Wesley, and a range of biblical and pastoral theology resources.
Secondary Material
- The Early Church
On-Line Encyclopedia Initiative (Ecole). An interactive hypertext
encyclopedia on the World-Wide Web which, if its stated aims are
successful, promises to be an valuable resource for students and
teachers alike (remind me to submit that promised article on Egeria).
Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies. A co-operative project
to establish an online textbook for medieval studies. Primary sources,
images, tables, essays are all available from here.
- The Catholic
Encyclopedia (1913). An on-going project under the management
of Kevin Knight, the editor of the
New Advent Catholic Website.
- De
Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
(managed by Michael DiMaio, Salve Regina University). Providing refereed
articles on the Roman emperors from Augustus to Constantine XI
- Exploring Ancient World
Cultures (University of Evansville). Cultures covered include:
Ancient Near east, Ancient India, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient
Greece, Ancient Rome, and Early Islam. In addition there is an anthology
of primary texts, chronology, maps, and an extended bibliography of film
and print resources.
- The Mount Athos
Greek Manuscripts Catalog: The Philotheou Monastery Project
Managed by Robert Allison at Bates College, Maine. Includes an
electronic archive of watermarks and papers in Greek manuscripts and
supporting papers. See also The
Monasteries of Mount Athos
- Traditio
The journal Traditio celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in
1995. This web site contains the introductory essay from the 50th volume
and also indices of volumes 1-50 by subject and by author.
- Cassiodorus
by James J. O'Donnell The print version of this book was published
in 1979. In 1993 the work sold out. Professor O'Donnell has reclaimed
the rights and now made the entire text available over the Web.
Professor O'Donnell is at the cutting edge of making serious scholarly
use of the Web for teaching and research. His other pages, mentioned
elsewhere in this section, are well worth viewing and act as an
incentive for others to go and do likewise!
- Traditions of
Magic in Late Antiquity. An exhibition at the University of
Michigan Library which presents some of the materials in the library's
holdings which have some bearing on magical traditions in the 1st to the
7th centuries. The exhibition include sections on recipe books,
protective magic, and aggressive magic.
- Hugoye:
Journal of Syriac Studies (General Editor, George Anton
Kiraz). Refereed electronic journal covering all aspects of Syriac
Studies. Published in January and July and hosted by the
Syriac Computing Institute.
- Amiens
Cathedral A multimedia project for the Columbia University
Curriculum (supported by the NEH). Professor Stephen Murray of Art
History and his team have constructed a site which includes
computer-generated images of the cathedral, the opportunity to explore
the cathedral by way of an image map of the floor plan, and many other
aspects of the cathedral and its construction. The multitude of images
requires a fast link to the site.
- Société des
Bollandistes Publishers of Analecta Bollandiana this
society was formed for the study of hagiography over 350 years ago (with
the publication of the first volume of Acta Sanctorum). The WWW
site has information about all of its publications, and a collection of
hagiography-related web sites.
- Peter Jeffrey's
Gregorian Chant Homepage with links to supplemental materials
- Monumenta Musicae
Byzantinae, from the University of Copenhagen, Institute for Greek
and Latin.
- The Index of Christian Art
(University of Princeton). Registered uses can now access the largest
database of medieval art that exists over the Internet. Unregistered
users can access a short history of the Index and its holdings.
- Danish Medieval Church Wall
Paintings (Copenhagen University). Searchable image database of
around 3,000 wall paintings from churches around Denmark.
- Christus Rex et Redemptor
Mundi Hundreds of images of the Vatican including a tour of the
Sistine Chapel
- Methodist
Archives and Research Centre (John Rylands Library, Manchester).
The Centre houses the largest collection of manuscripts relating to the
founders of Methodism. The Web page includes guides to the collections,
an online exhibition, and a selection of manuscript images.
- Sacred Token An
exhibition on 900 years of art in the Zagreb Archdiocese 1094-1994. The
full catalogue including articles is in the process of being placed on
the Web
- The Thanksgiving
of Women after Childbirth, commonly called The Churching of Women
- A hypertext seminar paper by Natalie Knödel, University of
- Calculating the Ecclesiastical
Calendar Enter a year after 325 CE and a script will calculate the day
of Easter in the Western and Eastern traditions, the movable feasts, and other
significant liturgical celebrations (where known). Information is available
on the complicated subject of calendar algorithms (constructed by Marcos J.
- The Shroud of Turin An extensive site
developed by Barrie M. Schwortz who describes himself as the Official Documenting
Photographer for the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc (taking the 1978
photographs). He believes in the authenticity of the Shroud and is endeavouring
to make available in electronic form the archive of photographs and other
scientific material accumulated. The site presently includes an interactive
imagemap of the Shroud with positive and negative photographic close-ups and
variety of articles and reports.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Contemporary Theology
Theology and the Internet
People (20th century)
- Karl Barth Society (Memphis
Theological Seimary). There is not a great deal of original content at this
site (24/10/98). However, there is an online collection of critiques of Evangelical
Theology: An Introduction undertaken by students at Memphis. Links to
one or two other sites are also provided.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer Home
Page This site has been established by the International
Bonhoeffer Society, English Language Section. It provides information
about the IBS, including how to become a member; the society's Dietrich
Bonhoeffer Works, an entirely new, 17-volume English Edition of all
of the writings of Bonhoeffer, published by Fortress Press in
Minneapolis. Further links take you to research resources, other
Bonhoeffer web sites, and Lutheran resources.
- Into the Wardrobe: The C.S.
Lewis Web Site An extensive site on the life and times of C. S.
Lewis. Includes a collection of papers and speeches relating to Lewis,
photographs, annotated bibliographies and the usual 'related links'. Put
together by John Visser.
- The Bernard Lonergan Web
Site Advertised as a 'virtual place for collaboration in Lonergan studies"
this Web site provides primary and secondary bibliographical references (with
a limited number of online article reprints), answers to frequently asked
questions about Lonergan, interviews with Lonergan scholars, and the beginnings
of the Glossary Project which is a colloaborative attempt to define what Lonergan
meant by terms such as 'authenticity', 'heuristic structure', and'common sense'.
Site produced by Peter L. Monette, Christine Jamieson, and Paul Allen.
- Karl Rahner Society
Hosted by the Department of Theology, Marquette University, the Karl Rahner
Society exists to promote the study of Karl Rahner through publication and
collaboration. The site includes links to the Karl-Rahner-Archiv
(Innsbruck), Kern Trembath's Rahner Index (Notre Dame), and Albert Raffelt's
zum Werk Karl Rahners (University of Freiburg).
Themes and Studies
- Radical Catholic
Page (Paul Halsall). This is an extensive, annotated, listing of resources
for the study of radical Catholicism. Subjects treated include: Women Priests,
Liberation Theology, Gender, Sexuality, and Family, Catholic Social Teaching,
and other related resources. Paul Halsall is also the developer of the Internet
History Sourcebooks, Byzantine Studies on the Internet, and a range of online
course material. All available from the Halsall
Home Page.
- Noesis: Philosophical
Research Online From the same people at Evansville who bring you Hippias,
a local area search engine for philosophy. Noesis allows you search according
to document type (essays, reviews, texts, images, etc) and also through particular
peer-reviewed philosophical collections.
- Bibliography of
online philosophical papers (compiled by David Chalmers). Index of
current philosophers who have made scholarly papers available on the
Internet. Bias towards philosophy of mind and language.
Literature and Religion Created by William S. Peterson, University of
Maryland, this recommended site provides access to an extensive bibliographic
database documenting primary and secondary material relating to the portrayal
of religion in English Literature. The database has a bias towards the Anglican
tradition and the bulk of the references relate to the 17th and 19th centuries.
The Book of Common Prayer is a special topic within the database. The site
also includes an abridged edition of the 1662 BCP, English Christmas carols,
together with an excellent gateway to literature & religion resources.
- The
Strip. Colourful Internet site created by graduate students at the
University of Colorado, Boulder for the study of religion and culture.
At present substance is found in a few online articles and position
- Liberation Theology
and Land Reform This is an online course ran by the The Henry
George Institute. an organisation which holds that "all persons
have a right to the use of the earth and that all have a right to the
fruits of their labor." The online course (available free of
charge) offers readings taken from Introducing Liberation Theology,
From Wasteland to Promised land, and a number of essays. There
are 72 short lessons to complete, a short bibliography, and a few links
to related sites.
- The Crossroads Project.
An apologetic site dealing with the challenge of Postmodern culture to
Christianity. Includes a "Postmodern experience of the week"
- Academic
Dialogue on Applied EthicsAn attempt to approach real-world
problems (such as religion and abortion, feminists and pornography,
euthanasia) using the meta-ethical standpoints of writers such as
Habermas, Putnam, Rorty, and Rawls. Supported by The Center for the
Advancement of Applied Ethics (Carnegie Mellon University) and Routledge
Publishing Company.
- Ethics
This site contains the tables of contents and submission details for the
printed journal published by University of Chicago Press.
- Lift Up Your Hearts
Worship resources & related materials for the Canadian Lutheran
Community. Includes links to other liturgical resources.
- Books of Common Prayer
This site provides as plain text or PDF files the services of the Reformed
Episcopal Church BCP, the 1662 BCP, and the 1785 proposed lectionary of Bishop
William White. Part of the Reformed
Episcopal Church Online site.
- Book of Common
Prayer (mainly US). Links to fulltext editions of the following: 1662
(and older), 1786, 1789, 1892, 1928, and 1979. There are extracts from 1549,
1552, and 1559 books of commpn prayer, the ASB, and prayer books from other
traditions. Site developed by Charles Wohlers.
- The
Book of Common Prayer (1662) The page describing the author's sources
implies that this is a BCP constructed or at least referred against a range
of texts (all documented). However, it is an attractively designed site (by
Lynda M. Howell) and includes a basic search engine.
- Links for
Thinking Christians consists of one (large) page of abstracts and
links to numerous online theology journals with fulltext articles.
Compiled by Anthony J. Langlois at The Australian National University.
- Union Seminary
Quarterly Review A journal which describes itself as "a
platform for liberal and socially engaged Protestant thought". This
well presented site currently includes HTML and Adobe PDF versions of
volume 48. Articles range from The Feminine Man in Late Antique
Ascetic Piety to Martin and Malcolm and the African American
- Journal for Christian
Theological Research Edited by Keith H. Reeves and Alan
Padgett and published by the Christian
Theological Research Fellowship this journal contains articles
relating to systematic and moral theology.
- The Wall: Christian
Philosophers Karl Barth, Richard Swinburne, Alvin Plantinga, and
others. Part of the FaithQuest
site which has sections on
and theologians.
- Unraveling Wittgensteins Net -
A Christian ThinkTank The thoughts mainly of one man (Glenn M.
Miller) but with extensive links to philosophy-related sites.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Pastoral Studies
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Religions and Denominations
- Congregation Emanu-El (New
York) "Why is this site different from all other sites?".
Because it broadcast a live Internet audio broadcast of the Passover
Seder on April 3-4 1996. The web site includes a tour of Temple
Emanu-El, the largest Jewish house of worship, online Judaica resources,
and details of future plans for the Internet site.
- The Web Torah Library
has collected together Tanach, Talmud, and Mishna texts. Information also
provided on reading Hebrew on the Internet.
- Islamic
Studies, Islam, Arabic, and Religion Professor Alan Godlas
(University of Georgia) has put together an interesting and fairly
comprehensive annotated gateway to Internet resources relating to
Islamic studies and associated subjects. Includes sections on Islamic
art and music, history, glossary of terms, and material relating to the
study of the Qur'an.
- Berkeley
Buddhist Research Center details projects and publications of the research
group as well as links to related resources. One project, the Buddhist Manuscripts
and Inscriptions Project, aims to use the Web to facilitate access to research
on the Gilgit Manuscripts.
- UK
Association for Buddhist Studies (University of Sunderland).
Includes a list of members and interests, and links to online Buddhist
resources. Watch out for the large inline image... See also
Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative at the University of Alaska
which co-ordinates projects involving digitized Buddhist texts.
- Journal of Buddhist
Ethics (edited by Damien Keown, University of London &
Charles S. Prebish, Penn State University. ISSN 1076-9005, 1994-). This
is an electronic refereed journal covering a wide range of subjects
within Buddhist ethics. The full text of articles, reviews, and notes
are available online without subscription.
- The Bahá'í
Faith Index maintained by Casper Voogt has extensive links to
resources connected with Bahá'í studies and life. This
page is also available in a range of different languages. See also
The Bahá'ís
(publication of the Bahá'í International Community).
- Sufism
Information about Sufis and Sufism by Thomas Rochford at Anglia
Polytechnic University.
Christian Denominations
- Church Net UK Church Net UK is
part of the Electronic Media and Religions Project of the Religious Studies
Department, University College of Saint Martin, Lancaster. Its main aim is
it to provide a space for UK Christian Churches on the Internet, to aid communication
between the churches and their members at all levels, to provide a resource
base, technical training and help.
- The Church of England
There is not a great deal here at present though the Archbishop
of Canterbury has a more extensive set of pages. For more detailed information
about dioceses and churches in England I would recommend you consult the Church
Net UK pages in the first instance.
- St.
Pachomius Library The makings of an Orthodox/Patristics texts library
- The Orthodox Church in America Includes
a directory of parishes, institutions and monasteries in the United States
- The Ukranian Catholic Church at Lviv
Includes a small exhibition of Ukrainian icon art
- The Holy See The Vatican has its own
WWW site which contains the text of recent papal addresses and an on-line
news service.
- Catholic Media Office (UK) Hosted
by Trinity and All Saints University College, Leeds, the Catholic Media Office
contains information about the Catholic Church in England and Wales, copies
of Briefing, the official monthly journal of the bishops' conference,
as well as links to other services.
- Catholic Information Centre on Internet
Contains numerous documents, links and resources. Probably should have an
imprimatur for its conformity to the Magisterium.
- The Catholic Diocese of
Hexham & Newcastle (unofficial) web site maintained by Jim Crawley
(a retired member of the British Computer Society). The diocese of Hexham
& Newcastle includes Durham.
- The Diocese of Partenia. The Diocese
of Partenia is the virtual diocese of a very real bishop, bishop Jacques Gaillot
who was relieved of his duties by the Vatican in 1995. "Partenia ouvre
un espace de liberté où l'on peut se rencontrer et se parler
comme sur les places publiques. Aujourd'hui, en ce 13 janvier 1996, jour anniversaire
où j'ai été nommé Evêque de Partenia, ce
rêve peut devenir réalité."
- The Order of St Benedict on the Web
The Rule of St Benedict, email directory, international and educational institutions
and personal web pages .
- The Monastery of Christ in
the Desert A Benedictine monastery located near Abiquiu, New Mexico, USA
which, amongst other things, continue's the monastic tradition of the scriptorium
by creating illuminated web pages.
- The Order of Preachers on the Web Ordo
Fratrum Praedicatorum or simply the "Dominicans". An extensive site
with information about the order and further theology-related resources
- The Dominican House of Study
(Washington). Contains online art, homilies, and links to other Dominican
- San Francisco Bay Catholic
A Catholic site which aims to present both sides of Catholic 'issues'. Information
here on the Women's Ordination
Conference (Nov 10-12, 1995) amongst other things; "the International
Catholic Issues site with the regional name".
- Anglican Church in England This is
a new service (beyond the ASB!) which looks promising. Watch out for individual
diocesan pages...
- Anglicans Online! Based in
Canada this well-presented site contains a wealth of information about the
worldwide Anglican community including Canada,
USA, and Britain.
- The Episcopal Church, USA,
includes news, directories, governance and other resources.
- The Diocese of Ely on-line This
includes a welcome from Bishop Stephen Sykes, one time Canon Professor of
Divinity at Durham University.
- World Alliance of Reformed
Churches - European Area Council (Aug 28-Sept 3, 1995). Includes keynote
address by Lesslie Newbigin
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
"The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America resulted from a union of
three North American Lutheran church bodies: The American Lutheran Church,
the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches and the Lutheran Church in
America". Includes plenty of other information about ELCA, an email directory,
sample journal articles and an index of ECLA church home pages.
- The
Mennonite Information Centre "The MennoLink Mennonite Information
Center is a catalog of online information for, by, and about Mennonites. It
is a growing collection of pointers to World Wide Web, Gopher, Usenet, and
other information sources for Mennonite congregations, organizations, schools,
- The Seventh Day Adventist
Periodical Index. Index to around 40 periodicals and managed by the James
White Library at Andrews University. Searches can be conducted by keywords,
author, title, and also obituary name and date.
- The International Communion of the Charismatic
Episcopal Church Includes home pages of individual churches and various
further related resources.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Publishers of Electronic and Printed Materials
Software Guides
Software Publisher Sites
- Chadwyck-Healey Ltd publish, amongst
other things, the Patrologia
Latina Database on CD-ROM and now also
on the World Wide Web, also the Bible
in English, a collection of English translations of the Bible from Anglo-Saxon
to the Good News edition, and the Acta
Sanctorum which comprise the volumes published by the Société des Bollandistes.
- Brepols Publishers,
as well as publishing the printed series Corpus Christianorum, are
also known for the CETEDOC Library of Christian Latin Fathers CD-ROM (see
also CETEDOC itself)
and the complementary Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature, In
Principio index of Latin incipits, and the International Medieval Bibliography
on CD-ROM. Watch out for the Monumenta Germaniae
Historica CD-ROM and The Papal Letters on CD-ROM.
- Silver Mountain Software Producers
of Bible Windows and TLG Workplace. They also have Greek, Hebrew and Coptic
shareware fonts which you can download for MS-Windows. Currently celebrating
ten years of business with a sale. A demo version of Bible Windows is also
- Logos Research Systems for Logos Bible
software, The Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed, and the Holocaust
- The Gramcord Institute Publishers
of Gramcord for Windows, Accordance 2.1 for the Macintosh as well as background
information to this non-profit biblical software publisher and links to other
biblical studies web sites. Accordance 2.1 is developed by OakTree Software
Specialists who have their own set
of pages about Accordance.
- Gamma Productions, Inc Publishers
of Multilingual Scholar, Gamma Unitype, and other language/font software.
Press on-line Apart from product and publishing information this site
has extensive information about the AAR, SBL etc., and links to other resources
including the The
Offline column of Religious Studies News
- Parsons Technology
who publish, amongst other things, QuickVerse for Windows. They are also involved
in producing another electronic publishing 'standard' , STEP
(from the Bible Software Industry Standards Group).
- Musaios Software to search
and display the TLG and PHI CD-ROMs (developed by Darl Dumont and Randall
M. Smith). Musaios is available as 16-bit and 32-bit versions. It is shareware
(registration fee $65.00) and can be obtained from this site or (presently)
also from Oxford's Centre for Humanities Computing software
- Wordbase
Greek to assist learning New Testament Greek has been developed by Dag
Kihlman. The program runs best under Windows 95 (or Win 3.1 with the Win32s
files installed) and tests the user on a selection of the most common NT Greek
words. Shareware and costs $5-$10 to register if you're happy with it.
- RosettaStone
- Java-bases application for learning Hebrew vocabularly. This is a Java application
which requires you to already have a Java Virtual Machine running (it won't
work with Netscape). The tutorial has around 3,000 Hebrew words and the application
can be fully customised to extend the vocabularly or indeed change the language.
An online Hebrew tutorial is also available.
- Theophilos freeware Bible
software Available for Win95 Theophilos is freeware Bible search and browse
software designed by Ivan Jurik, Slovakia. The central text is the King James
Authorised Version of the Bible which is accompanied by Matthew Henry's Commentary
and the Easton Bible Dictionary as well as a selection of other devotional
material. Other modules are also available for download or can be created
using the Scribe authoring tool (price $50.00).
- WinBible/WinBible Pro With versions
for Win95 and Win 3.1 this is a freeware bible package comes with KJV, RSV,
and Darby versions of the Bible. Author is Ian Vink. If you just want a copy
of the KJV (1611) then a free electronic edition for Ms-Windows 3.1/95 is
available from
Comes complete with pre-selected topics (developed by Craig Richmond).
- Bible and Publications Online
Bible software, electronic bibles, and teaching aids to buy.
- KAB Konsult AB
Publisher of Barth's Die Kirchliche Dogmatik on CD-ROM and The Swedish
Bibel Infobase. The Radical Reformation Library on CD-ROM is in preparation.
- Columbia University
Press publish On Common Ground: World Religions in America on CD-ROM
by Diana L. Eck, a multimedia presentation which describes the diverse religious
culture of the United States, including a detailed examination of each tradition.
Print Publishers Sites
- The Johns
Hopkins University Press has developed
Project Muse
for the delivery of journals online. Subscribing institutions can access
the articles and reviews of up to 50 journals including American
Journal of Philology, Eighteenth Century Studies, Journal
of Early Christian Studies, Philosophy and Literature,
and The Review of Higher Education.
- The Tablet The long-running
British Catholic weekly newspaper has an Internet edition which includes the
week's lead article and feature article. They also have a link to Priests
& People and a list of religious and cultural (mainly UK) WWW
- The Christian Science
Monitor Daily newspaper provided together with Monitor Radio
newscasts and headlines from Associated Press.
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Institutions and Departments
Universities, Colleges, Museums
Libraries (including digital manuscript projects)
for the Study of Religion Worldwide (Religious Studies Department, UCSB).
Religious studies and theology department Web pages arranged by alphabet or
location. Probably the most extensive listing available on the Internet and
useful if you do not wish to guess a department's web address or contact details.
UCSB's own Department of Religious
Studies is worth having a look at too.
- Learning and Teaching Support
Network Philosophical and Religious Studies Subject Centre (University
of Leeds). Provides support for UK academics teaching religion, theology,
philosophy, and history and philosophy of science.
- Department of Theology
at the University of Durham This is where I spent most of my time between
1988-1995. Apart from course information etc there are also details of theology
& computing resources, and internal projects.
- Faculty of Theology, University
of Oxford. Information about courses, list of Faculty members, and links
to theology resources.
- Department of
Theology and Religious Studies, University of Kent at Canterbury Includes
a fairly extensive list of theology and religion links.
- St Mary's College,
the Divinity Faculty of the University of St Andrews Includes history
of the College, research interests, and James R Davila's online courses.
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultäten im WWW compiled by Andreas Schwenzer
(Universität Würzburg)
- University of Notre
Dame Department of Theology has a number of online courses (including
Foundations of Theology and The Mystery of God).
- Woodstock Theological Center
An independent institute of Georgetown University which addresses topics of
social, political and economic concern. The site includes information about
the Center, publications, current programs and seminars, and further theological
[General] | [biblical]
| [History] | [Contemporary]
| [Pastoral] | [Denominations]
| [Publishers] | [Institutions]
Document Author: Dr Michael Fraser
This document re-organised: 27 January 1997
Document last modified: 20 November, 2004 (minimal); 20 November 2004 (deprecated)
The URL of this document is