Nicholas Halmi |
Professor of English and Comparative Literature, English Faculty, and Associated Academic Staff, History of Art Department, University of Oxford Margaret Candfield Fellow and Fellow Librarian, University College, Oxford |
Contact information: University
College nicholas.halmi at |
Curriculum vitae | |
Romanticism bibliography (no longer updated after January 2009) | |
"Historical Anxiety" (public seminar series on Zoom, 20 January10 February 2025) | |
Podcast interview about my research, April 2024 (on Youtube) | |
Universal Histories Reseach Seminar, Hilary Term 2020 (programme) | |
Hans Blumenberg Seminar Online, Michaelmas Term 2020 (programme) | |
Romanticism and Eighteenth-century Studies at Oxford | Romantic Research Seminar | |
Romanticism links: BARS | NASSR | ICR | RaVoN | Romantic Circles | NINES | Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry |
Photo © Nicholas Halmi 2007