MMM376 Process Modelling and Design

Slip Line Field (SLF) modelling of plastic plane strain

A version of the Slip Line Field calculation programme (courtesy of Dr. Simon Howard, DERA SMC, Farnborough, and Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge), which has been compiled for Solaris systems (such as aidan), can be downloaded here.

NB: This is an executable file. Please run this programme in a separate directory: multiple data files are generated! The file *.net created during run time contains information on the SLF geometry.

Example of the calculation is shown below. This was done by gnuplot, with the command plot '' using 5:6.

Only one family of slip lines was visualised in the picture below. The second family can be obtained by reflection in the horizontal axis. Note that in this example the slip lines were also extended downwards along the vertical boundary (interface).

Question: If the system is in remote tension in the vertical direction, which family is shown: alpha or beta?