David Womersley


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The Transformation of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988).
Gibbon and the ‘Watchmen of the Holy City ': The Historian and his Reputation, 1776-1814 ( Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002).
Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , 3 vols (Penguin, 1994); paperback edition, 3 vols, 1995.

Edward Gibbon, Reflections on the Fall of Rome (Penguin, 1995).

Religious Scepticism: Contemporary Responses to Gibbon (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1997).

Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , 6 vols, facsimile edition (London: Routledge / Thoemmes Press, 1997).

Augustan Critical Writing (Penguin, 1997).

Edmund Burke, Pre-Revolutionary Writings (Penguin, 1998).

Restoration Drama: An Anthology ( Oxford : Blackwells, 2000).

Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , abridged edition (Penguin, 2000).

Samuel Johnson, Selected Essays (Penguin, 2003).
Edited Collections of Essays by Various Hands
Gibbon: Bicentenary Essays (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1997).

A Companion to English Literature from Milton to Blake ( Oxford : Blackwells, 2000).

‘Cultures of Whiggism' ( Newark : University of Delaware Press, 2005).

Liberty and American Experience in the Eighteenth Century ( Indianapolis : Liberty Fund, 2005).

Literature and History: Essays in Honour of Howard Erskine-Hill ( Newark : University of Delaware Press , forthcoming)



Henry VI pt. 3 : Shakespeare, Tacitus and Parricide', Notes and Queries , 32 (1985), pp.468-73.

‘The Historical Writings of William Robertson', Journal of the History of Ideas , 47 (1986), pp.497-506.

‘Hume and Mary Shelley', Notes and Queries , 33 (1986), pp.164-65.

‘Lord Bolingbroke and Eighteenth-Century Historiography', The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation , 28 (1987), pp.217-34.

‘A Complex Allusion in Gibbon's Letters', British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies , 10 (1987), pp.55-57.

Julius Caesar and Caesar's Commentaries ', Notes and Queries , 34 (1987), pp.215-16.

King John and Marvell's Horatian Ode ', Notes and Queries , 34 (1987), p.327.

‘Gibbon's Apostasy', British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies , 11 (1988), pp.51-70.

‘The Politics of Shakespeare's King John ', Review of English Studies , 40 (1989), pp.497-515. Reprinted in Shakespearean Criticism 1989 (Detroit, 1991), pp.163-71.

‘A Complex Allusion in Gibbon's Memoirs ', Notes and Queries , 36 (1989), pp.68-70.

‘From Polybianism to Perfectibilism: Gibbon and the Chevalier de Chastellux', British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies , 13 (1990), pp.47-58.

‘Sir Henry Savile's Translation of Tacitus and the Political Interpretation of Elizabethan Texts', Review of English Studies, 42 (1991), pp.313-42.

‘An Early Response to Tamburlaine ?', Notes and Queries, 38 (1991), pp.471-72.

‘Sir John Hayward's Tacitism', Renaissance Studies, 6 (1992), pp.46-59.

‘Gibbon's Unfinished History', The Historical Journal, 35 (1992), pp.63-89.

‘Johnson and the Past Tense', Transactions of the Johnson Society 1991 ( Lichfield , 1992), pp.19-28.

‘Sir Thomas More's History of Richard III : A New Theory of the English Texts', Renaissance Studies , 7 (1993), pp.272-90.

‘France in Shakespeare's Henry V ', Renaissance Studies , 9 (1995), pp.442-59.

‘Why is Falstaff Fat?', Review of English Studies , 47 (1996), pp1-22.

‘Gibbon and the “Watchmen of the Holy City ”: Revision and Religion in The Decline and Fall ', in Gibbon and Empire , ed. R. McKitterick and R. Quinault, ( Cambridge , 1997), pp.190-216. Also published in Italian as ‘Gibbon e i “guardiani della città santa”: religione e revisione dell'opera nel Decline and Fall ', in Ragione e Immaginazione , ed. G. Imbruglia (Naples: Liguori, 1996), pp.251-83.

‘Gibbon and Classical Example: The Age of Justinian in The Decline and Fall ', British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies , 19 (1996), pp.17-31.

‘Literature and the History of Political Thought', The Historical Journal , 39 (1996), pp.511-20.

‘Gibbon and Plagiarism', Times Literary Supplement , no.4872, 16 August 1996 , pp.14-15.

‘Autobiography in Time of Revolution: A New Theory of the Drafts of Gibbon's Memoirs of My Life ', in Gibbon: Bicentenary Essays , edited by D.J. Womersley (Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1997), pp.347-405.

‘Gibbon's Religious Characters', in Essays in British Intellectual History 1750-1950. Volume 2: History, Religion and Culture ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.69-88.

‘An Annotated Copy of Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works (1796)', Notes and Queries , 47 (2000), pp.216-18.

‘A Modest Reply: Brean Hammond and the Whig Canon', Women's Writing , 7 (2000), pp.487-89.

‘Friendship and the Affections in the Political Thought of Edmund Burke', in Love and Friendship: Rethinking Politics and Affection in Modern Times , ed. Eduardo A. Velazquez (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003), pp. 263-96.

‘Henry Davis', New DNB (2004).

‘Edward Gibbon', New DNB (2004).

The Spanish Fryar and the Politics of the Exclusion Crisis', in John Dryden (1631-1700): His Politics, His Plays, and His Poets , ed. Claude Rawson and Aaron Santesso ( Newark : University of Delaware Press , 2004), pp.65-85.

‘Confessional Politics in Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year ', in ‘Cultures of Whiggism' , ed. D.J. Womersley ( Newark : University of Delaware Press , 2005).

‘Dulness and Pope', PBA , forthcoming.

‘Shakespeare and Anthony Munday', in Literature and History: Essays in Honour of Howard Erskine- Hill, ed. David Womersley ( Newark : University of Delaware Press , forthcoming).

‘Against the Teleology of Technique', forthcoming in a special issue of HLQ edited by Paulina Kewes.