Course II

This is an information page about the specialist medieval undergraduate course, Course II, in early English Language and Literature.

There are five compulsory papers in Course II, studied in the second year and examined at the end of the third year.

These are:
1 English Literature - 600-1100
2.English Literature - 1110-1530
3. Chaucer, Langland and Gower (2 papers)
4. Old and Middle English Texts: Ælfric, Exodus, Ancrene Wisse, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
5. The Development of Standard Literary English to c. 1750.

In your third year you may choose from a range of options
I teach:
Old Norse:    B 15
                    B 16
                    B 17

Medieval Women
Medieval and Renaissance Romance
Old English Philology
Middle English Dialectology
Modern English Philology
Linguistic Theory
Old English Special Authors
Medieval and Renaissance Special Authors
English Literature 1509-1642.
Special Topics (see Exam Regulations)
Old French (three papers)
Old Saxon
Medieval Latin
Old High German
Middle High German
Medieval Welsh
Old and Early Middle Irish
Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England
some course I options

Most of the language options are examined by 3 hour exam
Most of the other options are examined by 6000 word extended essay