Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria Database is now back in service, after a  hacking attack.

The Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria

Events and Publications

"Putting the Cantigas in context: tracing the sources of Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa Maria". Paper and handout presented at Kalamazoo 2005

Colecção, composição,compilação

A reorganização da primeira colectânea

Cobras e Son I (Oxford 1994),  papers published by the European Humanities Research Centreas Cobras e Son. Papers on the Texts, Music, and Manuscripts of the 'Cantigas de Santa Maria', ed. Stephen Parkinson, Oxford, Legenda, 2000.

Cobras e Son 1997 (Leeds International Medieval Congress 1997,  sections 523, 623, 723)

CSM Sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 1998 (section 718)

CSM Sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 1999

CSM Sessions at the Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society 1998, now published in La corónica vol 27.2 (followed by Forum Letters in vol 28)
Ondas do Mar de Vigo.  A celebration of the Dia das Letras Galegas, Birmingham University, 15-16 May 1998  

Some useful links:

Greg Lindahl's pages including images of the music from MSS To and E
A French site with full texts, indexed by incipit, and midi versions of melodies
Another French site
Washington U.

Recordings :

FAQ CD Directory
Dufay Collective 'Miracles', reviewed
Eduardo Paniagua Cantigas das Festas de Santa Maria
Ensemble Unicornwith sample tracks
Alfonso el Sabio (1221 - 1284)
Alfonso el Sabio in Basic Medieval Repertoire List
P-F. Roberge's Discography


page last revised 22 May 2011