Kalypso Aude Nicolaïdis

  • Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union, co-edited with Stephen Weatherill, European Studies at Oxford Series, Oxford University Press, fall 2003.

  • The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU,co-edited with Robert Howse, Oxford University Press, 2001

  • The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance, co-edited with Graham Allison, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996. Contributors include: Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki, Nikiforos Diamandouros, Michael Dukakis, Misha Glenny. Dimitris Keridis, Stephen Larrabee, Joseph Nye, Alexis Papahelas, Elizabeth Prodromou, Monteagle Stearns, Konstantino Stefanopoulos, Stavros Tomadakis, Basilios Tsingos, Loukas Tsoukalis, and Susan Woodward. Greek translation published by Ekdoseis Papazisi, Athens, 1997. Turkish translation published by Dogan Kitap, Istanbul, 1997.

  • Strategic Trends in Services - An Inquiry into the Global Services Economy, co-edited with Albert Bressand, New York: Harper and Row, 1989

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  • "The European Union as a Trade Power" in Christopher Hill and Michael Smith (eds) (2005) The International Relations of the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (with Sophie Meunier).

  • "The EuroMed beyond Civilisational Paradigms", with Dimitri Nicolaïdis, in Adler and Crawford (eds) The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004).

  • "We, the Peoples of Europe...", in Foreign Affairs, November/December 2004 pp.97-110.

  • "In Defence of Europe - A Response to Kagan", Journal of European Affairs, September 2004 (with Anand Menon and Jennifer Welsh).

  • "The Power of the Superpowerless", in Tod Lindberg (ed) Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America, and the Future of a Troubled Partnership, Routledge, 2004.

  • "What is in a Name: Europe's Federal Future and the Convention on the Future of Europe" in Jurist Europe, April 2003. Reprinted in The Journal of European Law, January 2004. Published in abridged form in European Voice "Future of Europe Talks should be FUN" March 20, 2003.

  • "We, the Peoples of Europe", in Foreign Affairs, November/December 2004, pp.97-110.

  • The European Convention: Bargaining in the Shadow of Rhetoric", West European Politics, April 2004.

  • "Notre Démo-cratie européenne; Cette constitution est-elle une troisième voie pour l'Europe?", in L' Europe en Partage, Lignes/ Editions Léo Scheer, Numéro Spécial, en coédition avec la revue Transeuropéennes Paris, February 2004.

  • "Coping with the Lilliput Syndrome: Large vs. Small Member States in the European Convention, Politique Europeene no. 14, Spring 2004 (with Paul Magnette)

  • The European Convention: Bargaining in the Shadow of Rhetoric", West European Politics, April 2004

  • "Don't Blame Poland". Open Democracy, December 2003.

  • Bilingual Publication: "La Constitution a l'aune de notre Demoi-cratie Européenne," Revue Transeuropéenne, Paris: October 2003. "The New Constitution as European Demoi-cracy?," London: Federal Trust, December 2003.

  • "Our European Demoi-cracy: Is this Constitution a Third Way for Europe?" in Nicolaidis, Kalypso and Stephen Weatherill (eds), Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union, European Studies at Oxford Series, Oxford University Press, Fall 2003.

  • "Enhancing WTO Legitimacy: Constitutionalization or Global Subsidiarity?" with Robert Howse in Marco Verweij and Tim Josling (eds), Deliberately Democratizing Multilateral Organization, special issue of Governance volume 16, number 1, January 2003.

  • "Order and Justice Beyond the Nation-State: Europe's Competing Paradigms" with Justine Lacroix, in Rosemary Foot and Andrew Hurrell (eds), Order and Justice in International Relations, Oxford University Press, 2002.

  • "'This is my Utopia...': Narrative as Power," with Robert Howse, Journal Of Common Market Studies, Special Anniversary issue, Vol 40, Number 4, pp 767-92, 2002

  • "Legitimacy and Global Governance: Why a Constitution for the WTO is a step too far?" with Robert Howse, in Roger Porter, Pierre Sauve, Arvind Subramanian and Americo Zampetti, eds, Equity, Efficiency and Legitimacy: The Multilateral System at the Millenium, Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2001

  • "Europe's Tainted Mirror: Reflections on Turkey's Candidacy Status After Helsinki" in Dimitri Keridis, ed, Turkish Foreign Policy, Bassey's, 2001

  • "Regulatory Cooperation and Managed Mutual Recognition: Developing a Strategic Model," in George Bermann et al, (eds) Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation, Oxford University Press, 2001

  • "Regional Policy Externality and Market Governance: Why Recognize Foreign Standards?" w/ Michelle Egan, in Journal Of European Public Policy, August 2001 (Reprinted in : The Political Economy of Standardization, Walter Mattli, ed, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

  • "EU Trade Policy: The Exclusive versus Shared Competence Debate" with Sophie Meunier, in Maria Green Cowles and Michael Smith, eds. The State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival, Vol. 5, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2001

  • "Fostering Social Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of EU Accession Conditionality" w/ Heather Grabbe, World Bank Working Paper 39, 2000

  • "Liberalization, Regulation, and Recognition for Services Trade," with Joel P. Trachtman. in, Pierre Sauve and Robert M. Stern, eds, Services Trade in the Western Hemisphere: Liberalization, Integration and Reform, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.

  • "Non-Discriminatory Mutual Recognition: An Oxymoron in the New WTO Lexicon?" in Petros Mavroidis and Patrick Blatter, eds, Non Discrimination in the WTO: Past and Present, Journal of World Trade, University of Michigan Press, The World Trade Forum series, 2000

  • "Global Electronic Commerce and the General Agreement on Trade in Services: The 'Millennium Round' and Beyond," with William J. Drake, in, Pierre Sauve and Robert M. Stern, eds., Services 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.

  • "From Policed Regulation to Managed Recognition: Mapping the Boundary in GATS," with Joel P. Trachtman. in, Pierre Sauve and Robert M. Stern, eds., Services 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.

  • "Who Speaks for Europe? The Delegation of Trade Authority in the European Union," with Sophie Meunier, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol 37, n3, September 1999, pp477-501 ; to be reprinted in Madeleine Holsti, ed. 2000

  • "Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influence and Institutions" with Andrew Moravcsik, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 37, n1, March 1999, pp59-85; to be reprinted in Theorising European integration: Theoretical approaches on Treaty Reform, Geoffrey Edwards and Eric Philippart, eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999

  • "Minimizing Agency Costs in Two-Level Games: Lessons from the Trade Authority Controversies in the United States and the European Union" in Robert Mnookin and Larry Susskind, Negotiating on Behalf of Others, Sages Publication, 2000

  • "Power and Negotiation: When Should Lambs Negotiate with Lions?" in Negotiations Eclectics, Essays in Memory of Jeff Rubin, edited by Deborah Kolb, Sages Publication, 1999

  • "Exploring Second-Best Solutions in Cyprus,"Survival, Summer 98

  • "Federal Ideals vs Constitutional Realities in the Amsterdam Treaty" with Andrew Moravcsik, Keynote article, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 36, Annual Review, pp 13-38, October 1998

  • "Mutual Recognition Regimes: Towards a Comparative Analysis", Working Paper 8, Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, 1998

  • "Securing Subsidiarity: Mechanisms for Allocating Authority in Tiered Regimes" with Cary Coglianese, in Electronic Working Paper Series in Political Science, Kennedy School of Government, 1998

  • "Promising Approaches and Principal Obstacles to Mutual Recognition," in International Trade in Professional Services: Advancing Liberalization through Regulatory Reform, OECD Publications, 1997

  • "Exploring a New Paradigm for Trade Diplomacy: Managed Mutual recognition between the United States and the European Union," in Proceedings of the European Union Community Association, World Conference, Office of Publications of the European Community, Brussels, 1997

  • "Greeks and the 'Macedonian Question': Lessons for a Better Future," in Robert Psaltzgraff and Dimitri Keridis, eds, Security in Southeastern Europe and the US-Greek Relations, NY: Brassey's, 1997

  • "Competition Policy and Trade Policy in the European Community," with Raymond Vernon, in Edward Graham (ed), Competition Policy in a Changing World Economy, Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1997

  • Managed Mutual Recognition: The New Approach to the Liberalization of Professional Services," in Liberalization of Trade in Professional Services, (OECD Publications), 1997.

  • "Mutual Recognition of Regulatory Regimes: Some Lessons and Prospects," Regulatory Reform and International Market Openness, Paris: OECD Publications, 1996. Reprinted as part of the Jean Monnet Paper Series, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School, 1997

  • "International Preventive Action: Developing a Strategic Framework," in Robert Rotberg, ed, "Vigilance and Vengance, The Role of NGOs in Preventing Ethnic Conflict". Washington: Brookings, 1996

  • "Etats-Unis: Le Nouveau Contrat Social," Interview, Robert Reich, Politique Internationale, 3/1996

  • "International Trade in Information-Based Services: Beyond the Uruguay Round," in William Drake (ed), The New Information Economy, New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1995

  • "Products Standards for Internationally Integrated Goods Markets : Comments" in Alan O. Sykes, ed, Products Standards for Internationally Integrated Goods Markets, Washington DC: Brookings Institute, 1995

  • "Eastern European Trade in the Aftermath of 1989: Did International Institutions Matter?" in Robert Keohane, Stanley Hoffmann and Joseph Nye, eds., After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, June 1993

  • "Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions," with Stephan Haggard, Marc Levy and Andrew Moravcsik, in Robert Keohane, Stanley Hoffmann and Joseph Nye, eds., After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, June 1993

  • "The Emergence of Managed Mutual Recognition: Legal Precedent and Political Innovation in the European Community" Paper presented at European Community Studies Association, May 1993.

  • "Mutual Recognition, Regulatory Competition, and the Globalization of Professional Services," in Yair Aharoni, ed, Coalition and Competition- The Globalization of Professional Services, London: Routledge publishers, 1992

  • "Ideas, Interests and Institutionalization: 'Trade in Services' and the Uruguay Round," with William Drake, International Organization 46, no.1 (Winter 1992): 37-100. Reprinted in Peter Haas, ed, Knowledge, Power and International Policy Coordination, University of South Carolina Press, 1997

  • "Regional Integration in a Networked World Economy," with Albert Bressand, Chapter 1 in William Wallace, ed, The Dynamics of European Integration, London & New York: Pinter publishers, 1990

  • "European Infrastructures at the Heart of Sustainable Growth," with D. Braunschvig, Information Time, January 1990

  • "Revamping the GATT: Toward Regional Multilateralism," Project Promethee Perspectives, Paris, March 1990

  • "Mutual Recognition: The Next Frontier of Multilateralism?," Project Promethee Perspectives, Paris, July 1989

  • "Connecting to 1992: All you Need is a European Profile," with D. Braunschvig, Project Promethee Perspectives, Paris, March 1989

  • "Vers une Economie des Réseaux," w/ Bressand and Distler, Revue de Politique Industrielle, Jan 1989

  • "Learning While Negotiating: How Services Got on the Uruguay Round Agenda." in Nicolaïdis and Bressand, eds, Strategic Trends in Services - An Inquiry into the Global Services Economy, Harper and Row, New York, 1989

  • "Networks at the Heart of the Service Economy" in Nicolaidis and Bressand, eds, Strategic Trends in Services - An Inquiry into the Global Services Economy, New York: Harper and Row, 1989

  • "Les Services au Coeur de l'Economie Relationnelle," with Albert Bressand, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, Paris, March 1988

  • "Liberalization vs Deregulation: Old Synergies, New Dilemmas," Project Promethee Perspectives 5, Paris, 1988

  • "Contactors vs Contractors: Towards a Integrated Definition of Trade in Services" study conducted for UNCTAD, Working Paper 39, Promethee Publications, Paris, November 1987

  • "The Information Paradox," Project Promethee Perspectives, Paris, July 1987

  • "Le Mexique: Terre en Transition," with D. Nicolaidis, Cri des Hommes, September 1982

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Publications in Progress
  • Book: Europe's Philadelphia? The Advent of Constitutional Politics in the European Union, w/Paul Magnette, 2004

  • "The European Constitution and the spirit of European Demoi-cracy" Open Democracy, November 2003

  • "Federal Union vs Federal State" in Special issue: Towards a Federal Europe? Journal of European Public Policy

  • "Seizing the Middle Ground: The Study of the EU" w/Anand Menon, Journal of Common Market Studies

  • "Federalism and Demoi-cracy", in Daniel Halberstam and Miguel Maduro, eds

  • "The Federal Vision revisited" in Anand Menon, ed, Comparing Federalisms in the US and EU, 2004

  • "Bringing Politics Back in: The Global Ethics of Global Governance" w/Robert Howse, in Legitimacy, Democracy and Justice in Global Governance- Weiler.

  • "The Boundaries of Negotiation: An Interdisciplinary Enquiry," with Ted Parson, Journal of Confict Resolution (draft)

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