Disclaimer: Page under
very intermittent construction.
Alan Ryan's Webpage
I frequently collect mail from
Oxford, OX1 3BN
but my home address is now
21 Cunliffe Close,
Oxford OX2 7BJ
and my phone is: 07908-620784
My email remains:
e-mail: Alan.Ryan@new.ox.ac.uk
you would like to know about my past and present history, including an almost
up-to-date list of my publications please jump to my CV here.
To jump just to the publications,
click on the books
Oxford American Institute
From January 1999 to October 2002, I was Director of the Rothermere American Institute. Planning the program and constructing the Institute's building went on throughout 1999-2001. We had hoped that by the time the United States inaugurated President Clinton's successor, we would have opened our doors. Bad weather and building delays meant that the official opening by ex-President Clinton took place on May 25th 2001 - in fine weather and before a large crowd; the Institute is now in full operation. There is a web site with information on the building, the programme, and much else. The Director is now Nigel Bowles
My past and future allegiances
can be investigated on the Princeton
This is what the New Yorker cartoonist - Tom Bachtell - thought I looked like when I was reviewed in its pages.
daughter Sadie also has a
webpage, she's into primates and tropical biology.
Credits: This webpage was recreated using Communicator 4.05
- S.R. '98