Curriculum Vitae
Alan James Ryan
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Secondary: Christ's Hospital, Horsham, 1951-59
Higher: Balliol College, Oxford, 1959-62.
Fawkes Scholar
Distinction in Preliminary Examination, 1960
First Class in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, 1962
College prizes in philosophy and politics
Powell English Essay prize
Graduate: University College, London, 1962-3
BA (Oxon.) 1962
MA (Oxon.) 1967
D.Litt. (Oxon.) 1993
Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer, University of Keele, 1963-6
Lecturer, University of Essex, 1966-
Fellow and Tutor in Politics, New College, Oxford, 1969-9
University Lecturer in Politics, 1969-78
Reader ad hominem, 1978-9
Professor of Politics, Princeton University, 1988-96
Warden (Head) of New College, Oxford, 1996-2009
Senior Research Fellow, 2009-2010
Professor of Politics, Princeton University, 2010-14
Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University, 2014-15
Academic Distinctions:
Elected Fellow of the British Academy, 1986
Other Distinctions and Professional Service:
Official Member, Council for National Academic Awards, 1975 -83
Delegate, Oxford University Press, 1982-7
Finance Committee, 1986-7
Senior Consulting Editor, Bertrand Russell Project, 1987-
Executive Committee, Conference for the Study of Political Thought,
Associate Editor, Ethics, 1991-
Chair, Conference for the Study of Political Thought, 1992-1996
Convocation Lecturer, Lawrence University, 1993
Whidden Lecturer, McMaster University, 1993
Visiting Appointments:
Visiting Professor, Hunter College, CUNY, 1967-
Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1972
Visiting Lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand, 1973
Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, 1974-5
Visiting Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1977
Visiting Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, 1978
Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, 1979
Visiting Professor, University of Cape Town, 1982, 1983, 1984
de Carle Lecturer, University of Otago, 1983
Mellon Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, 1991-2
Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, 2002-3
Invited Lectures:
I have given invited lectures to many conferences, particularly:
the American Political Science Association
the Conference for the Study of Political Thought
the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium
and many universities, among them:
Bristol, Edinburgh, East Anglia, Glasgow, St. Andrews, Stirling,
Chicago, Cornell, Harvard, Boston, Maryland, Haverford College,
Lehigh, Texas, Washington University, St. Louis, Sydney, Melbourne,
La Trobe, Australian National University, Adelaide, Western Australia,
the Witwatersrand, Auckland, Calcutta, Lucknow, Jadharwal Nehru
New Delhi, the Institute for Advanced Studies, Caracas, and the Chinese
University of Hong Kong.
Other Professional and Literary Activities:
Broadcasts on topics in political philosophy and current affairs for
the British Broadcasting Corporation for both its Open University
and its ordinary services, including contributions on:
American Political Science (1968),
John Stuart Mill's Centenary (1973),
Russell's Politics (1978),
on recent trends in Marxism (1986),
a series for the Chinese service of the World Service on political
philosophy since 1600.
Two particularly successful broadcasts were my contribution to The
Return of Grand Theory, which began as a broadcast talk in
and my contribution to Political Thought From Plato to NATO.
Reviews in academic journals and in magazines and newspapers of a wider
appeal, among these, and not mentioned below are:
Mind, The Philosophical Quarterly, Political Studies, Political
Theory, The Historical Journal, The English Historical Review, The
Historical Review, The American Political Science Review, The Journal
Politics, Albion, New Society, The New Statesman, The Times Higher
The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Guardian, TheObserver,The
Post, New York Times, and Newsday. I have written
of a dozen "op-ed" contributions for the London Times. Since 1996, I
have been a frequent contributor to The
Independent and the Times
Higher Education Supplement, these contributions are not listed

I. Books
The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Pantheon Books/Macmillan,
1970. (Revised 2nd ed., 1987)
The Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Macmillan/Pantheon
1970. (15th impression, 1990)
J.S. Mill, Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1975
Property and Political Theory, Blackwell, 1984
Property, Open University Press/University of Minnesota Press,
Russell: A Political Life, Allen Lane/Hill & Wang, 1988,
OUP, 1993
John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism, Norton,
Liberal Anxieties and Liberal Education, Hill & Wang,
1998, revised UK edition, Profile Books, 1999
On Politics, Norton/Allen Lane, 2012
The Making of Modern Liberalism, Princeton University Press, 2012
II. Books Edited
(ed and intro.), Social Explanation, Oxford, 1973
(intro.), An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
(pp. vii-lxvii of Vol. IX of The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill,
University of Toronto Press, 1978)
(ed. and intro.), The Idea of Freedom, Oxford University Press,
(ed. and intro.), Utilitarianism and Other Essays by Mill and
Penguin Classics, 1987
(joint editor), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought,
Blackwell, 1987
(joint editor), Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes, Oxford
Press, 1989
(ed and intro.), Justice,
Oxford University Press, 1993
(intro.), J-J Rousseau, Social Contract and Discourses,
Library, 1994
(intro.), Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Everyman
Library, 1994
(intro.), Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx, 4th edn, Harper, 1995
(ed and intro.), Mill: A Critical Edition, Norton, 1997
(ed and intro.), Liberty and The Subjection of Women
by J.S. Mill, Penguin, 2006
III. Occasional Publications
Liberty and Equality Revisited, The J.C. Rees Memorial
University College, Swansea, 1983
"Introduction" to The End of History, essays from History
Today, Collins, Brown, London, 1992
Bertrand Russell: Whig or Radical ?, University of Texas,
Research Centre, 1994
Liberal Education Hits the Buffers, McMaster University, 1994
IV. Essays in Books Edited by Other Hands
1) "Locke and the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" in Locke
ed. Armstrong and Martin, Doubleday, 1968
2) "J.S. Mill" and "G.H. Mead" in Founding Fathers of the
ed. Barker, Penguin/Scolar Press, 1969, 1978
3) "Normal Science or Ideology ?' in Philosophy, Politics and
series IV, eds. Laslett, Runciman and Skinner, Blackwell, 1972
4) "Utilitarianism and Bureaucracy" in Studies in the Growth of
Nineteenth Century Government, ed. Sutherland, Routledge
Kegan Paul, 1973
5) "Two Concepts of Politics and Democracy" in Machiavelli and the
Nature of Political Thought, ed. Fleisher, Atherton, 1973
6) "The Nature of Human Nature in Hobbes and Rousseau" in The Limits
of Human Nature, ed. Benthall, Allen Lane, 1974
7) "Values in Social Science" in The Social Sciences Today,
ed. Barker, Arnold, 1976
8) "Comment on Mr. Benn" in Political Participation, ed. Benn,
Australian National University, 1978
9) "Maximising, Moralising and Dramatising" in Action and
eds. Hookway and Pettit, Cambridge University Press, 1978
10) "Is the Study of Society a Science ?" in Society and the Social
Sciences, ed. Potter, Heinemann, 1982
11) "The Romantic Theory of Ownership" in Property and Social
ed. Hollowell, Heinemann, 1982
12) "Hobbes, Toleration and the Inner Life" in The Nature of
Theory, eds. Miller and Siedentop, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983
13) "Property, Liberty and On Liberty," in Of Liberty, ed.
Griffiths, Cambridge University Press, 1983
14) "Mill and Rousseau: Utility and Rights" in Democratic Theory
and Practice, ed. Duncan, Cambridge University Press, 1983
15) and 16) "Private Selves and Public Parts" and "Public and Private
Property" in The Public and the Private, eds. Benn and Gaus,
Helm, 1983
17) "Popper and Liberalism" in Popper and the Human Sciences,
eds. Currie and Musgrave, Mouton, 1984
18) "Work, Ownership and Self-Realization" in The State and Civil
Society, ed. Pelczynski, Cambridge University Press, 1984
19) "Utility and Ownership" in Utility and Rights, ed. Frey,
Blackwell/University of Minnesota Press, 1985
20) "John Rawls and Justice" in The Return of Grand Theory,
ed. Skinner, Cambridge University Press, 1984
21) "Freedom and Socialism" in Fabian Essays on Socialism, ed.
Pimlott, Heinemann, 1984
22) "Mill's Essay on Liberty" in Philosophers Ancient and Modern,
ed. Vesey, Cambridge University Press, 1987
23) "Utilitarianism from Philosophical Radicalism to Social Democracy"
in Essays in Radicalism, ed. Kilmarnock, Deutsch, 1987
24) "A More Tolerant Hobbes" in Essays on Toleration, ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1988
25) "Marx on Justice, Exploitation and the End of Morality" in Moral
Philosophy and Contemporary Problems, ed Evans, Cambridge
Press, 1988
26) "Property" in Political Innovation and Conceptual Change,
eds. Ball and Chanson, Cambridge University Press, 1989
27) "Russell en guerre avec la guerre" in, Les Philosophes et la
Guerre de 1914, ed. Soulez, Presses Universitaires de
28) "Hobbes and Individualism" in Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes,
ed Rogers and Ryan, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989
29) Contributions on "Freedom", "John Stuart Mill", "Property" to The
New Palgrave Dictionary of Political Economy, eds. Eatwell
al, Macmillan, 1987
30) Contributions on "Citizenship", "Liberty", "J.S. Mill", "National
Socialism", "Karl Popper", "Bertrand Russell" to The Blackwell
Political Thought, eds. Miller, Coleman, Connolly and Ryan,
31) "Mill and Weber on History, Freedom and Reason" in Max Weber
and His Contemporaries, ed Mommsen and Osterhammel, Allen
Unwin, 1988
32) "Locke on Freedom: Second Thoughts" in Traditions of Liberalism,
ed Haakonssen, Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney, 1989
33) "Value Judgments and Welfare" in The Economic Borders of the
State, ed Helm, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989
34) "Is Property Interesting ?", in Archives of the International
Society for Legal Philosophy, Edinburgh, 1989
35) "La politique de Russell", in De la logique à la
36) "Individuo, obbligazione, è resistenza", Teoria Politica,
37) "Paternalism and Welfare: Cash and benefits in Kind", in The
Future of the Welfare State, eds. Wilson and Wilson,
38) "Justice, Exploitation and the Rational Man", in Thoughtful
Economic Man, ed Meeks, Cambridge University Press, 1991
39) "State and Individual, Red and White", in Violence, Terrorism,
and Justice, eds. Frey and Morris, Cambridge University
40) "The British, the Americans, and Rights" in The Bill of Rights,
ed Lacey, Cambridge University Press, 1991
41) "Sense and Sensibility in Mill's Political Thought " in A
Mind: Essays Presented to J.M. Robson, ed Laine, Toronto
Press, 1991
42) "Bertrand Russell" in The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth
Century Political Thinkers, ed. Green, 1992
43) "Liberalism" in The Blackwell Companion to Political Philosophy,
eds. Goodin and Pettit, Blackwell, Oxford, 1993
44) "The Liberal Community" in Democratic Community, Nomos
New York, 1994
45) "Hobbes's Political Philosophy" in Cambridge Companion to Hobbes,
ed. Sorrel, Cambridge University Press, 1996
46) "Political Progress" in Progress, eds. Marx and Mazlish,
Minnesota University Press, 1996
47) "Capitalism, Corruption, and Democracy" in Virtue, Corruption
and Self-Interest, ed Matthews, Lehigh University Press, 1994
48) "Mill in a Liberal Landscape," in Cambridge Companion to Mill,
ed. Skorupski, Cambridge University Press, 1997
49) "Political Philosophy," in Philosophy: A Guide Through the
ed. Grayling, Oxford University Press, 1998
50) "Pragmatism and Property," in Property Problems, ed.
Sweet & Maxwell, 1998
51) "Deweyan Pragmatism and American Education," in Philosophers
on Education, ed. Rorty, 1998
52) "The City and Justice," in Cities in Our Future, ed Geddes,
53) "The City as a Site of Free Association," in Freedom of
ed Gutmann, 1999
54) "What Did Dewey Want?," in Philosophy and Social Problems,
ed Haldane, 2000
55) "The Critique of Individualism," in The British Study of
in the Twentieth Century, ed Hayward et al, 1999
56) "A Political Assessment of Progress," in Progress: Fact or
ed Marx and Mazlish, 1998
57) "Does Inequality Matter: For Its Own Sake," in Social Philosophy and Policy, 2002
58) "Staunchly Modern, Non-Bourgeois Liberalism," in The New Liberalism, edd, Friedman & Simchoni,
59) "Liberal Imperialism," in The
Future of Liberal Democracy, edd Robert Fatton and R.K. Ramazani, 2004
60) "Popper and Democracy," in Karl Popper: Critical Appraisals, edd
Philip Catton and Graham Macdonald, 2004
61) "Rational Explanation," in Problems and Methods in Political Science,
ed Ian Shapiro, 2004
62) "Older than What; Newer than What?" in Liberalism Old and New, Social Philosophy and Policy,2006
63) "Some Unsettled Questions in Mill's Political Theory" in John Stuart Mill's Political Thought, edd. Urbinati and Zakarias
64) "Participation Revisited," in The Illusion of Consent, edd O'Neill, Shanley and Young, 2008
V. Essays in Learned Journals:
1) "Universalisability", Analysis, 1964
2) "Mr. McCloskey on Mill's Liberalism", Philosophical Quarterly,
3) "Freedom", Philosophy, 1965
4) "Mill and the Naturalistic Fallacy", Mind, 1966
5) "Austin, Comment faire les choses avec les mots," Archives de
Philosophie , 1966
6) "Professor Tucker's Marx", Political Studies, 1967
7) "The Open Society and Utility", Government and Opposition,
8) "Deductive Explanation in the Social Sciences", Aristotelian
Society, Supplementary Proceedings, 1973
9) "Party Ideologies Since 1945", Contemporary Record, January
10)"The Last Radical ? Bertrand Russell's Politics," Philosophy
of the Social Sciences, 1996
11)"Professional Liars," Social Research, 1996
12)"Pragmatism, Social Identity, Patriotism and Self-Criticism," Social
Research, 1996
13)"In a Conversational Idiom," Social Research, 1998
14) "Intellectual Courage," Social
Research, 2002
15) "Fairness", Social Research,2006
VI. Articles in Less Learned Journals:
1) "Mill and the Art of Living", Listener, 1964
2) "The Failure of American Political Science", Listener, 1968
3) "Elections Aren't Enough", Listener, 1970
4) "Mill and Liberty", Listener, 1973. (To accompany two radio
programmes on the centenary of Mill's death.)
5) "Crime, Sin and Vice", Listener, 1976
6) "Russell and Liberalism", Listener, 1978
7) "Marx and the Philosophers", Listener, 1986
8) "A Glamorous Salon: Isaiah Berlin and the History of Ideas", Encounter,
9) "The Right to be Left Alone", Times Literary Supplement,
10) "An Ideology for the Welfare State", Times Higher Education
Supplement, 1982
11) "Communitarianism: The Good, The Bad, and The Muddly", Dissent,
12) "Socialism for the Nineties", Dissent, 1990
13) "Equality Reconsidered", Dissent, 1992
14) "Twentieth Century Limited," New York Review of Books, 1992
15) "Karl Popper's Legacy," Times Literary Supplement, 1994
VI. Longer Reviews
1) "Reconstructing John Locke", New York Review of Books, 1969
2) "Make Your Own Rousseau", New York Review of Books, 1972
3) "The Family Mill", New York Review of Books, 1975
4) "The Spectre that Haunts the World", Times Literary Supplement,
5) "Bagehot's Britain", Times Literary Supplement, 1974
6) "Trotsky and the Theory of Revolution", Times Literary Supplement,
7) "Rex Martin, Historical Explanation", History and Theory,
8) "John Dunn, Political Obligation", History and Theory, 1982
9) "The Tory Interpretation of History", London Review of Books,
10) "Enemies Within", London Review of Books, 1986
11) "The Thing", London Review of Books, 1986
12) "Marxism Today ?", London Review of Books, 1987
13) "Institutions", London Review of Books, 1987
14) "English Individualism Revisited", London Review of Books,
15) "Letting Them Live", London Review of Books, 1988
16) "Socrates on Trial", London Review of Books, 1988
17) "Nuclear Fears", Times Literary Supplement, 1988
18) "Tocqueville in Saginaw", London Review of Books, 1989
19) "Distrusting Economics", New York Review of Books, 1989
20) "A Family Romance", New York Review of Books, 1989
21) "Effervescence", London Review of Books, 1989
22) "Theories of Freedom", Times Literary Supplement, 1989
23) "Refusing the Comforts of Superstition", Times Literary
24) "Voice of Experience", New York Review of Books, 1990
25) "Is there a Society of Nations ?", Times Literary Supplement,
26) "When it's Rational to be Irrational", New York Review of Books,
27) "Do-Gooders", New York Review of Books, 1991
28) "Deweyan Socialism ?, " Dissent, 1992
29) "Fukuyama's Fantasy," New York Review of Books, 1992
30) Theodore Marmor et al, America's Misunderstood Welfare
State,Milbank Quarterly,
31) "Bertie and Alys and Ottoline," London Review of Books,
32) "Equality and Partiality," Times Literary Supplement, 1992
33) "New World Disorder ?", Times Literary Supplement, 1992
34) "The New Inequality", New York Review of Books, 1992
35) "Burke's Revolutions", New York Review of Books, 1992
36) "The Campus Culture Wars", New York Review of Books, 1993
37) "The Passion of Michel Foucault", New York Review of Books,1993
38) "Preparing for the Twenty-First Century", New York Review of
Books 1993
39) "Systems of Survival", New York Review of Books, 1993
40) "Whingeing Yanks: Robert Hughes' Culture of Complaint", Times
Literary Supplement, 1993
41) "The Moral Sense", New York Review of Books, 1993
42) The Downing Street Years", New York Review of Books, 1993
43) "Apocalypse Now," New York Review of Books, 1994
44) "All Together Now," London Review of Books, 1994
45) "Unpromising Pragmatism", New York Review of Books, 1995
46) "The Women in the Cowshed," New York Review of Books, 1995
47) "The Middling Sort," London Review of Books, 1995
48) "MacIntyre and Morality," Times Literary Supplement, 1995
49) "Arendt and Heidegger," New York Review of Books, 1995
50) "Raymond Monk's Russell," Times Literary Supplement, 1996
51) "Whatever Happened to the Left?," New York Review of Books,
52) "Isaiah Berlin and the History of Ideas," Times Literary
53) "Christie's Big Chance," New York Review of Books,
54) "A More Normal Rousseau ?" London Review of Books,
55) "A Modern Rousseau," New York Review of Books, 1997
56) "Women and the Common Life", New
York Review of Books, 1997
57) "Liberalism and Its Discontents," New York Review of Books,
58) "Wise Man," New York Review of Books, 1998
59) "Property and Freedom," New York Review of Books, 1998
60) "The Big Test," New York Review of Books, 1999
61) "The Peculiarity of the English," Times Literary Supplement, 2000
62) "Bowling Alone," New York Review of Books, 2000
63) "Left Back," New York
Review of Books, 2001
64) "Live and Let Live," New
York Review of Books, 2001
65) "The Metaphysical Club," New
York Review of Books, 2001
66) "A New Vision of Libery,", New
York Review of Books, 2001
67) "Keynes's Last Stand," New
York Review of Books, 2002
68) "Wolin's Tocqueville," New
York Review of Books, 2002
69) "The Power of Positive Thinking," New York Review of Books, 2003
70) "Call Me Mister," New York
Review of Books, 2003
71) "Rational Man," New
York Review of Books, 2003
72) "Deliberation Day," New
York Review of Books, 2004
73) "Faith-Based History," New York Review of Books, 2004
73) "Freedom Fighter: Capaldi on Mill", New York Review of Books, 2005
74) "Anthony Appiah on the Ethics of Identity," New York Review of Books, 2005
75) "What Happened to Tony Blair," New York Review of Books, 2005
76) "Tony Judt's Europe," New York Review of Books, 2005
77) "Founding Mother: Jane Addams," New York Review of Books,, 2006
78) "Bourgeois Virtues," New York Review of Books, 2006
79) "Cosmpolitanism," New York Review of Books, 2006
80) "My Guide to Philosophy: Bernard Williams," Times Literary Supplement, 2007
81) "Hugh Brogan's Tocqueville," New York Review of Books, 2007
82) "Empire," New York Review of Books, 2008