The image

E: I guess in time all social institutions become mythological beasts, even before they become extinct. Marilyn's unicorn could be any profession.

C: Here Art gets into one of the oldest rituals surrounding our hallowed Ediface Complex: folks must hush when they enter. Very grave experience.

E: He's revealing about the library media, too. Starring WLB, of course.

C: That's show biz.

E: Definitely. But to get back to the heart of the matter: a sensitive library could check out ear plugs.

C: Wow, it would be fine to have individualized media environments to choose from. I wish SFPL had an α-wave machine for learning to shift consciousness better.

E: At least they could check out pillows along with head sets for people into sleep learning.

C: Then I wonder how a librarian like Miss Philpott would monitor thought crime for the FBI?

E: She'd just have to be more media hip. Librarians without a strong commitment to professional ethics will always cop somehow to gestapo pressure.

C: And ALA is no flying wedge of support if you do stand up and fight. Reinforcement, allies, solidarity are crucial. Lone, isolated, you get picked off.

E: That's one reason I like Kathi Glab's "Sensuous Librarian." Break out of the shell (cell?), keep in touch. Dance with the life force, open on the edge of experience.

C: People who let their senses out to play are really open, trusting; yet somehow they're not easy "victims." Too life affirming. It's easier to exploit the deferred-gratification types, who don't know they could work in a garden. Now.