# Verb-initial grammars: A multilingual/parallel perspective # ESRC Project RES-000-23-0505 # Oxford University # Charles Randriamasimanana # Malagasy phonetics/phonology & morphology: # Prefixation in Malagasy: ESRC-OX-05-CR108. # In Malagasy, prefixation essentially involves either Strengthening of Initial # Consonant of Root or its Weakening, i.e. Deletion unless mutation v > b intervenes; # before Initial Consonant Deletion, Homorganic Nasal Assimilation applies first. # Homorganic Nasal Assimilation or HNA (mainly involving labials, but also glottal h) # HNA may apply depending on the environment: # prefix an + vowel manafina m+an+afina 'pres-pref.an-afina''to hide'; # Prefix an + d = an + d # root dotra 'burn', mandotra m+an+dotra 'pres-pref.an-dotra''to burn up'; # root doboka 'loud noise'; mandoboka m+an+doboka 'pres-pref.an-doboka' # 'to make a loud noise'; # root didy 'cut', mandidy m+an+didy 'pres-pref.an-didy''to cut'; # root dinika 'consultation', mandinika m+an+dinika 'pres-pref.an-dinika' #'to examine'; # root dio 'cleanliness', mandio m+an+dio 'pres-pref.an-dio''to clean up'; # Prefix an + f > am + O # HNA applies. # root fantatra '(be)-known, mamantatra m+a(n>m)+(f)antatra 'pres-pref.an-fantatra' > # m+am+antatra 'to find out about'; # root foy 'given-up'; active voice = mamoy m+a(n>m)+(f)oy 'pres-prf.an-foy' > # m+am+oy 'to abandon'; # root feno 'full'(vs empty); active voice mameno m+a(n>m)+(f)eno 'pres-prf.an-feno' > # m+am+eno 'to fill up'; # root folaka "(be)-bent'; active voice mamolaka m+a(n>m)+(f)olaka 'pres-prf.an-folaka' > # m+am+olaka 'to bend'; # root fandrika 'trap', mamandrika m+a(n>m)+(f)andrika 'pres.prf.an-fandrika' > # m+am+andrika 'to trap'; # root faritra 'limit', mamaritra m+a(n>m)+(f)aritra 'pres-pref.an-faritra' > # m+am+aritra 'to limit'; # root fantsika 'nail', mamantsika m+a(n>m)+(f)antsika 'pres-pref.an-fantsika' > # m+am+antsika 'to nail'; # Prefix an + k > an + O # HNA does not apply. # root kaikitra 'bite', manaikitra m+an+(k)aikitra 'pres-pref.an-kaikitra' > # m+an+aikitra 'to bite'; # root karama 'pay', manarama m+an+(k)arama 'pres-pref.an-karama > # m+an+arama 'to pay'; # root ketsa 'rice plants'; manetsa m+an+(k)etsa 'pres-pref.an-ketsa' > # m+an+etsa 'to transplant rice'; # Prefix an + g # HNA applies. # Note root geboka 'grab', mangeboka m+an+geboka 'pres-pref.an-geboka''to grab'; # Prefix an + h + a [= + bk - hi ] > an + g + a # HNA applies. # root halatra 'theft', mangalatra m+an+(h>g)alatra 'pres-pref.an-halatra' > # m+an+galatra 'to steal'; # root hataka 'request', mangataka m+an+(h>g)ataka 'pres-pref.an-hataka' > # m+an+gataka 'to request'; # root harona 'searching', mangarona m+an+(h>g)arona 'pres-pref.an-harona' > # m+an+garona 'to deepely search'; # root gaina 'disappointed', mangaina m+an+gaina 'pres-pref.an-gaina' # 'to be disappointed'; # Prefix an + h + e/i/o > an + O # In standard Malagasy, no HNA; initial h drops. # root hemotra 'retreat', manemotra m+an+(h)emotra 'pres-pref.an-hemotra' > # m+an+emotra 'to report to a later date'; # root henjana 'stretched', manenjana m+an+(h)enjana 'pres-pref.an-henjana' > # m+an+enjana 'to stretch'; # root hety 'scissors', manety m+an+(h)ety 'pres-pref.an-hety' > # m+an+ety 'to cut with scissors'; # root hetsika 'action', manetsika m+an+(h)etsika 'pres-pref.an-hetsika' > # m+an+etsika 'to move (sth)'; # root hidy 'lock', manidy m+an+(h)idy 'pres-pref.an-hidy' > m+an+idy 'to lock up'; # root hintsana 'shaking', manintsana m+an+(h)intsana 'pres-pref.an-hintsana' > # m+an+intsana 'to shake off'; # root hitsaka 'treading upon', manitsaka m+an+(h)itsaka 'pres-pref.an-hitsaka' > # m+an+itsaka 'to tread upon'; # root hodina 'turn around', manodina m+an+(h)odina 'pres-pref.an-hodina' > # m+an+odina 'to turn around'; # root hoatra 'that-which-surpasses', manoatra m+an+(h)oatra 'pres-pref.an-hoatra' > # m+an+oatra 'to surpass, to exceed'; # root hodidina 'contour, surrounding', manodidina m+an+(h)odidina 'pres-pref.an-hodidina' > # m+an+odidina 'to surround'; # root hofa 'rent', manofa m+an+(h)ofa 'pres-pref.an-hofa' > # m+an+ofa 'to rent'; # root hosotra 'anointment', manosotra m+an+(h)osotra 'pres-pref.an-hosotra' > # m+an+osotra 'to anoint'; # root hosy 'trampling', manosy m+an+(h)osy 'pres-pref.an-hosy' > # m+an+osy 'to trample'; # Exception root horona 'picking up', mangorona m+an+horona 'pres-pref.an-horona' > # m+an+gorona 'to pick up'; # Exception root hovitra 'shaking', mangovitra m+an+hovitra 'pres-pref.an-hovitra' > # m+an+govitra 'to tremble, to shake'; # Exception root hozohozo 'weakness', mangozohozo m+an+hozohozo 'pres-pref.an-hozohozo' > # m+an+gozohozo 'to be weak'; # Prefix an + l > an + d # l to d mutation applies. # root la 'denial, manda m+an+(l>d)a 'pres-pref.an-la' > m+an+da 'to deny'; # root lo '(be)-rotten', active voice mando m+an+(l>d)o 'pres-pref.an-lo' > # m+an+do 'to cause to rot'; # root lena 'soaked'; active voice = mandena m+an+(l>d)ena 'pres-prf-lena' > # m+an+dena 'to soak'; # root loaka '(be)-with-a-hole-in-it'; active voice mandoaka m+an+(l>d)oaka 'pres-pref.an-loaka'> # m+an+doaka # 'to-make-a-hole-in-(sth)'; # root latsaka '(be)-dropped'; active voice mandatsaka m+an+(l>d)atsaka 'pres-pref.an-latsaka' > # m+an+datsaka 'to drop'; # root loko 'paint, colour'; mandoko m+an+(l>d)oko 'pres-pref.an-loko' > # m+an+doko 'to paint'; # root lositra 'flight, desertion'; mandositra m+an+(l>d)ositra 'pres-pref.an-lositra' > # m+an+dositra 'to flee'; # root lentika 'sinking'; mandentika m+an+(l>d)entika 'pres-pref.an-lentika' > # m+an+dentika 'to sink'; # Prefix an + n > an + O # root nenina 'regrets', manenina m+an+nenina 'pres-pref.an-nenina' > # m+an+enina 'to regret'; # This seems to be the only example of a root starting with an n! # Prefix an + p > am + O # HNA applies. # root potika '(be)-smashed'; mamotika m+a(n>m)+(p)otika 'pres-pref.an-potika' > # m+am+otika 'to smash'; # root potraka '(be)-fallen-off'; active voice (very rare) mamotraka m+a(n>m)+(p)otraka # 'pres-pref.an-potraka'> m+am+otraka 'to throw down to the ground; # root petaka '(be)-flat'; active voice intrans mipetaka m+i+petaka # 'pres-prefix.i-petaka''to stick'; # root petraka 'deposit, sit'; active voice transitive mametraka m+a(n>m)+(p)etraka # 'pres-pref.an-petraka'> m+am+etraka 'to put, to deposit'; # root posaka 'revelation'; mamosaka m+a(n>m)+(p)osaka 'pres-pref.an-posaka' > # m+am+osaka 'to reveal'; # Prefix an + t > an + O # HNA does not apply; initial consonant drops. # root tao 'act', manao m+an+(t)ao 'pres-pref.an-tao' > m+an+ao 'to do' # root tery 'tight', manery m+an+(t)ery 'pres-pref.an-tery' > m+an+ery 'to force' # root tolaka 'embezzled'; active voice = manolaka m+an+(t)olaka 'pres-prf.an-tolaka' > # m+an+olaka 'to embezzle'; # root tapaka '(be)-cut-off'; active voice manapaka m+an+(t)apaka 'pres-pref.an-tapaka' > # m+an+apaka 'to cut off'; # Prefix an + ts > an + O # HNA does not apply; initial consonant drops. # root tsipy 'throw', manipy m+an+(ts)ipy 'pres-pref.an-tsipy' > # m+an+ipy 'to throw away'; # root tsentsina 'clogged up'; manentsina m+an+(ts)entsina 'pres-pref.an-tsentina' > # m+an+entsina 'to block'; # root tsaingoka '(the-one-who-has)-long-fingers', manaingoka m+an+(ts)aingoka # 'pres-pref.an-tsaingoka' > m+an+aingoka 'to nimbly take away'; # root tsangana 'height', manangana m+an+(ts)angana 'pres-pref.an-tsangana' > # m+an+angana 'to erect'; # root tsipaka 'kick', manipaka m+an+(ts)ipaka 'pres-pref.an-tsipaka' > # m+an+ipaka 'to kick, to reject'; # root tsipika 'underline', manipika m+an+(ts)ipika 'pres-pref.an-tsipika' > # m+an+ipika 'to underline'; # Prefix an + v > am + O # HNA does not apply; initial consonant drops. # root voky 'full (from eating), mamoky m+a(n>m)+(v)oky 'pres-pref.an-voky' > # m+am+oky 'to misinform'; # root vaky 'broken, mamaky m+a(n>m)+(v)aky 'pres-pref.an-vaky' > # m+am+aky 'to break, to chop'; # root velona 'alive'; active voice = mamelona m+a(n>m)+(v)elona 'pres-prf.an-velona' > # m+am+elona 'to nourish'; # root vory '(be)-assembled'; active voice mamory m+a(n>m)+(v)ory 'pres-pref.an-vory' > # m+am+ory 'to assemble, to gather'; # root vita '(be)-done'; active voice mamita m+a(n>m)+(v)ita 'pres-pref.an-vita' > # m+am+ita 'to finish"' # root valy 'answer'; mamaly m+a(n>m)+(v)aly 'pres-pref.an-valy' > # m+am+aly 'to answer'; # Note that in these cases v > b does not apply. # Note that v > b bleeds ICDeletion in # root voly 'plant', prefix an + v mamboly m+a(n>m)+(v>b)oly 'pres-pref.an-voly' > # m+am+boly 'to plant'; # root voraka 'bloated', prefix an + v mamboraka m+a(n>m)+(v>b)oraka 'pres-pref.an-voraka' > # m+am+boraka 'to divulge'; # Note that in this case v > b applies (applicable only with a very limited set of words). # Prefix an + z > an + d + z # Mutation z > dz written j # root zera 'fall', mandzera m+an+d+zera 'pres-pref.an-epenthetic.d-zera' > # manjera in writing 'to thrown down'; # root zaitra 'sewing'; manjaitra /m+an+d+zaitra/ 'pres-prf.an-epenthetic.d-zaitra''to sew'; # root zaka 'which-can-be-supported'; manjaka / m+an+d+zaka/ 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-zaka''to reign'; # root zanaka 'progeny', manjanaka /m+an+d+zanaka/ 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-zanaka''to colonise'; # root zary 'existing, suitable', manjary /m+an+d+zary/ 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-zary''to become'; # root zavona 'fog', manjavona /m+an+d+zavona/ 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-zavona''to disappear'; # Note that HNA must apply before ICDeletion, as in the following cases: # prefix an + f > am + O # root fetra 'limit', mametra m+a(n>m)+(f)etra 'pres-pref.an-fetra' > # m+am+etra 'to limit'; # root feno 'full'(vs empty); active voice mameno m+a(n>m)+(f)eno 'pres-prf.an-feno' > # m+am+eno 'to fill up'; # root foy 'given-up'; active voice = mamoy m+a(n>m)+(f)oy 'pres-prf.an-foy' > # m+am+oy 'to abandon'; # root fantatra '(be)-known'; mamantatra m+a(n>m)+(f)antatra 'pres-prf.an-fantatra' > # m+am+antatra 'to try to find out about, to guess'; # Prefix an + h + a [= + bk - hi ] > an + g + a # Root halatra 'theft', mangalatra m+an+(h>g)alatra 'pres-pref.an-halatra' > # m+an+galatra 'to steal'; # Root hataka 'request', mangataka m+an+(h>g)ataka 'pres-pref.an-hataka' > # m+an+gataka 'to request'; # prefix an + p > am + O # root petaka 'sticking', mametaka m+a(n>m)+(p)etaka 'pres-pref.an-petaka' > # m+am+etaka 'to stick, to put'; # root potika '(be)-smashed'; mamotika m+a(n>m)+(p)otika 'pres-pref.an-potika' > # m+am+otika 'to smash'; # root petraka 'deposit'; active voice transitive mametraka m+a(n>m)+(p)etraka #'pres-prf.an-petraka' > m+am+etraka 'to put, to deposit'; # Strenghtening of Initial Consonant of Root/Stem: # in the case of liquids { l, r } and sibilants { z but NOT s --given constraint below} # A. l > d fortition: # Prefix an + l mandeha m+an+(l>d)eha 'to go' > m+an+deha, where de carries the stress # root latsaka '(be)-dropped'; active voice mandatsaka m+an+(l>d)atsaka 'pres-pref.an-latsaka' > # m+an+datsaka 'to drop'; # root lena 'soaked'; active voice = mandena m+an+(l>d)ena 'pres-prf.an-lena' > # m+an+dena 'to soak'; # root loaka '(be)-with-a-hole-in-it'; active voice mandoaka m+an+(l>d)oaka # 'pres-pref.an-loaka' > m+an+doaka 'to-make-a-hole-in-(sth)'; # root re 'be-heard (perception)'; active voice mandre m+an+d+re 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-re''to hear' # root resy '(be)-vanquished, (be)-defeated'; mandresy m+an+d+resy 'pres-pref.an-ep.d-resy''to defeat'; # B. r > dr fortition: # Prefix an + r mandrovitra m+an+d+rovitra 'to tear up', where ro carries stress # from Add-On.txt document: # Root raraka '(be)-spilled'; active voice mandraraka m+an+d+raraka 'to spill' # Root rakotra '(be)-covered-with'; active voice transitive mandrakotra # m+an+d+rakotra 'pres-prf-epenthetic.d-rakotra''(to)-cover' # C. h > g fortition: # Prefix an + h + a [= + bk - hi ] > an + g + a # Root halatra 'theft', mangalatra m+an+(h>g)alatra > m+an+galatra 'to steal'; # D. z > dz affrication: # Prefix an + z mandzaitra m+an+d+zaitra 'to sew', where za carries stress # However, constraint C.1 [ + voi] C.2 [ - voi] V [ + voi] applies # Unvoiced initial consonant drop: # prefix an + s manasa m+an+(s)asa 'pres-pref.an-sasa' 'to wash', # where s of sasa = [ - voice ]; # root simba '(be)-destroyed'; active voice manimba m+an+(s)imba 'pres-prf.an-simba' # 'to destroy deliberately', where again s of simba = [ - voice ]; # prefix an + ts manipy m+an+(ts)ipy 'pres-pref.an-tsipy''to throw out', # where ts of tsipy = [ - voice ]; # prefix an + t manery m+an+(t)ery 'pres-pref.an-tery''to coerce', # where t of tery = [ - voice ]. # Initial Consonant of Root/Stem Deletion --or ICDeletion # in the environment C.1 [ + voi] + C.2 [ - voi] V [ + voi], where + = boundary # Prefix an + f > am + O # root fetra 'limit', mametra m+a(n>m)+(f)etra 'pres-pref.an-fetra' > m+am+etra 'to limit', # where C.2 = f [ - voice ]. # root folaka "(be)-bent'; active voice mamolaka m+a(n>m)+(f)olaka 'pres-pref.an-folaka' > # m+am+olaka 'to bend', where again C.2 = f [ - voice ]. # Prefix an + p > am + O # root petaka 'sticking', mametaka m+a(n>m)+(p)etaka 'pres-pref.an-petaka' > # m+am+etaka 'to stick, to put', where C.2 = p [ - voice ]; # root posaka 'revelation'; mamosaka m+a(n>m)+(p)osaka 'pres-pref.an-posaka' > # m+am+osaka 'to reveal' where C.2 = p [ - voice ]; # Prefix an + k > an + O # root kaikitra 'bite', manaikitra m+an+(k)aikitra 'pres-pref.an-kaikitra' > # m+an+aikitra 'to bite', where C.2 = k [ - voice ]. # Prefix an + ts > an + O # root tsipy 'throw', manipy m+an+(ts)ipy 'pres-pref.an-tsipy' 'to throw away', # where C.2 = ts [ - voice ]. # Note standard Malagasy tends to be h-dropping (contrary to some regional dialects): # root hadino '(be)-forgotten'; active voice manadino m+an+(h)adino > # m+an+adino 'to forget'; # root haja 'politeness'; manaja m+an+(h)aja > m+an+aja 'to show deference'; # root hafatra 'message'; manafatra m+an+(h)afatra > m+an+afatra 'to send a message'; # root hantona 'suspension'; manantona m+an+(h)atona > m+an+atona 'to suspend'; # Alternation past tense n (past.active) vs past tense no (past.passive): # The emergence of the unattested form 'nohita' or 'nohitana', for example, # in Keenan (2000) in Formal Issues in Austronesian Linguistics, eds. Ileana Paul, # Vivianne Philips and Lisa Travis, 27-47. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic # Press suggests that (i) there is a lack of distinction between a root and a stem in # certain analyses and that (ii) in the same analyses, there appears a zero morpheme # prefix ø, which would be part of a circumfix 'ø...(i/a)na' surrounding either # a root or a stem --indiscriminately. # The above of course does not take into account the relevant environment for a root, # i.e. in particular, that a root usually describes an AUTONOMOUS EVENT, whereas a # stem refers to a DELIBERATE kind of ACTIVITY; what obscures this correlation is # the non-recognition of the passive voice past tense-marker prefix 'no', part of # the circumfix 'no...ina' in addition to the passive voice future tense-marker 'ho', # part of the circumfix 'ho...ina'; given those two forms, it is predictable that # a zero morpheme ø, part of a circumfix 'ø...ina' would soon be posited somewhere # along the line. # Typically a root does not comprise a prefix at all --even less, a zero morpheme ø-- # and the epenthetic 'na' comes into play in introducing the relevant EXPERIENCER/AGENT phrase # in the genitive; this contrasts with a stem, which usually comprises a zero morpheme ø, # part of the circumfix 'ø...ina', where suffix 'ina' introduces the AGENT in the genitive case. # Consult the beginning of online document 'Malagasy syntax & semantics: # Passive affixes - ESRC-OX-05-CR106/204'. # To understand the nature of the problem, we need to look at the two different forms # n = past tense only (active voice prefix an or prefix i/a is separate) vs # no = past tense + nonDURATIVE.aspect(= the equivalent active voice prefix an # is totally absent from the passive form); # alternation future tense h (future.active) vs future tense ho (future.passive) # h = future tense only (active voice prefix an or prefix i/a is separate) vs # ho = future tense + aspect (= the equivalent of the active voice prefix an is # totally absent from the passive form); indeed note that forms no/ho entail # DELIBERATE/INTENTIONAL ACTIVITY: thus # ungrammatical: nohita (0! 0 0 0) # 'was seen'; # where the prefix no past.tense is supposed to represent the nonexistent active # voice prefix an; recall that the active voice form equivalent to 'to see' is mahita, # which can be analysed as ma-hita and NOT mangita m+an+(h>g)ita 'pres-prefix.an-hita' # 'to see' or manita m+an+(h)ita 'pres-prefix.an-hita'; these two forms do not exist # in Malagasy; # Example velatra; # root velatra 'width'; mamelatra m+a(n>m)+(v)elatra 'pres-pref.an-root.velatra' > # m+am+elatra 'to spread out'; # passive 1 imperative velaro velar+o 'stem.velar-suffix.o' # '(let.sth)-be.spread.out-by.you'; # passive 1 indicative velarina velar+ina 'stem.vela-suffix.ina''be-spread' # '(that-which)-is-usually-spread-out'or '(that-which)-is-being-spread-out'; # passive 1 past tense indicative novelarina no+velar+ina 'past.passive.nonDURATIVE- # stem.velar-suffix.ina''was-spread-out'; note the absence of a prefix i or an # after past tense-marker no.passive 1 future tense indicative hovelarina ho+velar+ina # 'future.passive.nonDURATIVE-velar-suffix.ina''will-be-spread-out'; # note the absence of a prefix i or an after future tense-marker ho; # also note that with no.passive the THEME is thoroughly affected; # alternative passive 1 indicative avelatra a+velatra 'a.passive-root.velatra' # 'be-spread''(that-which)-is-usually-spread-out-with-only-the-inital-impulse-provided' # or '(that-which)-is-being-spread-out-with-only-the-initial-impulse-provided'; # note the presence of the prefix a; also note that with a.passive the THEME is # only affected initially; # passive 1 alternative past tense navelatra n+a+velatra 'past.tense.active.voice- # a.passive-root.velatra-with-only-the-inital-impulse-provided'; note the presence # of the prefix a after the tense-marker; # passive 1 alternative future tense havelatra h+a+velatra 'future.tense.active.voice- # a.passive-root.velatra-with-only-the-inital-impulse-provided'; note the presence of # the prefix a after the tense-marker; # passive 2 imperative; amelaro a(n>m)+(v)elar+o 'prf.an.DURATIVE-stem.velar-suffix.o' > # am+elar+o (let-Beneficiary-Oblique)-be-spread-out'; passive 2 indicative amelarana # a(n>m)+(v)elar+ana 'prf.an.DURATIVE-stem.velar-suffix.ana' > am+elar+ana # '(Beneficiary-Oblique)-be-spread-out'; # passive 2 past tense namelarana n+a(n>m)+(v)elar+ana 'past.tense.active.voice.- # prf.an.DURATIVE-stem.velar-suffix.ana'; note the presence of the prefix an after # the tense-marker; # passive 2 future tense hamelarana h+a(n>m)+(v)elar+ana 'future.tense.active.voice # -prf.an.DURATIVE-stem.velar-suffix.ana' > h+am+elar+ana ; # note the presence of the prefix an after the tense-marker; # Root velatra 'width'; active voice mivelatra m+i+root.velatra 'to spread out' # past tense nivelatra n+i+velatra 'past.tense.active-prf.i-velatra''was-spread-out' # note the presence of the prefix i after the tense-marker; # future tense hivelatra h+i+velatra 'future.tense.active-prf.i-velatra''will-spread-out' # note the presence of the prefix i after the tense-marker. # Example halatra 'theft'; # root halatra 'theft'; mangalatra m+an+(h>g)alatra 'pres-pref.an-root.halatra' > # m+an+galatra 'to steal'; # passive 1 imperative angalaro an+galar+o 'prf.an-stem.galar-suffix.o' # '(let-sth)-be-stolen-by.you'; # passive 1 indicative angalarina an+galar+ina 'prf.an-stem.galar-suffix.ina' # '(the-one-who/that-which) # -be-usually-stolen' or '(the-one-who/that-which-is)-being-stolen'; # passive 1 past tense indicative nangalarina n+an+galar+ina 'past.tense.active-prf.an # -stem.galar-suffix.ina'; # passive 1 future tense indicative hangalarina h+an+galar+ina 'future.tense.active # -prf.an-stem.galar-suffix.ina'; note the presence of the prefix an after the tense-marker; # passive 2 imperative angalaro an+galar+o 'prf.an-stem.galar-by.you' # '(let-sth)-be-stolen-by.you'; # passive 2 indicative angalarana n+an+galar+ana 'prf.an-stem.galar-suffix.ana' # '(a-portion-of-sth)-be-stolen' or 'the-manner/circumstances-in-which-sth)-be-stolen'; # passive 2 past indicative nangalarana n+an+galar+ana 'past.tense.active-prf.an.DURATIVE- # stem.galar-suffix.ana''(a-portion-of-sth)-was-stolen' or 'the-manner/circumstances- # in-which-sth)-was-stolen'; note the presence of the prefix an after the tense-marker; # passive 2 future indicative hangalarana h+an+galar+ana 'future.tense.active- # prf.an.DURATIVE-stem.galar-suffix.ana''(a-portion-of-sth)-will.be-stolen' or #'the-manner/circumstances-in-which-sth)-will.be-stolen'; # note the presence of the prefix an after the tense-marker; # Example foana 'empty'; # root foana '(be)-null, void, empty'; active voice manafoana m+ana+foana # 'pres-pref.ana-foana''to annul' # passive 1 imperative foano foan+o 'stem.foan-suffix.o''(let-sth)-be-cancelled-by.you'; # passive 1 indicative foanana foan+ana 'stem.foan-suffix.ana''(which-is-usually)-cancelled' # or '(which)-is-being-cancelled'; # alternatively past tense indicative nofoanana no+foan+ana 'past.pass-stem.foan-suffix.ana' # 'was-cancelled'; # note the absence of a prefix after tense-marker; # future tense indicative hofoanana ho+foan+ana 'future.pass-stem.foan-suffix.ana' # 'will.be-cancelled'; # note again the absence of a prefix after tense-marker; # passive 2 imperative anafoano ana+foan+o 'prf.ana-stem.foan-suffix.o''(let-a-portion-of-sth) # -be-cancelled-by.you' # or '(the-instrument/manner/time-at-which-sth)-is-cancelled'; # passive 2 indicative anafoanana ana+foan+ana 'pref.ana-stem.foan-suffix.ana' # '(a-portion-of-sth)-be-cancelled' # or '(the-instrument/manner/time-at-which-sth)-is-cancelled'; # passive 2 past tense indicative nanafoanana n+ana+foan+ana 'past.active- # prf.ana-stem.foan-suffix.ana'; note the form n for past and the presence of the prefix ana; # passive 2 future tense indicative hanafoanana h+ana+foan+ana 'future.active- # prf.ana-stem.foan-suffix.ana'; note the form h for future and the presence of the prefix ana. # Example anatra 'advice'; # root anatra 'advice'; transitive active mananatra m+an+root.anatra 'to advise'; # passive 1 imperative anaro anar+o 'stem.anar-suffix.o''(let-s.one)-be-advised-by.you'; # passive 1 indicative anarina a+anar+ina 'prf.a-stem.anar-suffix.ina''(the-one-who) # -be-usually-advised-with-only-the initial-step-implemented' or '(the-one-who-is) # -being-advised with-only-the initial-step-implemented'--with simplification of # sequence a+anar > anar; # passive 1 past indicative nanarina n+(a)+anar+ina 'past.active-(prf.a)-stem.anar- # suffix.ina'; note the virtual presence of the prefix a and the form n for past tense; # passive 1 future indicative hanarina h+(a)+anar+ina 'future.active-(prf.a)-stem.anar- # suffix.ina'; note the virtual presence of the prefix a and the form h for future tense; # passive 2 imperative ananaro an+anar+o 'prf.an-stem.anar-by.you''(let-s.one)-be-advised-by.you' # passive 2 indicative ananarana an+anar+ana 'prf.an-stem.anar-suffix.ana''(that-which)-be-used- # to advise'; # passive 2 past tense indicative nananarana n+an+anar+ana 'past.active-prf.an-stem.anar # -suffix.ana''(that-which)-was-used-to advise'; # passive 2 future tense indicative hananarana h+an+anar+ana 'future.active-prf.an- # stem.anar-suffix.ana''(that-which)-will.be-used-to advise'; # Root anatra 'advice'; mianatra m+i+anatra 'pres-prf.i-root.anatra''to learn'; # passive 1 imperative ianaro i+anar+o 'prf.i-stem.anar-by.you''(let-sth)-be-learnt-by.you'; # passive 1 indicative ianarana i+anar+ana 'prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ana''(that-which)- # be-usually-learnt' or '(that-which-is)-being-learned'; # passive 1 past indicative nianarana n+i+anar+ana 'past.active-prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ana' # 'was-learned' # passive 1 future indicative hianarana h+i+anar+ana 'future.active-prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ana' # 'will.be-learned'; # complex form mampianatra m+amp+i+anatra 'pres-prf.amp-prf.i-root.anatra''to teach' # complex passive 1 imperative ampianaro amp+i+anar+o 'prf.amp-prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.o' # '(let-s.one)-be-taught-by.you'; passive 1 indicative ampianarina amp+i+anar+ina # 'prf.amp-prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ina''(the-ones-who/that-which)-be-usually-taught' # or '(the-one/s-who/that-which-is)-being-taught'; # passive 1 past tense indicative nampianarina n+amp+i+anar+ina 'past.active-prf.amp-prf.i # -stem.anar-suffix.ina''was-usually-taught' or 'is-being-taught'; # passive 1 future tense indicative hampianarina h+amp+i+anar+ina 'future.active-prf.amp- # prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ina''will.be-usually-taught'; # passive 2 indicative ampianarana amp+i+anar+ana 'prf.amp-prf.i-stem.anar-suffix.ana' # '(the-instrument/circumstances-under-which-sth)-be-usually-taught' or '(the-instrument/ # circumstances-sth)-is-being-taught'; # passive 2 past tense indicative nampianarana n+amp+i+anar+ana 'past.active-prf.amp-prf.i # -stem.anar-suffix.ana''was-used-to-teach'; # passive 2 future tense indicative hampianarana h+amp+i+anar+ana 'future.active-prf.amp-prf.i # -stem.anar-suffix.ana''will.be-used-to-teach'; # Root zanaka 'progeny', manjanaka /m+an+d+zanaka/ 'pres-prf.an-epenthetic.d-root.zanaka' # 'to colonise'; passive 1 imperative zanaho zanah+o 'stem.zanah-suffix.o''(let-s.one/sth)- # be-colonised-by.you'; passive 1 indicative zanahina zanah+ina 'stem.zanah+suffix.ina' # '(s.one/sth)-be-usually-colonised' or '(s.one/sth-is)-being-colonised'; # passive 1 past tense indicative nozanahina no+zanah+ina 'past.passive-stem.zanah-suffix. # ina''was-colonised'; note the past tense form no & absence of a prefix; # passive 1 future tense indicative hozanahina ho+zanah+ina 'future.passive-stem.zanah-suffix. # ina''will.be-colonised'; note the future tense form ho & absence of a prefix; # active voice future indicative hanjanaka /h+an+d+zanaka/ 'fut-prf.an-epenthetic.d-root.zanaka' # 'will colonise'; note the future tense h & presence of a prefix, i.e. an; # passive 2 imperative anjanaho /an+d+zanah+o/'prf.an-epenthetic.d-stem.zanah-by.you'; # passive 2 indicative anjanahana /an+d+zanah+ana/'prf.an-epenthetic.d-stem.zanah-suffix. # ana'; # passive 2 past tense indicative nanjanahana /n+an+d+zanah+ana/'past.active-prf.an- # epenthetic.d-stem.zanah-suffix.ana''(the-circumstances-in-which-sth)-was-colonised'; # passive 2 future tense indicative hanjanahana /h+an+d+zanah+ana/'future.active-prf.an- # epenthetic.d-stem.zanah-suffix.ana''(the-circumstances-in-which-sth)will.be-colonised';