Issue No. 29 November 1997
Conference report (Anders Ahlqvist)
Abstracts of papers (ed. Andrew Linn)
Tony Crowley, Language in History: Theories and Texts (Mark Atherton)
Klaus D. Dutz & Stefano Gensini (eds.), Im Spiegel des Verstandes, Studien zu Leibniz (Jaap Maat)
Klaus Dutz & H.-J. Niederehe (eds.), Theorie und Rekonstruktion (Werner Hüllen)
Silvia B. Garciá, Zum Arbitraritätsbegriff bei F. de Saussure (Brigitta Nehrlich & David D. Clarke)
Penny Lee, The Whorf Theory Complex: A Critical Reconstruction (Anthony Parry-Jones)
Ian Michael, English as a Subject: Its Development over Four Centuries (John Walmesley)
Riccardo Rizza et al. (eds.) Colloquia, et dictionariolum octo linguarum (Werner Hüllen)
Books & pamphlets / Journals / Articles (ed. Herman Bell)
The Renaissance Linguistics Archive (Christine Damis)
Workshop on the Historiography of Brazilian Linguistics (Cristina Altman)
Report on the SGdS Colloquium, Potsdam 1997 (Michael Isermann)
Henry Sweet Society Colloquium, Amsterdam 1998
11th International Colloquium of the SGdS, Leuven/Louvain 1998
International Colloquium on metalanguage & linguistic terminology, Grenoble 1998
Henry Sweet Society financial report (John Flood, Treasurer)
74 New members and changes of address (ed. Herman Bell)