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Q & A
Textual Studies Online Helpdesk

CTI Textual Studies answered many general and specific enquiries regarding the use of information technology within teaching and research of the disciplines that we support. Much of the information which we provided to individuals may also be of interest to others and we have therefore decided to make some enquiries and their responses available for reference.


Question:I am thinking of experimenting with email and computer conferencing as a way of supplementing my course delivery and tutoring. Can you point me towards some ideas about how I might use these technologies? (25/9/99)

Question:I am thinking about using an email discussion list or a newsgroup for a course but I don't know much about the details. Can you help?

Question:Can you advise me on HTML editors/convertors I might use for preparing course notes on the Web? I use Word. 

Question:I am interested in finding out about examples of multimedia CD-ROMs which are available. (28/04/97) 

Question:Where can I find further information about the TEI and its use? I am particularly interested in encoding manuscripts. 

Question:I am interested in digital libraries, particularly regarding the preservation of primary sources - can you supply me with some starting points? (31/3/99)


Question:I am interested in resources for American and English literature and culture. (30/03/99)

Question:What Web resources are there for the study of Middle English language and literature?  (30/03/99)

Question:Could you give me information about French literary databases which can be searched on the Internet?  (30/03/99)

Question:I would like to study interactive fiction. Any pointers? 

Question:Are there any electronic editions of William Langland's manuscripts? 

Question:What CD-ROM can I buy for £150 which I can use for teaching? I teach Medieval literature. 

Question:Can you point me to examples of the electronic presentation of textual variants?(26/03/98)

Language Studies

Question:I am interested in style and grammar resources for English language studies.(02/12/96) 

Question:Can you assist me in my search for contemporary English language corpora, including legal and economic documents? 

Question:I am looking for a grammar tutor for a TEFL course which will parse a sentence. Is there one?


Question: I am looking for material for a thesis in theology in the areas of exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism particularly in regards to Justin Martyr's seed theory? (22/3/99)

Question:Are any of the major Patristic series available on CD-Rom or the Internet?(09/09/97)

Question:Can I get hold of the works of Eusebius in Greek on the Internet? (19/03/98)

Question:Can you recommend a biblical study package including Greek/Hebrew texts? (25/03/98)

Text Analysis Tools and Techniques

Question:Do you have a summary of available text analysis tools? (03/03/99)

Question:Could you recommend text analysis tools for use with plain text? (03/03/99)

Question:Could you recommend text analysis tools for use with text which has been marked up? (03/03/99)

Question:Is there any text analysis software available for helping to determine authorship? 

Question:What is the latest information about Collate, is there a Windows version yet? 

Question:Is there a manual for TACT available? 

Question:How do I get TACT to recognise COCOA markup? (17/04/97)
Question:What might be available for my students to compare editions of texts? (21/05/97)


Question I want to include references in Greek in my writing. What fonts can I use, and where can I get them from?(31/03/99)

Bibliographic Resources and Tools

QuestionI am keen to share my bibliographies with colleagues and students by posting them on the Internet. Can you suggest packages which will support this? (6/04/99)

QuestionCan you recommend a bibliographic package which will work with Windows 95?

Film, Media, and Performing Arts

Question:I would like information about resources for computer-assisted drama and theatre studies.(12/04/97) 

Scanning, OCR, and Fonts

Question:Can you advise on freely available fonts for the occasional use of Hebrew (Win95)?
Question:Is there a transcription font I can use with
Hebrew and other semitic languages?
Question:Can you advise me on freely available or shareware Greek fonts for Windows? (31/3/99)

HTML Author: Michael Fraser, Stuart Sutherland, Sarah Porter
Document created: 14 March 1997
Document last modified: 19 July 1999

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/enquiry/index.html