CTI Textual Studies
Q & A

T e x t A n a l y s i s
T o o l s

Q Do you have a quick summary of available text analysis tools?

A Indeed we do, and here it is:

A Summary of Text Analysis Tools

PC DOS/Windows

Concordances 1.0: Developed by Rob Watt (Dundee) from his own Web concordance software. Easy to use and will create concordances and indexes from electronic texts for manipulating on screen or publishing on the Web. Demo available from http://www.rjcw.freeserve.co.uk/. See http://www.dundee.ac.uk/english/wics/wics.htm for the original Web concordances.

MultiConcord: For teaching with parallel concordances. Developed by David Woolls (email 100343.2362@compuserve.com). See the Lingua Project site at http://web.bham.ac.uk/johnstf/lingua.htm.

Oxford Concordance Program (OCP): General purpose tool for generating concordances, word lists, and indexes from texts in any language or alphabet. OCP can handle a number of markup systems though frequently the text will be tagged using the COCOA system. Micro-OCP for DOS available from Oxford University Press. Email: ep.help@oup.co.uk or consult http://www.oup.co.uk/.

TACT: DOS text analysis tools freely distributed over the Internet. Version 2.1 available from the TACT homepage at http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/cch/tact.html. The manual, which comes with a selection of electronic texts on CD-ROM, is published as I. Lancashire, Using TACT with Electronic Texts (New York: MLA, 1996). TACTWeb home-page and demonstration at http://ilex.cc.kcl.ac.uk/Tactweb/.

WordCruncher for Windows: Uses its own brand of markup for searching, concordance, and word frequency generation. Now marketed as a viewer with a pre-built library of texts. For details of distribution, cost etc, email admin@wordcruncher.com or visit the WordCruncher web site at http://www.wordcruncher.com/.

WordSmith Tools: Recommended for texts with little markup, particularly powerful for the statistical side of text analysis. Distributed by Oxford University Press from their web site at http://www.oup.co.uk/. A demo version is available from this page or from the author's web page at http://www.liv.ac.uk/~ms2928/. See review in, Computers & Texts 12 (1996), 19-21.

MonoConc for Windows & ParaConc for Mac: Easy to use concordance software produced by Michael Barlow (barlow@ruf.rice.edu) and published by his company, Athelstan. Consult the author's web page at http://www.athel.com/ from which a demo can be downloaded.

Multidoc Pro 1.1: Consists of SGML publishing and browsing software. The interface is very similar to SoftQuad Panorama. A full working version may be downloaded which also includes the software for publishing pre-existing SGML documents for use with the browser. Go to http://www.citec.fi/mdp/.

Apple Macintosh

AnyText: Hypercard-based program which allows for the creation of concordances on text files in English, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, and Cyrillic languages. AnyText available with Greek, Hebrew and Latin Biblical texts. Developed by Linguists Software (http://www.linguistsoftware.com/) and available in the UK from Lingua Language Services (email: lingua-uk@msn.com URL: http://www.lingua-uk.com/index.htm).

Conc: Concordance generator available through the Summer Institute of Linguistics' web page at http://www.sil.org/computing/sil_computing.html.

Concorder: developed by D. W. Rand who distributes a demo version at http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/~rand/Concorder.html.

Corpana: Concordancer able to deal with multiple files and generates simple statistics. Available in compressed form from http://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/info-mac/Text_Processing/ (as corpana-11-hc.hqx.gz). You can also download the Concorder demo from this site.

Selected Specialist Text Analysis Tools

Accordance: Accordance is able to build concordances and carry out other types of analysis on Greek and Hebrew texts including parsing, plotting of results, and text to speech. Information is available from http://www.oaksoft.com/accord/accord.htm. A review of Gramcord used for the teaching of the Greek New Testament, by Professor Tom Kraabel, is published in Computers and Texts 14 (April 1997).

BibleWorks: Provides concordancing, complex search facilities, parsing, and lexical information for a full range of biblical and biblical-related texts. See http://www.bibleworks.com/.

Collate 2.0: Designed for the preparation of a critical edition based on many witnesses; can collate simultaneously up to a hundred texts and can deal with richly marked-up texts. Available from the Collate Project, De Montfort University (http://www.dlib.dmu.ac.uk/projects/Collate/. Email: peter.robinson@dmu.ac.uk)

Dramatica Pro: Story creation and analysis tool applying the work of Melanie Anne Phillips and Chris Huntley, Dramatica: A New Theory of Story. Further information from Screenplay Systems Inc. at http://www.screenplay.com/. Screenplay also produce applications for screen writing.

Logos Bible Software 2.0: Full range of biblical texts using Logos' own digital library system (see http://www.logos.com/). Available in the UK from Sunrise Software (Email: sales@sunrise-software.com. http://www.sunrise-software.com/sunsoft/).

Further details of text analysis tools, including qualitative analysis tools, are available from the CTI Centre's Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 at http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/


Q & A

Email CTI Textual Studies

HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document created: 13 December 1997
Document last modified: 3 March 1999

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/enquiry/tat01a.html