The Silent Guard

Melinda and Louis 'The Bear'

The Silent Guard began their adventuring lives as a band of mercenaries, interested in little but their own survival and wealth. However, after the death of their original chieftain, they turned to the ways of L'denon, god of merchants and the balance. Led by their new boss, Melinda, the Silent Guard strive to maintain the balance lest the world fall into the thrall of any one god. Because of the warlike nature of the evil gods, they have generally, but not always, opposed to forces of darkness and death. If at any point, the forces of K'nor or T'gellen were dominant, then the Silent Guard would war against them, but it hasn't happened yet.

Their first mission after joining the cult was to cleanse a nearby island of the influence of a powerful, if long dead, wizard. His relics were thought to be too powerful, and might unbalance the political landscape if they fell into the wrong hands. The mission proved to be more eventful than expected. After defusing several rather unpleasant traps, and defeating the resident clan of white apes, the group penentrated into the heart of the tower where they found several artifacts. Unfortunately, one of them happened to contain the soul of the wizard who promptly possessed the party's mage and teleported out of the tower! The ensuing chase was long and arduous, but the errant mage was recaptured and exorcised.

It was in the tower that the party found the relics of the "Beast Brotherhood", an old nature worshipping sect dating from the time of Old Caith. They, too, supported the balance (of nature) and several of the party have chosen to align themselves with their "beasts" in order to serve L'denon better.

Melinda in action

L'denon then instructed the party to head north into the fabled lands of Caith. They travelled first to the Silver Tower, (former) home of the A'stall sages and then through the secret ways into Caith itself. They soon discovered the source of the problem. Caith was moving out of balance due to the destructive influence of a pair of evil spirits who were introducing dark oaks into the forest of Caith. After a certain amount of violence, the spirits were corralled and banished. In the process, the party became friends with the Caith queen and learned a little more about the Beast Brotherhood. Unfortunately, before they could fully explore this information, they received a vision from L'Denon that took them to a nearby stone circle.

As they stepped into the circle, the air shimmered and they found themselves "somewhere else". Unfortunately, "somewhere else" proved to be a haven for the undead, and the party were promptly attacked by a swarm of the creatures. It rapidly became apparent why L'denon had sent us here.....

Melinda at the druid's ring

The Silent Guard are led by Melinda, reknowned for her acerbic style as much as her skills with a sword. She has never had much of a tolerance for fools, and usually tackles problems head on. Early in her career on Peldere, she challenged a knight of Lord Banis to a duel after he insisted on addressing all his remarks to Louis, "the man of the party". The knight very wisely backed down. She is shown (above) landing on the Necromancer's isle. Blond, well armoured, usually carries a two handed sword. She has survived several "Hero gatherings" and her distaste for T'sardan's methods is well known.... she once noted that "if T'Sardan were ever made a deity it would be as the god of the bleeding obvious..."

Melinda's right hand man is Louis "The Bear", a follower of L'denon and an initiate into the secrets of the Beast Brotherhood. His alter ego is a large grizzly bear, who's spirit has been known to enhance his strenght and sword skills, as well as proving useful in tracking (and avoiding!) enemies in the wilderness regions. He is shown above, with Melinda, as the party reached the Necromancer's isle.

The other members of the the party are Morgis, favoured priests of L'denon, Jharry "The Falcon" and Falchion "the Stag". The latter two are members of the Beast Brotherhood and also skilled mages.

Last updated 04-08-99. The pictures are courtesy of, and copyright, Renaissance Pictures.
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