Grau is an RCUK Academic Fellow at
the Department of Engineering Science
and the Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford. He is associated with the
Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME).
He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Mansfield
He received his undergraduate degree in
Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, in
1994, and his PhD in Medical Image Analysis in 2001. After spending two years
as a postdoc at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University and the ONH
Biomechanics Lab at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, he joined the
Medical Vision Laboratory in Oxford. He became an RCUK Academic Fellow in 2007.
Vicente’s main research interest is the
development of novel biomedical image analysis algorithms, in particular
through the combination with computational models. He is currently working on
applications in cardiovascular and pulmonary medicine, and in the analysis of
biological images.