Title page of the Renner-Handschrift M4
for the poem 'Von Jugend und Alter'.
The 'Renner' by Hugo of Trimberg
The Middle High German Text of the 'Renner' by Hugo of Trimberg was originally developed as a practical exercise with Undergraduate students in Tübingen.
Its aim is to make the different ways of structuring the text visible.
To this end, the 'Registrum' of Michael de Leone has been linked to the different portions of the text.
The 'Verse von Jugend und Alter' and the section on the 'Last Judgment' are available as audio-files.
A short etymological catalogue of Vices, built up by the participants of a course in summer 2004, helps to find passages on specific vices.
Currently, Henrike Lähnemann is working on a catalogue of illuminated Renner manuscripts for the Katalog der deutschsprachigen illuminierten Handschriften des Mittelalters. Current list of illuminated manuscripts (including those with spaces left for images but no actual illustrations):
M4 (Ö) = München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cgm 7375, 15. Jh.: Der 'Renner', f. 1r; Meanness, f. 103v.
W2 (V) = Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. Nr. 3086 from 1426: About two servants, f. 71v.
The text is based on the edition by Gustav Ehrismann: Der Renner von Hugo von Trimberg (Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins Stuttgart), Tübingen 1908-1912, Band I-IV. The first version was done by Rudolf Weigand, corrected by Max Grosse for the use in the Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank; responible for the current form is Henrike Lähnemann.
Images from: Bruno Müller, Die Titelbilder der illustrierten Rennerhandschriften. BHVB 102. 1966, 271-306. Ders.: Hugo von Trimberg und das Bocciaspiel. BHVB 105. 1969, 202-212. Ders.: Südtiroler illustrierte Renner-Handschriften. BHVB 109. 1973, 183-236. Ders.: Die illustrierte Renner-Handschrift in der Bibliotheca Bodmeriana in Cologny-Genf (Hs. CG) im Vergleich mit den sonst erhaltenen bebilderten Renner-Handschriften. BHVB 112. 1976, 77-160.
For a short English introduction to the 'Renner' cf. Max Grosse, Hugo von Trimberg. In: A New History of German Literature, ed. David E. Wellbery et alii. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2004, p. 136-140 (sub voce '1300').
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