
On this page you will find the LMH  PPE tutors and some more  information about Admissions.

Oxford offers two politics degrees at undergraduate level, each one combining it  with one or more subjects, as a joint honours degree. The most well-known degree is PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), but the other combination is Modern History and Politics  For more information, click on the link below, which will take you to the Politics  Department website:

Information on studying at Lady Margaret Hall can be found here.

Those thinking about studying politics  at university, there are a wide range of books that might be of interest.  An excellent introductory book is Gerry Stoker, Why Politics Matters

If you have applied for an undergraduate course at Oxford, and have been called up for interview, then you can find some useful advice about preparation from this page on the University Admissions website.

The main point to emphasise is that you are not expected to read through a 'shopping list' of books for the sake of it - rather, pick one or two books that interest you, and make you think about the subject. In addition, quality newspapers and journals for example  The Economist and The  Times have some interesting views on current events and political issues.

These are currently seven  "in house" PPE tutors: Gillian Peele (government ), Kai Hebel  ( international relations) , Geraint Thomas (modern British history) Natalie Quinn  (economics) Christopher Shields (philosophy), Geoffrey Ferrari (philosophy) and  Tom Ainsworth  (philosophy) You will find some of  their photos here. ..Photo of GillianPeele

 This is Professor Christopher Shields who teaches Philosophy