Fridays at 5 pm in the Seminar Room at the European Studies
Centre, 70 Woodstock Road
NB. After each lecture the text will be published here. Click on the lecture
title to read.
Week 1, Friday 18 October:
Tax Reduction and Budgetary
Prof. Vincenzo Visco: Universita' di Roma, Tor Vergata. Minister of Finance
1996-2001. Member of the Chamber of Deputies.
Discussant: Prof. Christopher Allsopp, MPC and Oxford (to be confirmed)
Week 2, Friday 25 October:
Care Reform
Hon. Rosy Bindi: Minister of Health, 1996-2000, Member of the
Chamber of Deputies.
Week 3, Friday 1 November:
Labour Market Deregulation – seminar
paper (tables to accompany paper)
Prof. Carlo dell'Aringa, Presidente dell'Istituto per lo Sviluppo e la
Formazione dei Lavoratori (ISFOL)
Week 4, Friday 8 November:
Italy, Europe, and
Financial Market Regulation
Dott. Giovanni Carosio, Head of Banking Supervision, Banca
Discussant: David Green UK Financial Services Authority
Week 5, Friday 15 November:
Media and
Telecommunications (Manacorda)(Presentation
slides in Powerpoint)
Discussion (Niada)
Dtt.ssa. Paola Manacorda, Communications Regulatory Authority
Discussant: Marco Niada, London Correspondent of Il Sole/24Ore
Week 6, Friday 22 November:
The Politics
and Legislation of Conflicts of Interest – seminar paper
Senate minority report on
conflict of interest bill
Senator Stefano Passigli, author of numerous parliamentary
bills on conflict of interest regulation.
Discussant: David Hine, University of Oxford
Week 7, Friday 29 November:
Regional Policy: the South: Paper 1;
Paper 2
Prof. Fabrizio Barca, Ministry of Finance and the Economy
For an official Treasury summary in English of recent southern development
policies see also:
Convenors: David Hine (Christ Church), Francesca Bettio (St Antony's)