Partnership networking event.

The DTP held a networking event in the Department of Zoology on Friday 16th May.  The purpose of the event was to explore further the ways in which partners will be involved with the DTP and its students, and for us to get to know better the research questions that most occupy them, and find out more about the wonderful resources that they are able to offer to our students.  

We introduced our vision for the Oxford-NERC DTP to the partners in a series of talks about the programme as a whole, and then outlines of the types of research currently being carried out within each stream.  Through the presentations that partners gave to potential supervisors, we were reminded of the diversity of the organisations that we have been fortunate enough to connect with and the great breadth of experience they bring with them.  These set the scene for partners, potential partners and potential supervisors to mingle over a relaxed lunch to discuss in more detail how future collaborations might unfold.  We had a variety of posters on show from many of the supervisors who attended which helped to spark interesting conversations, and a few random passers by were also intrigued.

In all the event was a great success, and we are assured that guests left feeling that they had a much clearer idea of what the DTP is about and how they might be involved.

Our next networking event will include our first cohort of students, and will take place towards the end of Michaelmas Term 2014.