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Quantum Seminar

University of Edinburgh, 2011-2012. Notes (mostly) by Teruji Thomas.


These notes are undoubtedly filled with errors with a variety of origins. Please let me know if you notice any.

Geometric Quantization

Teruji Thomas. August-September 2011.

Lecture 1
Symplectic geometry. Hamiltonian mechanics.

Lecture 2
Prequantization. The Heisenberg group.

Lecture 3
More Heisenberg group. Change of Lagrangian. Moyal product. Half-forms. The metaplectic gerbe.

Lecture 4
Polarizations. Half-forms again. Quantization. Metalinear and metaplectic structures.

Quantization of Elementary Dynamical Systems

Will Donovan. September-October 2011.

Lecture 1
Group actions. Coadjoint orbits.

Lecture 2
Lie theory. Flags. Nilpotent cone. Borel-Weil Theorem for complex groups.

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

Teruji Thomas. October-November 2011.

Lecture 1
Generalizing quantum mechanics. The Wightman axioms. Symmetry.

Lecture 2
Free field theories. (In preparation...)

Topological Quantum Field Theory

January-April 2012.

1. Intro to topological quantum field theory (Will Donovan)
Definition of TQFTs. Duality. 0+1 dimension.

2. The path integral formalism and Freed's finite gauge theory (Teruji Thomas)
1+1 dimensions. The Path Integral Formalism. Group algebras and finite gauge theory (following Freed).

3. Gauge theory (Yoshi Hashimoto)
Introduction to Gauge Theory. Connections. Classical Yang-Mills theory. Chern-Weil theory. A little about Seiberg-Witten.

4. The cobordism hypothesis (Teruji Thomas)
The Cobordism Hypothesis. Infinity categories.

5. The Mumford conjecture (Carmen Rovi)
Thom: cobordism groups as homotopy groups. Galatius-Madsen-Tillmann-Weiss: homotopy types of cobordism categories.

6. Chern-Simons theory and knot invariants (Teruji Thomas)
Witten: QFT and the Jones polynomial. Chern-Simons gauge theory.

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

March-April 2012.

Lecture 1 (Teruji Thomas)
C*-algebras. The commutative case. Gelfand, Gelfand-Naimark, Gelfand-Naimark-Segal. The geometry of the space of states. 2x2 matrices.