Dept of Economics at Oxford University

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Christopher Bowdler

University Lecturer in Economics and Fellow of Oriel College

Contact details           CV       Research        Macro Blog    Teaching         Professional Activities

Overview: In Oxford I teach a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomic theory, monetary economics and global economic policy issues. I also supervise graduate research and serve on the editorial boards of a number of scholarly journals. I have published widely on research topics such as the monetary policy transmission mechanism, testing models of the output-inflation tradeoff and evaluating the effects of international differences in labour market institutions. I write a blog offering commentary on developments in the world economy and macroeconomic policy debates. Previously I was a British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, and before that I did my doctoral work in Oxford after reading for the Economics Tripos at the University of Cambridge. I have worked as a research consultant to the European Central Bank and on a range of projects for private sector organizations.