Oxford University Club Cricket Club

1999 Season

Fixtures and Results

Played 19, Won 11, Lost 7, Tied 1

Date        Fixture                     Result                   

 2/5/1999   vs Eynsham                  8 wicket win    Scorecard
 9/5/1999   vs Blenheim                 rained out               
16/5/1999   at Sandford St Martin       6 wicket loss   Scorecard
23/5/1999   at Sunningwell              1 run win       Scorecard
30/5/1999   at Chalgrove                108 run win     Scorecard
 6/6/1999   vs Langford                 rained out               
13/6/1999   at Chadlington              91 run win      Scorecard
20/6/1999   vs Sandford St Martin       tie             Scorecard
26/6/1999   at Menorca                  52 run loss     Scorecard
27/6/1999   at Menorca                  41 run win      Scorecard
 3/7/1999   at Langford                 rained out               
 4/7/1999   vs Begbroke                 6 wicket win    Scorecard
11/7/1999   at Brightwell-cum-Sotwell   15 run loss     Scorecard
18/7/1999   vs Stuart's Stars           6 wicket loss   Scorecard
24/7/1999   vs King's School            99 run win      Scorecard
25/7/1999   vs King's School            41 run loss     Scorecard
 1/8/1999   vs Oxenford                 4 wicket loss   Scorecard
 8/8/1999   vs Oxford Stars             rained out               
15/8/1999   at Eynsham                  80 run loss     Scorecard
22/8/1999   at Faringdon                85 run win      Scorecard
29/8/1999   at Abingdon Vale            85 run win      Scorecard
 5/9/1999   at Begbroke                 95 run win      Scorecard
12/9/1999   at Ascott-under-Wychwood    109 run win     Scorecard
26/9/1999   at Oxford Hospitals         "rained out"             

Partnership Records

   W   Batsmen                               Date        Fixture                       R 

 1st   Matt Benson and Andy Beaton            2/5/1999   vs Eynsham                   65 
 2nd   Martin Elliffe and Stuart Jameson     30/5/1999   at Chalgrove                127 
 3rd   Lawrence Schafer and Amit Sharma      29/8/1999   at Abingdon Vale             84 
 4th   Robb McDonald and Phil Watts          24/7/1999   vs King's School             83 
 5th   Stuart Jameson and Lawrence Schafer   25/7/1999   vs King's School             56 
 6th   Tony Hannan and Andy Beaton           22/8/1999   at Faringdon                 78 
 7th   Andy Beaton and Steve Culliford       18/7/1999   vs Stuart's Stars            29 
 8th   Bryan Graham and Steve Culliford      27/6/1996   at Menorca                   33*
 9th   Richard Clark and Steve Thompson       1/8/1999   vs Oxenford                  33*
10th   Chris Bumby and Brian Hunton          11/7/1999   at Brightwell-cum-Sotwell    23 

Highest Scores

Batsman            Date        Fixture                     R 

Martin Elliffe     30/5/1999   at Chalgrove               88 
Lawrence Schafer   29/8/1999   at Abingdon Vale           85 
Robb McDonald      24/7/1999   vs King's School           77 
Stuart Jameson     30/5/1999   at Chalgrove               68 
Jeremy Chalk       26/6/1999   at Menorca                 68 
Stuart Jameson     13/6/1999   at Chadlington             64 
Saurav Sen          5/9/1999   at Begbroke                63 
Lawrence Schafer   12/9/1999   at Ascott-under-Wychwood   62 
Carl Davidson      27/6/1999   at Menorca                 58 
Carl Davidson       4/7/1999   vs Begbroke                57 
Richard Clark       1/8/1999   vs Oxenford                57 
Phil Watts          5/9/1999   at Begbroke                57*
Tony Hannan        22/8/1999   at Faringdon               56 
Tony Hannan         2/5/1999   vs Eynsham                 50*

Batting Averages

Batsman              Ave     R     I   NO   HS   50 100

Tony Hannan          63.00   189    5   2   56    2   0 
Lawrence Schafer     49.33   296    6   0   85    2   0 
Martin Elliffe       39.14   274    8   1   88    1   0 
Stuart Jameson       32.00   352   11   0   68    2   0 
Carl Davidson        26.30   263   10   0   58    2   0 
Brian Hunton         25.00    25    3   2   10    0   0 
Andy Beaton          24.83   149    7   1   44    0   0 
Amit Sharma          23.50    49    3   1   45    0   0 
Jeremy Chalk         23.00   253   12   1   68    1   0 
Steve Culliford      20.00   140    9   2   40    0   0 
Dave Fotheringhame   17.67   106    6   0   46    0   0 
Richard Clark        17.25    69    4   0   57    1   0 
Matt Benson          17.20   172   10   0   46    0   0 
Rob Bielby           16.80    84    9   4   24*   0   0 
Darren Leonard       15.83    95    7   1   37    0   0 
Chris Bumby          10.40    52    7   2   25    0   0 
Eddie Wilson          7.80    39    5   0   14    0   0 
Tony McNally          6.63    53   10   2   14    0   0 
Steve Thompson        4.00    12    5   2    8    0   0 

Minimum of 3 innings required.

Robb McDonald        77.00    77    1   0   77    1   0 
Phil Watts           71.00    71    2   1   56*   1   0 
Saurav Sen           63.00    63    1   0   63    1   0 
Bryan Graham         43.00    43    2   1   24    0   0 
Tom Gallagher        39.00    39    1   0   39    0   0 
Laurence Emmitt      32.00    32    1   0   32    0   0 
A Frankish           30.00    30    2   1   27    0   0 
Mike Bull            19.00    19    1   0   19    0   0 
Rob Esnouf           15.00    15    1   0   15    0   0 
S Razaq              10.00    10    1   0   10    0   0 
Martin Nash           8.00    16    2   0   12    0   0 
R Head                6.00     6    1   0    6    0   0 
D Hughes              5.00    10    2   0   10    0   0 
T Andrews             5.00     5    1   0    5    0   0 
? Moreton             4.00     4    1   0    4    0   0 
? Spencer             4.00     4    1   0    4    0   0 
C Wright              3.50     7    2   0    7    0   0 
S Clarke              2.00     4    2   0    4    0   0 
P Kind                1.00     2    2   0    2    0   0 
John Grimes           0.50     1    2   0    1    0   0 
Charles Wroth         0.00     0    2   0    0    0   0 
Oliver Board             -    14    1   1   14*   0   0 
Steve Noble              -    14    1   1   14*   0   0 
E Botcherby              -     0    1   1    0*   0   0 

Best Bowling

Bowler            Date        Fixture                    W-R 

Rob Bielby        13/6/1999   at Chadlington             5-28
Tony Hannan       22/8/1999   at Faringdon               4-0 
Steve Culliford   24/7/1999   vs King's School           4-5 
Tony Hannan        4/7/1999   vs Begbroke                4-14
Steve Culliford    4/7/1999   vs Begbroke                4-24
Tony McNally      23/5/1999   at Sunningwell             4-34
Rob Esnouf        12/9/1999   at Ascott-under-Wychwood   3-6 
Amit Sharma        1/8/1999   vs Oxenford                3-24
Brian Hunton      24/7/1999   vs King's School           3-34
Tom Gallagher     20/6/1999   vs Sandford St Martin      3-43
Brian Hunton      27/6/1999   at Menorca                 3-44

Bowling Averages

Bowler               Ave       O    M     R    W     BB  3W  5W      SR     ER

Tony Hannan         3.67    22.4   10    44   12   4-0    2   0   11.33   1.94
Brian Hunton       14.50    51.0    8   203   14   3-16   3   0   21.86   3.98
Steve Culliford    16.25    63.3    6   260   16   4-5    2   0   23.81   4.09
Amit Sharma        16.25    17.0    2    65    4   3-24   1   0   25.50   3.82
Richard Clark      16.25    16.0    3    65    4   1-1    0   0   24.00   4.06
C Wright           23.00    13.0    2    46    2   2-32   0   0   39.00   3.54
Rob Bielby         23.81   115.2   17   381   16   5-28   0   1   43.25   3.30
Steve Noble        25.50    14.0    1    51    2   1-23   0   0   42.00   3.64
Chris Bumby        27.38    68.0    8   219    8   2-35   0   0   51.00   3.22
Steve Thompson     29.57    28.4    0   207    7   2-23   0   0   24.57   7.22
Eddie Wilson       30.60    29.0    1   153    5   2-19   0   0   34.80   5.28
Tony McNally       32.36    96.0    7   453   14   4-34   1   0   41.14   4.72
Matt Benson        46.00    17.0    3    92    2   1-27   0   0   51.00   5.41
John Grimes        46.00    10.0    0    46    1   1-15   0   0   60.00   4.60
Andy Beaton        48.00    14.0    0    96    2   1-3    0   0   42.00   6.86
A Frankish         51.00    16.0    1    51    1   1-21   0   0   96.00   3.19
Darren Leonard     52.50    51.0    3   210    4   2-20   0   0   76.50   4.12

Minimum of 10 overs required.

Martin Elliffe      0.00     0.4    0     0    1   1-0    0   0    4.00   0.00
Rob Esnouf          2.00     6.0    2     6    3   3-6    1   0   12.00   1.00
Iris Geens          5.00     1.0    0     5    1   1-5    0   0    6.00   5.00
Laurence Emmitt    12.00     4.0    1    12    1   1-12   0   0   24.00   3.00
Tom Gallagher      14.33     9.0    0    43    3   3-43   1   0   18.00   4.78
Lawrence Schafer   14.33     9.0    1    43    3   2-29   0   0   18.00   4.78
S Razaq            21.00     5.0    1    21    1   1-21   0   0   30.00   4.20
Jeremy Chalk       56.00     7.0    0    56    1   1-56   0   0   42.00   8.00
Robb McDonald          -     5.0    0    22    0   0-22   0   0       -   4.40
T Andrews              -     3.0    0    18    0   0-18   0   0       -   6.00
Stuart Jameson         -     9.0    0    59    0   0-21   0   0       -   6.56

If you have any comments about these pages, please email Sam Dean (sdean@atm.ox.ac.uk).