Rowing Service live reporting

The Rowing Service will be doing Live Reporting from theDocklands Supersprints on Saturday 11th September(as long as the press facilities include the phoneline at the course which we have beenpromised. If not, there will be a report posted here at the end of racing.)
Trevor Chambers, covering the event live for The Rowing Service, writes:-
12:18pm: It's lunchtime, the sun is shining, the temperature is hot/humid -thunderstorms are forecast for later - and everything looks good for the racing - andalso (so far) for online live commentary. The course looks even shorter than the claimed350m to me, and a far cry from the more traditional distances we all know. That shouldmake things live up to the promise of close and exciting racing, which begins in 30minutes.
Big comms problems - the cable got trashed because the door under which it ran rubbedthrough it - means I've been unable to bring the live commentary promised. I will uploadmy notes later, when I get to a decent phone line. Final is imminent, between Heatwinners Great Britain and the Netherlands, and the repecharge progressors Denmark andthe USA.
Saturday night: a full report will be posted in the morning, but the final resultwas a win for the Great Britain team, very close on the line, from the Netherlands.
Sunday morning: full report below. Sorry for the delay, hopefully it still givesa flavour of the excitement. Newspaper hacks were being pretty scathing about the commsglitches and one famous ex-rower-turned-journo was heard to remark that "you can't writeabout this, it's mickey-mouse..Disneyland" - and he didn't mean the fun everyone washaving. However, it was exciting, and but for a few problems (in addition to the radioproblems, the starting gun broke so it went "click" instead of "bang", causing a coupleof false starts). I've done my best to impart a bit of that atmosphere to the report,whilst preserving the real-time approach - Trevor.
Sunday Morning Extras
Elite Match
Clubs competing include Notts County RA, Tideway Scullers School, and Kingston RowingClub.- 1x
- A very close opening race. Difficult for me to see the whole course from here, butit looks like TSS are leading, but less than a length in it. As they cross the line it'sin fact KRC, from TSS, from NCRA.
- W2x
- At halfway TSS look up to me, but nothing seperating the crews. KRC pushing now,coming back. KRC win it by half a length, from TSS and NCRA third.
- 2-
- TSS off hard at 52, but rowing short. At halfway a determined push by NCRA, comingthrough a clean-looking but less powerful KRC crew to take the lead. NCRA continue theirpush and win by a lengthening half length from KRC and then TSS.
- Relay
- 1x off, Fraser of KRC showing off the start. Mike Hennessey of TSS now really moving,and NCRA trying to go with him but getting caught a bit in the swell in the dock. TSSnow moving clear to win by a useful 1.5 lengths, from NCRA from KRC. 4s advantage to theTSS double. "Handover" works and all boats away cleanly. KRC showing their form, theywon the individual race, but have a lot to do to make up the head-start. They're coming,but not fast enough, and positions maintained. Defecit now only 2.6s. Pairs are off, andTSS will win the match if they maintain their lead now. Neither of the other crews cando anything about it, and if anything TSS pull away a fraction, coming home a length anda half up on KRC in turn up on NCRA.
- Result
- A win for TSS. Cunning tactics - if they were - saving themselves for the relay andcoming from zero points to 3 by winning it, from Kingston RC with 2 points and NCRA with1.
Wind has picked up a little, we now have a headwind breeze, a bit gusty, which won'taffect the actual rowing but makes it a bit difficult lining up on the start, which couldhave implications for the relay leg.
University Match
Clubs competing include Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College.- 1x
- All these scullers were paddling earlier and eyeing each other up, there's a certainamount of testosterone in evidence here. They're off! All sculling cleanly, but it's theIC sculler who is not on the pace early on. OUBC and CUBC having a good race here, but athalf way it's Simon "Full-Throttle" Cottle at full throttle, and half a length to thegood. Half a length it is, just over a second, with IC 1½ lengths back.
- W2x
- Level after first 10, not much in it. IC/UL look to have nosed ahead, rating muchhigher than Oxford. CU suffer a minor shipwreck but now Sarah Winckless has it undercontrol and they're moving through. CUBC win it by about a length from IC, in turn alength up on Oxford. Winning time 1:14.
- 2-
- IC definitely had a good start and show first. OUBC in lane 1 winding it up and athalf-way are really going. CUBC/Crabtree are out of this one. Oxford win from IC by½ length, with Cambridge well down and not rowing very well together.
- Relay
- All down to the relay, the winner of this will win the event. OUBC off to a quick start, IC last out of the blocks, and look laboured. Cottle really going for it and hasclear water over Cambridge. Cottle pulling away to win impressively by 6s. But disaster!The Oxford women's double have not started...Cambridge away now and Oxford have thrownaway their head-start. What's happening? Cambridge can relax and lead the procession innow, rowing smoothly and well. IC have over-taken Oxford but are some way back. The Pairsgo now, and Cambriudge have a useful head start and maintain it. Oxford pair of CharlieHumphreys and Nick Robinson will not enjoy rowing behind Cambridge yet again, but arereally going for it and closing. They can't get back from there though, and as theycross the line it's Cambridge, from a lower-rating IC, with Oxford third.
- Result
- Not quite sure what the problem was with the Oxford double - think it was a commsproblem, so they didn't know when to start. Final result was a win for Oxford, fromCambridge, with IC third.
Schools Match
Schools competing include Westminster, Hampton/LEH, and St. Paul's.- 1x
- Level after 10. St. Pauls possibly just ahead, as Hampton drop a bit. Westminstersculler now forging into the lead at halfway. Hampton now rising to the challenge, butit's St. Pauls still just in the lead. Last 10, Westminster charging for the line, ohthat was close..Westminster win by 2ft from St. Paul's, Hampton ½ length back.
- W2x
- LEH in centre lane immediately pull clear. St Pauls slow off the start and trailing abit at halfway, as LEH get clear water, their greater sculling experience really showing.Westminster can't do much about it, and St. Paul's have crossed the course and trailed inin lane 3 having started in 1. LEH smoothly win by 2 or 3 lengths from Westminster.
- 2-
- Westminster early lead here. Hampton and Westminster very close together, they couldclash..Hampton rating 40 attacking hard but Westminster hold on to win by under a secondfrom Hampton, in turn only ½:l up on St Pauls.
- Relay
- Westminster start at 45, Hampton sculler reacting after the first 10 but in 3rd, St.Paul's sculler trying to come on terms. A repeat of the individual race, but this timethe verdict is a more comfortable 1¼l back to Hampton. Doubles are off, W'minsterusing the head-start to move off quickly. LEH very slow off the start and have a lot todo. St Paul's much better this time but are out of the race here. LEH are really pushingnow, trying to get on terms. They're made it up, and are pushing through now in the lastquarter of the race, fantastic sculling, to win by about a length from Westminster,despite a big handicap on the start. Oh dear, there's a problem now with the Pair's race.No-one's gone, yet all of the doubles have finished...eventually they all go together (?), and it's Hampton up, as Westminster crab off the start. Here come St. Paul's, lookingstrong. It's St. Paul's by a rapidly lengthening canvas, as Hampton lose their steeringa bit and cross in to westminster's lane, but Westminster are 2 lengths down. St. Paul'sit is then by ¾l.
- Result
- There is an umpire's inquiry going on, to see if the communications breakdownaffected the result. Radios are being used to tell the start marshalls when to signaleach crew to start the next leg of the relay, and didn't work, so the Pairs were notstarted at the correct handicaps. The result of this match then is being decided on thenumber of individual leg wins overall, rather than via the points system, which meansthat it's Westminster (3 wins) from Hampton/LEH (2) and St. Paul's (1).
International Match
Countries competing include GBR, GER, NED, USA, DEN and RUS. The British teamconsists of Miriam Batten, James Cracknell, Gillian Lindsay, Steve Redgrave and GregSearle. Full crew lists will be added here soon.
Heat 1 - GER, NED, USA
- 1x
- USA (Jamie Koven) powers off the start into the lead. Holland (Vervoorn) moving upafter him, and Germany (Webber) not out of it despite being the least experienced scullerin this trio. Very close at halfway, Koven holding on but Vervoorn attacking again,rowing the longest of the lot. Koven at 44 has a good rhythm wins by a canvas, Webberbringing up the rear but very close and impressive given the pedigree of the others insculling. Winning time 65s.
- W2x
- Germany up off the start but all eyes on the experienced Dutch Pair. Approaching half-way, Holland have moved up but the USA is going with them. Holland edge out in the lasthalf now, coming home half a length up, with USA in turn a length up on the Germans.Winning time 65s.
- 2-
- Clean rowing, very close, level after the first 10. Germany rating 46, nothing tochoose between the crews here as they move away from the halfway mark and approach thefinish. Holland now push hard, in the last 10 strokes, and they're moving, this is a verygood race...across the line almost together and it's Holland from the USA from Germany,winning time 60.09s.
- Relay
- Phew, with that standard of racing this is going to be some competition. Scullers areoff, Vervoorn getting a flyer. Webber dropped a bit off the start. Half-way, Koven andVervoorn are level..Vervoorn, Vervoorn wins by 2ft, Webber closer than last time.Doubles are off, oh no what's going on, the Dutch completely missed the start and the USAare benefitting. Dutch have given themselves something to do now, and here they come. Germans in 3rd and not a threat at the moment. Crossing the line the Dutch double haveshowed their class by coming through the Americans in the last quarter. Pair's are off,clean start that time. Dutch are in the lead by half-way, and this looks to be thebiggest winning margin in this International heat, but it's only ½l. Germany havedropped back a bit, perhaps sufferring in the wash from the TV catamaran filming theleaders. Holland win by two-thirds of a length, with Germany 8s behind the USA.
- Result
- An emphatic win for the Netherlands, which sends the USA and Germany to the rep.
Heat 2 - DEN, RUS, GBR
- 1x
- The crowds have gathered and there's an expectant hush now that the home team are onthe water. Redgrave and Cracknell looked very focussed on the way to the start, they'rehere to win. They're off. Searle is up, with the Dane Kaliszan snapping at his heels. TheRussian (Spinez) is lying third at the moment. Searle has pulled out a bit, and issculling effectively and powerfully, wins by ½l and mighty pleased he is too, hewas a bit worried before the race.
- W2x
- All level after 10 strokes. Russians going well, taking GBR with them. Powerfulexhibition fro the Russian double, holding off a hard challenge. The Danes are making alate charge now, and are closing on Britain. Britain in turn charging at the Russians,goodness this close stuff..Russian wins from Great Britain by a foot (!), with th Danesright there for 3rd. Winning time 64s.
- 2-
- It's the lightweight Danes who fly off the start, the others needing a few morestrokes to really get moving. Danes on the far side really attacking hard now. Oh no,Cracknell has hit a swan with his spoon and the boat is a bit unsettled, but they'regetting it back under control and here they come. Meanwhile Russia's power has taken themto the half-way point just in the lead. Russia's steering is a bit off though and they've drifted to the stroke side of their lane. Cracknell's red hair (today anyway)now showing, and here come Breat Britain. Very close on the line, Britain win by 0.7s,with Russia holding off the Danes by a further 0.8s.
- Relay
- Searle a bit down this time, the Dane Kaliszan up at halfway. Searle starts a charge,but can't break through the Dane who holds on to win by ½l. Doubles away cleanly,Britain pressing Denmark very hard and closing. Russia in 3rd can't make an impact at themoment. Demanrk just hold on to win by 2ft, but see their head-start all but lost. Oh no,what a shame, the comms has gone again and the Pairs haven't started. There's a delay now,and this can't be nice for Redgrave, who remember is one of the organisers of this event.They're going to re-run the relay leg only in a minute, after the parachutedisplay, but pity the crews who have to go to the rep, as they will have an extra race intheir legs and be getting a bit tired.
Off they go then. Repeat of last time, the Dane ½l up on Searle with Spinez in 3rd.Kaliszan wins by ½l, but there's another comms glitch. They're now racingthe relay as 3 seperate races and giving a point per win, so so far it's GBR with 2points, Russia and Denmark each with 1. Doubles are off, and this time Britain get a flyer and are in the lead early. Lindsay and Batten look strong here, and are edging awayto win by two-thirds of a length - this is more like it. Denmark are 2nd and Russia,winners in the individual race, come in 3rd. The Pairs are off, no swans this time butthe same result, as Redgrave and Cracknell come towards the line looking impressive, agood half length up on the Danes. Oh dear, that was nearly embarrassing: Crackers triesto punch the air crossing the line, Pinsent style, and nearly capsizes the boat there! - Result
- Great Britain dominated this technologically-challenged heat, with 4 points from apossible 6, sending the Danes and Russians to the rep.
Repecharge - RUS, USA, DEN,GER
- 1x
- Koven is up, Spinez really up for it this time and following, but it's desperatelyclose and into the last 5 strokes all the boats are side by side. Webber is 3rd and thelightweight Dane Kaliszan, perhaps tired from his additional close race with Searle, isjust 4th, but only just. Crossing the line it's Koven by ¼l, from the Russian,but with less than a length between all 4 boats. Webber, improving every race in theunfamiliar single, is just edged out to 3rd. What a race! Winning time 63s.
- W2x
- Didn't see much of this one, trying to sort the online comms problem out, but theUS double lead home the Danes, Russians and Germans in that order.
- 2-
- Russian pair exert their power here, as do the Americans who feature Ted Murphy, the"biggest erg score in a big erg-score US squad" as the commentator puts it. The Danesare attacking hard but a bit down, and the Germans can't make an impression.
- Relay
- Scullers are off, who's got something left here then? Denmark draw into an early lead,USA down off the start, not Koven's best start. Russia moving up now. Kaliszan holdingoff Koven by a length now, Koven looks tired. Webber pushing very hard and comes throughthe Russian, but Kaliszan has it relatively comfortably on the line. Smooth handover thistime - using the PA system to inform the start - and the Danes rocket off at 48, surginginto a lead of 1¼l. USA are a length up on Russia, in turn up on Germany. Crews arein station, no over-taking, and Denamrk are in a position to win this rep now. The Pairsgo now, and Denmark have a welcome 2l lead over the USA, in turn ½l up on theRussians, who won't be troubled by the Germans but need to do something remarkable here,which they can't. No-one makes any inroads into anyone else, and they come home in theirstart order of Denmark, USA, Russia, and Germany.
- Result
- 3 Points to Denmark for winning the relay, 2 to the USA, and 1 to Russia, so it'sDenamrk and the USA who get to the final. I would say that if ever there was a competition where "going the long way round" to the final via the reps was not a clevermove, this is it, so we'll have to wait and see how much it affects them. On paper atleast Holland are in a strong position, having had the most rest and the least racingto get to the finals.
The Final - DEN, GBR, USA, NED
- 1x
- This is it, the final, but I wonder if people will row cannily and save themselvesfor the relay, as by now everyone has realized that with 3 points for the relay, thewinner of that is going to win overall. Off they go. Koven again has a poor start, andit's Vervoorn leading the way. Kaliszan has another flyer off the start, and is only afoot down on Vervoorn passing halfway. Searle has the measure of Koven by a length, butlooks to be unable to move up from 3rd, and that's how they cross the line.
- W2x
- Dutch up off the start, half expected. Britain though have their best start yet today,and are right up with the Dutch. Britain looking strong at halfway and everything to playfor. Britain are really pressing now and edge in front, the Dutch can't react, and asthey flash over the line it's Britain by a foot from the Dutch, then the USA and theDanes in 4th. The British pair are delighted with that! Winning time 64.2s.
- 2-
- Everyone level after 10. At halfway Britain have 2ft, with the Dutch pressing. USAand Denmark are under a length behind, but it's Britain looking strong and impressiveover the last half, drawing out to a two-thirds length win but pressured by the Dutchright to the line, and Redgrave's customary clinincal steering was a bit wayward in thelast few strokes. Cracknell again practising his "playing up the crowd" victory salute,he's having fun out there, as indeed I think they all are. It's all down to the relaynow then, to decide this competition.
- Relay
- Bang, they're off. This time Koven gets a good start, but Vervoorn's was even better.Vervoorn stamping his authority on this at half-way, but not much in it and it'sanybody's race still. Here comes Searle, putting in a concerted effort now, really going for it, moving past Koven just, but he cant get to Vervoorn. Vervoorn wins, fromSearle, from Koven with Kaliszan in 4th. Clean handover now, Dutch double had a slighthead-start and look like extending it more, with Britain breathing down their necks andchasing hard. The Danes and Americans fighting it out now for 3rd spot. Lindsay andBatten really turning it on now, less than ½l behind, moving through now on theDutch, but the Dutch pair show their experience by calmly holding it together and flashing across the line just in front. But their advantage is gone, and it'll all comedown to the final race in this final. Pair's are away cleanly, for which you can almostfeel the relief, and all eyes turn towards Canary Wharf where the start is. Britain havemade up their slight handicap very very quickly, and this looks ominous for the rest.As they approach the finish the British pair look good in the lead two-thirds of a lengthup. Dutch stroke catches a crab, and a racing start to recover. GB smoothly and powerfully approaching the line but have a moment as the Dutch come back, and have toturn it on again on the line, but come home ½l up to the obvious delight of all 5British athletes, and the crowds. All 5 Brits are embracing each other in the middle ofthe dock, it's been a real team effort.
- Result
- Great Britain win the International SuperSprints from Holland, in a very close andexciting contest.
Steve Redgrave/James Cracknell v Paul Palmer (British Olympic Swimmer)
Palmer, sporting a dry-suit as protection from either the temperature of the water of thecleanliness of it (or both) was challenged to race the British pair here over the full350m course. He was given a 2min 25s head start, and was covering the course inside theschedule required to win when the Pair set off. Breathing to his left, he couldn't seethe Pair, who were in a lane to his right, and of course they couldn't see him.This was a funny one to watch - Palmer looked to be miles ahead and didn't look to betiring noticeably, and as he neared the finish, it looked like he was going to win inby enough to make it an anti-climax, but the Pair was moving a lot faster and reeling himin with every stroke. Palmer, perhaps struggling to see in the murky waters of theMillwall dock, head-butted a buoy on the finish line, and not realising that he hadfinsihed ploughed on. He won in a time of 3mins 27s, leaving the Pair with 5 strokesstill to go to the line.
Report by Trevor Chambers for The Rowing Service.