Schools' Head 1999 Start Order - Long Start

The Rowing Service

Information posted by the organiser, CD Riches.

1999	SHORR Start Numbers	Number	School	SuffixLong Start	1st 8o	1	St. Edward's	A	2	Abingdon	A	3	Hampton	A	4	St. Paul's	A	5	King's, Chester	A	6	Eton	A	7	Shrewsbury	A	8	Westminster	A	9	Canford	A	10	Bedford	A	11	Pangbourne	A	12	Oratory	A	13	Shiplake	A	14	Bedford Modern	A	15	Kingston GS	A	16	Emanuel	A	17	Cheltenham	A	18	Monkton Combe	A	19	Monmouth	A	20	RGS Worcester	A	21	King's, Worcester	A	22	King's Canterbury	A	23	St. Peter's	A	24	Bewdley RC	A	25	Methodist College	A	26	Latymer Upper	A	27	Clifton	28	St. James'	29	Beechen Cliff	2nd 8o	30	Eton	B	31	Hampton	B	32	Abingdon	B	33	Shrewsbury	B	34	Canford	B	35	Kingston GS	B	36	Cheltenham	B	37	Shiplake	B	38	St. Paul's	B	39	Reading Blue Coat	A	40	Pangbourne	B	41	Monmouth	B	42	King's Canterbury	B	3rd 8o	92	Bedford	C	93	Hampton	C	J 4+	120	Bedford	D	121	George Heriot's	A	122	Eastbourne	A	123	King's College School	D	124	Bedford	E	125	St. Edward's	B	126	RGS High Wycombe	B	127	Methodist College	C	128	Durham	B	129	King's, Worcester	C	130	Emanuel	B	131	Durham	C	132	Bedford Modern	C	J 4x	57	Wycliffe	A	58	King's College School	A	59	Sir William Borlase	A	60	RGS Worcester	B	61	Tiffin	A	62	Dulwich	A	63	Windsor Boy's'	A	64	King's, Rochester	A	65	Dulwich	B	66	Magdalen College	A	67	Oratory	B	68	Dulwich	C	69	Winchester	A	70	The Leys	A	71	St. Georges	A	72	St. Georges	B	73	RGS High Wycombe	A	74	Reading Blue Coat	B	75	Lancaster Royal GS	A	76	King's, Ely	A	77	King's College School	B	78	Eton	E	79	Bryanston	A	J N 4+	143	Abingdon	D	144	American Community 	B	145	Cambridge 99 (The Perse)	A	146	Monkton Combe	B	147	Cambridge 99 (The Perse)	B	148	Eastbourne	B	149	Cheltenham	E	150	Becket	B	J16 4+	133	Westminster	B	134	Bedford	F	135	Abingdon	C	136	George Heriot's	B	137	Oratory	C	138	Lancaster Royal GS	C	139	Bryanston	C	140	Kingston GS	D	141	Emanuel	C	142	Bryanston	D	J16 4x	80	Tiffin	B	81	King's College School	C	82	King's, Rochester	B	83	Dulwich	D	84	Wycliffe	B	85	Windsor Boy's'	B	86	Tiffin	C	87	Magdalen College	B	88	Lancaster Royal GS	B	89	George Watson's	A	90	Durham	A	91	Wycliffe	C	J16 8o	43	Radley	A	44	Shiplake	C	45	Eton	C	46	Canford	C	47	Shrewsbury	C	48	Cheltenham	C	49	Eton	D	50	Northwich RC	A	51	Monmouth	C	52	Latymer Upper	B	53	King's, Chester	B	54	Canford	D	55	Bedford Modern	B	56	Bedford	B	J16 N 4+	151	St. Edward's	C	152	Abingdon	E	153	Cheltenham	F	154	Westminster	C	155	Pangbourne	C	156	Monmouth	D	157	King's, Worcester	D	158	George Heriot's	C	159	Eastbourne	C	160	Pangbourne	D	J16 	175	Haberdasher's Monmouth	B	176	George Heriot's	E	177	George Watson's	C	178	Gloucester RC	B	J16 W4x	170	Lady Eleanor Holles	B	171	Dame Alice Harpur	B	172	Sir William Borlase	B	173	Henley RC	B	174	Bedford Star	JW 4+	161	George Heriot's	D	162	Eastbourne	D	163	St. Edward's	D	164	Pangbourne	E	165	Norwich High	A	166	King's, Worcester	E	167	Headington	B	168	George Watson's	B	169	Norwich High	B	JW 4x	107	King's Canterbury	C	108	Headington	A	109	Wycliffe	D	110	Putney HS	A	111	The Leys	B	112	Surbiton HS	A	113	Molesey BC	A	114	King's Canterbury	D	115	Henley RC	A	116	Gloucester RC	A	117	Dame Alice Harpur	A	118	Bedford HS	B	119	Becket	A	JW 8o	94	Lady Eleanor Holles	A	95	King's, Worcester	B	96	Haberdasher's Monmouth	A	97	Bedford HS	A	98	American Community 	A	99	Bryanston	B	100	St. Peter's	B	101	Northwich RC	B	102	Methodist College	B	103	Kingston GS	C	104	Cheltenham	D	105	Canford	E	106	Bewdley RC	B