Results of racing

The Rowing Service

Twickenham Regatta 30th May 1998

Results of Finals

10 hours of racing every 4 minutes in glorious sunshineand although local club Twickenham RC entered 30 crewsKingston University BC won The Iain Rogers Victor Ludorum Trophyand £200.00 from Hyperformance Rowing Insurance.Not one single complaint was received by the organisers.

Information posted by Rodney Elms.

Elite Eights	Twickenham RC  ro. nttSenior 1 Eights	Thames RC ro. nttSenior 2 Eights	Thames RC bt Twickenham 0.5L nttSenior 4 Eights	Royal Free hosp BC bt Kingston Uni o.75L ntt.Novice Eights	Tonbridge School A bt Tonbridge School B e.Vet C Eights	Tideway SS bt Quintin BC 0.5L 3.03minsVet D Eights	Tideway SS bt Molesey BC 1.25L 3.15minsWomens Senior 2 Eights	Burway RC bt Midland Bank 0.33L 3.14minsWomens Senior 3 Eights	Vesta RC bt Midland Bank 1.5L nttWomens Novice Eights	Staines BC bt Capital RC 1.5L 3.53minsJunior 14 Octuples	Shiplake College A bt Shiplake College B e. 3.48minsInvitation Eights	London Borough of Richmond bt Elmbridge Borough CouncilElite Coxless Fours	London RC bt Twickenham RC 0.5L 3.23minsSenior Coxless Fours	Poplar Blackwall & D bt Thames RC 1L 3.33minsSenior 2 Coxed Fours	Kingston Uni bt Thames Tradesmens Rc 4L nttSenior 4 Coxed Fours	Kingston Uni bt Putney Town RC 4L 3.42minsNovice Coxed Fours	Guildford RC bt Vesta RC 0.33L 3.36minsVet C Coxed Fours	Thames Tradesmens RC A bt Thames Tradesmens Rc B 0.25L 3.46minsVet D/E Coxed Fours	Molesey BC bt Poplar Blackwall & D 2.5L 3.4minsWomens Senior 1 Coxed Fours	Twickenham RC bt Kingston RC e 4.11minsWomens Senior Coxed Fours	Thames RC bt Midland Bank 1.5L 4.25minsWomens Senior 3 Coxed Fours	Kingston Uni bt Eastbourne Col. e 3.51minsWomens Novice Coxed Fours	Kingston Uni bt Vesta Rc e 3.4minsJunior 14 Coxed Quads	Bryanston School A bt Bryanston School B 3L 4.35minsJunior 15 Coxed Quads	Tiffin School bt Molesey BC 2.5L nttMixed Senior 1 Coxed Fours	Twickenham RC bt Burway Rc nttSenior 1 Coxless Pairs	Twickenham RC B bt Twickenham RC A e nttSenior 2 Coxless Pairs	Kingston Uni bt Mortlake Anglian & Alpha e 4.04minsSenior 3 Coxless Pairs	Putney Town RC bt Twickenham RC 4L nttVet D Coxless Pairs	Tideway ss bt Vesta 4L nttWomens Senior 2 Coxless pairs	Kingston Uni bt Capital RC e 4.15minsWomens Junior 14 Coxed Quads	Bryanston School A bt Bryanson School B e nttWomens Novice Double Sculls	Molesey BC bt Twickenham RC 1L nttJunior 14 Double Sculls	Molesey BC bt Guildford RC 1L nttJunior 13 Double Sculls	Reading Blue Coat School A bt Reading Blue Coat D 3L nttSenior 3 Double Sculls	Twickenham RC bt Medway Towns 3 3.4minsVet D Double Sculls	Vesta RC bt Quintin BC 2L nttMixed Novice Double Sculls	Thames Rc A bt Twickenham RC 4.5L 4.35minsSenior 3 Single Sculls	Poplar Blackwall & D (Hunter) bt Poplar Blackwall & D (Howard) 1L 3.43minsVet C Single Sculls	Molesey BC (Bowman) bt Tideway SS (Waite)  nttVet D Single Sculls	Vesta RC (Knight) ro.Vet E Single Sculls	`Mortlake Anglian & Alpha (Whitty) bt Vesta RC (McKerral) 4L nttVet Novice Single Sculls	Twickenham Rc (Boyle) bt Twickenham RC (Turner) nro nttNovice Single Sculls	Thames RC (Keogh) bt Dittons S & P (Hopkins) 1.5L nttWomens Novice Single Sculls	Thames RC (Pinches) bt Twickenham RC (Dee)  5L 4.01minsJunior 16 Single sculls	Poplar Blackwall & D (Mullett) bt Poplar Blackwall & D (Dwan) nro nttJunior Single Sculls	Poplar Blackwall & D (Kelly) bt Tiffin School (Thompson) nttJunior 14 Single Sculls	Guildford RC (Ellery) bt Guildford RC (Thomas) 4L nttWomens Junior 16 Single Sculls	Surbiton High School bt Molesey RCWomens Junior 15 Single Sculls	Burwat RC (Oliver) bt Tideway SS (McNally) e 4.38Womens Junior 14 Single Sculls	Surbiton High School (Bell) bt Guildford RC (Woolar) 5L nttJunior 13 Single Sculls	Tideway SS 9Zachrzrdski ) bt Tideway SS (Chambost) e 4.30mins