Sumana Sharma

Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Oxford

I am a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral fellow at the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (WIMM). My general research interests are in understanding context-specific signalling in cells. My background is in characterising receptor interactions using genome-scale CRISPR/Cas9 screening approaches. More recently, I have also been using computational tools to characterise signalling from -omics datasets, specifically using large-scale vulnerability screens and protein-protein interaction networks. Currently, my research focuses on understanding immunomodulation by checkpoint inhibitory receptors on the surface of T-cells, for which I am using a range of experimental and computational approaches. See below for my previous affiliations.

2020 — till-date Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow, MRC-WIMM, University of Oxford, UK
2018 — 2020 Postdoctoral researcher, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
2013 — 2017 PhD in Biological Sciences, Wellcome Sanger Institute/ University of Cambridge (Trinity College), UK
2011 — 2013 MSc in Molecular Biology, International Max Plank Research School/ University of Goettingen, Germany
2008 — 2011 BSc in Biochemistry and Cell biology, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

For more detail on my work, please refer to my publications below or on Google Scholar.


Hypothesis-driven science in large-scale studies: the case of GWAS. Biology and Philosophy (2021). Sharma S, Read J.

CRISPR-Based Editing Techniques for Genetic Manipulation of Primary T Cells. Methods and Protocols (2020). Kotowski M, Sharma S.

Cell Surface Mechanics Gate Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation. Cell Stem Cell (2020). Bergert M, Lembo S, Sharma S, Russo L, Milovanović D, Gretarsson KH, Börmel M, Neveu PA, Hackett JA, Petsalaki E, Diz-Muñoz A.

CEN-tools: An integrative platform to identify the contexts of essential genes . Molecular Systems Biology (2020). Sharma S*, Dincer C*, Weidemueller P, Wright GJ, Petsalaki E.

Investigating Cellular Recognition Using CRISPR/Cas9 Genetic Screening . Trends in Cell Biology (2020). Chong Z-S, Wright GJ, Sharma S.

Cell surface receptor identification using genome-scale CRISPR/Cas9 genetic screens . Journal of Visualized Experiments (2020). Sharma S and Wright GJ.

Large-scale datasets uncovering cell signalling networks in cancer: context matters . Current Opinion in Genetics and Development (2019). Sharma S and Petsalaki E.

Heparan sulfates are critical regulators of the inhibitory megakaryocyte-platelet receptor G6b-B. eLife (2019) . Voegtle T, Sharma S, Nagy Z, Mori J, Semeniak D, Geer MJ, Smith CW, Lane J, Pollack S, Lassila R,Jouppila A, Barr AJ, Ogg DJ, Howard TD, McMiken HJ, Warwicker J, Geh C, Rowlinson R, Abbott M,Schulze H, Wright GJ, Mazharian A, Fuetterer K, Rajesh S, Douglas MR, Senis YA.

Detection of cell surface ligands for human synovial γδT Cells. Journal of Immunology (2019). Collins C, Lui Y, Santos AM, Ballif B, Gogerly-Moragoda M, Brouwer H, Ross R, Balagurunathan K, Sharma S, Wright GJ, Davis S, and Budd R.

Application of CRISPR-Cas9 Based Genome-Wide Screening Approaches to Study Cellular Signalling Mechanisms. IJMS (2018). Sharma S, Petsalaki E.

Genome-scale identification of cellular pathways required for cell surface recognition. Genome Research (2018). Sharma S, Bartholdson SJ, Couch ACM, Yusa K, Wright GJ.

An enhanced CRISPR repressor for targeted mammalian gene regulation. Nature Methods (2018). Yeo N-C, Chavez A, Lance-Byrne A, Chan Y, Menn D, Milanova D, Kuo C-C, Guo X, Sharma S, TungA, Cecchi RJ, Tuttle M, Pradhan S, Lim ET, Davidsohn N, Ebrahimkhani MR, Collins JJ, Lewis NE,Kiani S, Church GM.

An antibody screen of a Plasmodium vivax antigen library identifies novel merozoite proteins associated with clinical protection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016). Franca CT, Hostetler JB, Sharma S, White MT, Lin E, Kiniboro B, et al.

A library of Plasmodium vivax recombinant merozoite proteins reveals new vaccine candidates and protein-protein Interactions. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2015). Hostetler JB, Sharma S, Bartholdson SJ, Wright GJ, Fairhurst RM, Rayner JC.

Non-academic publications
A Look at the Attrition of Women in STEM (CUSPE, Special Issue, 2017). Sharma S.