Ox.test FUQ

  1. Q: What's "HTH"?
    A: It's a TLA. HTH.
  2. Q: What's "Hethe"?
    A: It's a toponym. Haigh.
  3. "What is happening, and why?"
  4. Is it legal to taxi an aeroplane along a highway?
  5. Do we have to explain everything?
  6. How do you unanswer a question?
  7. Where's the lion?
  8. -- (usually followed by a .sig)
  9. How do you test a Vorlon?
  10. Q: What does <vorlon></vorlon> mean?
    A: <vorlon>You are not ready</vorlon>
  11. What is the question to which "Occasionally, through the interminable fog that is ox.net shines a rare and pleasant shaft of light" is the answer?
  12. Where's the FAQ?
  13. Why does this group have an FAQ?
  14. Q: Should this go in the FAQ?
    A: This belongs in the FUQ.
  15. What's a FUQ?
  16. Q: HWHTC
    A: It's deja-vu all over again.


Originally created by Richard P Grant (MA DPhil), this fuq was adopted by Stephen Gower towards the end of 1997