Thomas W. L. Norman
Economics Fellow, Magdalen College
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Pigouvian Algorithmic Platform Design, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 212: 322-332 (2023)
The Possibility of Bayesian Learning in Repeated Games, Games and Economic Behavior, 136: 142-152 (2022)
Evolutionary Stability in the Generalized Second-Price Auction, Economic Theory, 71: 235-250 (2021)
Market Selection with an Endogenous State, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 91: 51-59 (2020)
Approachability in Population Games (with Dario Bauso), Journal of Dynamics and Games, 7: 269-289 (2020)
The Evolution of Monetary Equilibrium, Games and Economic Behavior, 122: 233-239 (2020)
Inefficient Stage Nash is not Stable, Journal of Economic Theory, 178: 275-293 (2018)
Ergodic Inequality, Games, 7(3), 14 (2016)
Learning, Hypothesis Testing and Rational-Expectations Equilibrium, Games and Economic Behavior, 90(1): 93-105 (2015)
Sequential Rationality in Continuous No-Limit Poker, Games, 5(2): 92-96 (2014)
Equilibrium Selection and the Dynamic Evolution of Preferences, Games and Economic Behavior, 74(1): 311-320 (2012)
Cycles versus Equilibrium in Evolutionary Games, Theory and Decision, 69(2): 167-182 (2010)
Skew-Symmetry under Simultaneous Revisions, International Game Theory Review, 11(4): 471-478 (2009)
Rapid Evolution under Inertia, Games and Economic Behavior, 66(2): 865-879 (2009)
Dynamically Stable Sets in Infinite Strategy Spaces, Games and Economic Behavior, 62(2): 610-627 (2008)
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