Juliana ed. R. Woolf. (1955)
Elene ed. P.O.E. Gradon (repr. 1966)
Fates of the Apostles ed. K. Brooks (1961) ( with Andreas)
Christ II (Ascension) in ASPR 3

E. Anderson: Cynewulf: Structure, Style and Theme in his Poetry (1983)
D. Calder: Cynewulf (1981)
J.S. Wittig: "Figural Narrative in Cynewulf's Juliana." ASE 4 (1973). 37-55.
C. Schneider: "Cynewulf's Devaluation of Heroic Tradition in Juliana." ASE 7 (1976). 107-18
C. Hieatt: "The Fates of the Apostles." Papers on Literature and Language 10 (1974). 115-25.
P. Clemoes: "Rhythm and Cosmic Order in Old English Christian Literature." Inaugural Lecture. Cambridge 1977.
 ---: "Cynewulf's Image of the Ascension." in Whitelock Festschrift. ed. Clemoes and Hughes. Cambridge 1971.
D.W. Frese: "The Art of Cynewulf's Runic Signatures" in Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation. Ed. L. E. Nicholson and D.W. Frese. Notre Dame 1975.
R. Woolf: Chapter on Saints' Lives in Continuations and Beginnings ed. E.G. Stanley. London 1966.
R. B. Burlin: The Old English Advent: a Typological Commentary (New Haven CT, 1968)

Biblical Paraphrase
Daniel and Azarias ed. R.T. Farrell (1974)
Judith ed. Mark Griffith (
Farrell, R.T.: "The Unity of OE Daniel". RES 18 (1967), 117-35.
σσ 'The Structure of the OE Daniel' NM 69 (1968) 533-59
Bjork, R.E.: "Oppressed Hebrews and the Song of Azarias in the OE Daniel." SP 77 (1980), 213-26
Caie, G.D.: "The OE Daniel: A Warning Against Pride." ES 59 (1978), 1-9.
Finnegan, R.E.: "The OE Daniel: The King and his City." NM 85 (1984), 194-211.

Astell, A. W. 'Holofernes's Head: tacen and Teaching in the Old English Judith', ASE 18 (1989)
Brodeur, A.: "A Study of Diction and Style in Three A-S Narrative Poems." in Nordica et Anglica: Studies in Honour of Stefán Einarsson (1968).
Campbell, J.: "Schematic Technique in Judith." ELH 38 (1971), 155-72.
Hermann, J.P. : "The Theme of Spiritual Warfare in the OE Judith." Philological Quarterly 55 (1976), 1-9.
Huppé, B.: The Web of Words (1970)
Pringle, I: "Judith: The Homily and the Poem." Traditio 31 (1975), 83-97/
Renoir, A.: "Judith and the Limits of Poetry." ES 43 (1962) 145-55.