Travel and the East

Primary text: John Mandeville

Mandeville’s Travels. Ed. M. C . Seymour. Oxford: 1967.
*Iain Macleod Higgins. Writing East: The ‘Travels’ of Sir John Mandeville, U Pennsylvania: 1997. (probably over-complicated, but worth skipping through).
Travels of Sir John Mandeville tr. C. W. R. D. Moseley. Penguin: 1983.
*Greenblatt, Stephen,  Marvelous Possessions: the Wonder of the New World. Chicago, 1991, ch. 2
Zacher, Christian K., Curiosity and Pilgrimage; the Literature of Discovery in Fourteenth-Century England. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
Howard, Donald R. 'The World of Mandeville’s Travels', Yearbook of English Studies 1 (1971) 1-17.
Mary B. Campbell, The Witness and the Other World: Exotic European Travel Writing 400-1600, Cornell UP, 1988: pp. 122-64.
Geraldine Heng, Empire of Magic: Medieval Romances and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy, Columbia UP: 2003: 239-305.

Cleanness, (in Andrew and Waldron)
The Travels of Marco Polo, tr.  R. Latham. Penguin: 1958.
Floris and Blancheflor ed. A. B. Taylor, OUP: 1927.
or in D. Sands (ed.)  Middle English Verse Romances, Exeter: 1988.
P.E. Grieve,  Floire et Blancheflor and European Romance. CUP: 1997.
Margery Kempe


Edward Said, Orientalism Penguin: 1995.
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Project Gutenberg e-text
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