St Peter's College Chapel, Oxford
Here you can find out what is going on in Chapel this term. This term's sermon theme for Sunday Evensong is Saints and Heroes.
Weekly Events in Chapel

Morning Prayer is every weekday at 8.00am - this is an informal service of prayer and bible reading.

Choral Evensong is sung on Thursdays at 6.00pm - a more formal service with excellent music sung by the College Choir.

Holy Communion is celebrated at 12.30pm and at 5.15pm on Wednesdays. The lunchtime service is more formal, the evening more informal.

College Worship is on Sundays at 6.00pm - this follows the Anglican form of Evensong.
Other Chapel Events

Port and Talk takes place in the Chaplain's Room after dinner on a Sunday evening and provides an opportunity to meet and engage in discussion with the preacher.

Baptism and Confirmation - Any member of the College who wishes to be baptized, confirmed, or to find out more about the Christian faith is welcome to consult the Chaplain.
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