Cobras e Son
Papers on the Text, Music and Manuscripts
of the Cantigas de Santa Maria
edited by
Stephen Parkinson
  Abbreviations and conventions
Stephen Parkinson Introduction
Manuel Pedro Ferreira Andalusian Music and the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Mary O’Neill Problems of Genre Definition: the Cantigas de Santa Maria in the Context of the Romance Lyric Tradition.
David Wulstan The Rhythmic Organisation of the Cantigas de Santa Maria
  Discussion: Editing the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Ana Domínguez Rodríguez En torno al Árbol de Jesé (Siglos Xi-Xiii). Tres ejemplos en las Cantigas de Santa María.
Susana Zapke Belleza y Weltanschauung en las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso Primo contributo all’analisi delle varianti redazionali nelle Cantigas de Santa Maria
Jesús Montoya Martínez Algunas precisiones acerca de la puntuación de las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Stephen Parkinson Layout and Structure of the Toledo manuscript of the Cantigas de Santa Maria
David Wulstan The Compilation of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio
Martha Schaffer The ‘Evolution’ of the Cantigas de Santa Maria: the Relationships between mss T, F, and E
  Round table discussion on the manuscripts of the Cantigas de Santa Maria
  Collective Bibliography