Abbreviations and conventions
Stephen Parkinson |
Manuel Pedro Ferreira |
Andalusian Music and the Cantigas de Santa
Mary O’Neill |
Problems of Genre Definition: the Cantigas
de Santa Maria in the Context of the Romance Lyric Tradition.
David Wulstan |
The Rhythmic Organisation of the Cantigas
de Santa Maria
Discussion: Editing the Cantigas de Santa
Ana Domínguez Rodríguez |
En torno al Árbol de Jesé (Siglos
Xi-Xiii). Tres ejemplos en las Cantigas de Santa María.
Susana Zapke |
Belleza y Weltanschauung en las Cantigas
de Santa Maria
Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso |
Primo contributo all’analisi delle varianti
redazionali nelle Cantigas de Santa Maria
Jesús Montoya Martínez |
Algunas precisiones acerca de la puntuación
de las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Stephen Parkinson |
Layout and Structure of the Toledo manuscript
of the Cantigas de Santa Maria
David Wulstan |
The Compilation of the Cantigas of Alfonso
el Sabio
Martha Schaffer |
The ‘Evolution’ of the Cantigas de Santa
Maria: the Relationships between mss T, F, and E
Round table discussion on the manuscripts of
the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Collective Bibliography