Dr Stuart D Lee, BA, MA, NTF

Dr Stuart D Lee, BA, MA, NTF
Deputy CIO, IT Services
Name: Dr Stuart D Lee
Current Position: Deputy CIO, IT Services
Reader in E-learning and Digital Libraries
National Teaching Fellow (HEA)
Member, Faculty of English Language and Literature, Oxford University
Education: PhD, MA, BA
School: Keele (BA), King’s College London (MA, PhD)
Other: National Teaching Fellow 2009, Oxford’s Teaching Award 2008, PGCert Teaching and Learning in HE (Open) 2002
Address: IT Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN
Email: stuart.lee@it.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1865 283403
Blog: http://blogs.oucs.ox.ac.uk/dcut/
Research, teaching, etc
Research Interests: E-learning, Digital Libraries, IT Service Provision
Old English, World War One Literature, Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Fantasy Literature
Teaching: Old English, Tolkien, War Literature
Current tasks include:
1. Deputy CIO for IT Services with particular responsibility for Strategic Planning, Change Management, Governance, HR, Estates, Finance, Architecture
2. Overseeing implementation of University's IT Strategic Plan.
3. Various Digital Humanities Projects Projects.
4. Overseeing other projects and recent funding applications.
I am currently Deputy CIO, IT Services, at Oxford University's Computing Services, but formerly Director of Computing Systems and Services at OUCS, and Head of the University’s Learning Technologies Group which I set up in 2001. I have direct reports from our Customer Services, Infrastructure, Academic IT, and Communications Groups. I am a member of several senior University ICT committees, have led major research projects in the fields of digitisation, humanities computing, and e-learning; and am also a lecturer and researcher at Oxford’s English Faculty. In 2008 I was made Oxford’s Reader in E-learning and Digital Libraries and received a University Teaching Award.