'Computing in Literary Studies'

A six-week course held at the English Faculty, St Cross Building. Aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates of the English Faculty, but open to all students.

General Reading list:

Course list:

  1. Dr Lee:'The Internet: The Death of Publishing?' (31st Jan, 3pm, LT2, St Cross building).
  2. Dr Lee: 'Hypertext: The Death of the Author?' (7th Feb, 3pm, Rm 11 St Cross building).
  3. Dr Lee: 'The Digital Library: The Death of the Scholar?' (14th Feb, 3pm, Rm 11 St Cross building).
  4. Ms Wikander: 'The Afterlife of the Book: Editing for the Millennium' (21st Feb, 3pm, LT2 St Cross building)
  5. Ms Wikander: 'The Afterlife of the Author: Text in the Electronic Age' (28th Feb, 3pm, LT2 St Cross building)
  6. Ms Wikander: 'The Afterlife of the Scholar: The Future of Library Research' (6th Mar, 3pm, LT2 St Cross building)

Discuss anything you have heard in these lectures on the Carfax Bulletin Board under the English section.

'The Internet: The Death of Publishing?'

This lecture addresses the following points: cultural myths relating to the computer; the place of the Internet in our society; the history of the Internet; resources available for literary studies; the Web and its effects on literary studies, what effect is it having on Publishing, and will some print-based publications in future be delivered solely in electronic form?

Reading List

Printed Material

On-Line Resources

Publish and Be Damned!

'Hypertext: The Death of the Author?'

This lecture will address the areas of hypertext and hypermedia. It will look at: the difference between hypertext, hypermedia, and multimedia; the development of the area; hypertext theory; literature and hypertext.

Reading List

Printed Resources

Online Resources

Read them and weep?

Hypertext Fiction

'The Digital Library: The Death of the Scholar?'

This lecture will look at the digital library, what goes into it, how is it constructed, what possibilities are offered by it and how may it change the percecption of scholarly activity and the term 'a scholar' itself?

Printed Material

On-Line Resources


Page created by Dr Stuart D. Lee on 24/1/00. This is an updated version of the reading list from last year's course.