Wychwood Holiday 1999 Gallery

Here are some pictures of the Wychwood Holiday 1999. We started off doing a show at Tintagel, followed by a week in Cornwall featuring the total eclipse of the sun, and at the end of the holiday we took part in the largest annual show of all: History In Action at Kirby Hall. It was truly glorious.

Putting Up Tents In The Dark - It's TraditionArthur PendragonPut Your Right Foot Out And Wiggle It About...Where's My Bloody Dinner?I Think The Kebab Last Night Wasn't A Good IdeaOi, Xena, You Can Have Someone's Eye Out With ThatCharge!!!Vikings Of Unusual Size? I Don't Think They ExistJunior Re-enactorsStep Inside, Sir...Sunset At TintagelGoing Quietly Into The NightHow To Take A Tent Down The Wychwood WayIt Leaves My Hair Soft, Shiny and ManagableCommunal CookingTotal Eclipse Of The Sun, Cornwall, 1999 - HonestCouldn't Think Of A Witty Caption For This OneI'm A Little Fairy Sitting In A TreeSome Say It's A Fertility SundialAt The Carn Euny SettlementUnderground RocksSt. Michael's MountZzzzzzzzzz...Oh My God, They've Killed Kenny!You Bastards!Oh Blast!