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Oxford University Quiz Society

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ICQ 2004 - Group C
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1. Somerville A
2. LMH B
3. St Catz A
4. Balliol B


Somerville A 255 - 195 LMH B
Mark Wilson 0, Luke Pitcher +20, Dorjana Sirola +60, Laura Campbell +25. BC: 66.7%
LMH: Kristian Howells 0, David Matthews +65, Robert Crowe +15, Charlotte Lythgoe +10. BC: 70%

St Catz A 310 - 75 Balliol B
St Catz:
Matthew Yeo +15, Dunstan Barnes -10, Steve Hyde +90, Robert Jubb +55. BC 62.7%.
Ball: Erik Serrano 0, William Van de Pette 5, Alexandra Gowland +20, Samir Deger-sen +20. BC 40%

St Catz A 150 - 295 Somerville A
Robert Jubb +5, Dunstan Barnes +10, Steve Hyde +20, Matthew Yeo +50. BC: 48.1%
Some: Dorjana Sirola +35, Luke Pitcher +70, Mark Wilson +20, Laura Campbell +20. BC: 62.5%

Balliol B 95 - 250 LMH B
Alexandra Gowland +30, William Van de Pette -5, Raymond Thornton +5, Samir Deger-sen +20. BC: 50%
LMH: Kristian Howells 30, David Matthews +35, Robert Crowe +50, Charlotte Lythgoe +10. BC: 55.6%

Somerville A 350 - 80 Balliol B
Mark Wilson 0, Luke Pitcher +45, Dorjana Sirola +60, Laura Campbell +45. BC: 83.3%
Ball: Alexandra Gowland +5, William Van de Pette +20, Raymond Thornton +10, Samir Deger-sen +10. BC: 46.7%

LMH B 70 - 315 St Catz A
Kristian Howells +15, David Matthews +5, Robert Crowe -15, Charlotte Lythgoe +10. BC: 60%
St Catz: Matt Yeo +65, Steve Hyde +55, Rob Jubb +10, Dunstan Barnes +30. BC: 60.8%


Final Standings

Team PlayedWonLostForAgainstPoints
1Somerville A 3 30 9004256
2St Catz A 3 21 7754404
3LMH B 3 12 5156652
4Balliol B 3 03 2509100

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Designed by Ian Webb
Last updated: 18th February 2004
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