Little is known about Oooze. The two protagonists are the mysterious Shanks and Madman. One release so far: the ambient, Tulip, Turnip, Brussel Sprout on a CD called Coming Round at Callums, - a compilation of Ambient and Techno Bands from Liverpool on Ochre Records (OCH 003L) distributed by SRD. Other bands include: DJ Tempest, Timeshard, Vitamin C, Glide (Will Sergeant) and BOM (members of Spritualised and the Bunnymen). In your shops now.
Shanks and Madman on a particularly mad day.
Oooze recently sent a tape to Mantra and were signed on the strength of that. Releases should be forthcoming (unless they're too mad to do anything with).
© Mantra Communications, 1997.