I was trained as
an experimental psychologist at University College London (UCL, 1978-84).
As a Harkness Fellow in the United States (1984-6), I studied evolutionary
epistemology with Donald T Campbell and philosophy of mind with Daniel
Dennett. I spent a second postdoctoral period studying associative
learning as a Research Fellow of Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge
(1986-9), and then returned to UCL as a member of faculty in 1988. The
next 20 years were focussed on experimental work, initially in animal
cognition and later in cognitive neuroscience. In the later years my group developed and tested an associative account of the origins
of imitation and the mirror neuron system. In 2008 I left UCL to become a
Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, University of Oxford. Here I
am concentrating on theoretical work while collaborating in
experimental projects in Oxford and elsewhere.
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photography by Robert
Taylor |