Coarse Z-drive
The coarse Z - drive stepper motor is there to control the coarse
movement of the objective (in the axial direction) and move it to down
to the safe position when needed.
Goto Normal Position -
Objective is moved to the normal position (i.e. the Datum which is set
in setup configuration).
Nudge Up-
Objective is moved up 50 µm (can be changed in the setup
Nudge Down Objective
is moved down 50 µm (can be changed in the setup configuration).
By holding down the Nudge Up / Nudge Down (or button where available)
the objective moves continuously in 50µm steps.
Goto Safe Position -
Objective is moved 3000 µm downwards from the normal
position (i.e. the Datum which is set in setup configuration).
Position - distance between
the current position and the normal position.
Setup - Opens the
Coarse ZDrive advance settings (Advance users only) .
Close - closes the
dialog box.
Coarse ZDrive Settings
Position - distance
between the current position and the normal position.
Set Datum- sets the
current position as the normal position.
Nudge Distance (um) -
distance moved by objective when Nudge Up / Down.
Nudge Distance (um)
- distance moved by approaching the objective (goto Normal / Safe
Full range travel (um)
- Full range of travel.
Calibration (nm/count)
- calibration of distance in nm per count on the ADC signal.
% Approach speed -
speed of approach (goto Normal / Safe position).
% Nudge speed - speed
of nudge (Nudge Up / Down).
Post Nudge Speed -
Backlash (um) - in the
opposite direction of movement a backlash is applied.
Timeout (minutes) -
the timeout to complete the displacement of the objective.
Counts - encoder position.
Save - saves settings
to ATD_CoarseZDrive_A1.ini.
Load - loads settings
from ATD_CoarseZDrive_A1.ini.
Close- closes the
dialog box.