
The name of the camera being controlled is displayed in the title bar
and at the top of the panel.
Live - takes
repeated snapped images at the exposure time; number indicates the
number of
frames per second (fps) acquired; red LED indicates that it is active.
Snap - snaps an
individual image.
Exp. - exposure time
in ms.
Auto Exp - Will
perform an auto exposure (not implemented on all cameras).
Electronic gain on the CCD.
Save Images
Number of consecutive images to be saved (exposure settings
are set in the exposure tab); pressing the Save button will prompt the
user to choose the directory, images are saved.
Frame Averaging
Pressing the Average button will average a number of
consecutive images (exposure settings are set in
the exposure tab).
Camera settings
Save - Saves
the camera settings.
Load - Loads the
camera setting.
*.ini file (e.g. FlourSettings.ini) - current camera settings
Brings up the camera advanced settings
dialog box.
Displays camera information: Vendor, model, bus, camera ID,
camera version, and driver version, for example.
Re-Initialises the camera.
Closes the Camera dialog box.