Timelapse script example

Here we provide a simple timelapse script example.

Using this script we move through the list of points defined by the user. 
For each cycle of points the system will change the cube to a position defined in the script and change the camera exposure time for each cube.
For each point we make an adjustment to the focus position and then snap an image.
The script filename can be anything as it is not displayed in the user interface.
The name that is displayed in the timelapse dropdown list is taken from the first line of the script which is a Python comment.

# Move and display

As the first line. This is the string that is used as the script identifier the next step is to import any required Python modules.
In this case we only need access to the Python wrapper API for the microscope so we only import the microscope module.

import microscope

Here we define a Python list of cube positions to cycle through. In this case we wish to cycle between cube positions 2 and 3.

# Cubes that we will cycle through
# You can extend this list with any valid cube positions
# Here we have two cube positions 2 and 3

cubes = [2, 3]

For each of the cube positions defined in the list above we now define the camera exposure that we would like.
The position of the exposure in the list corresponds to the cube position in the cubes list.

# This is the exposure setting for each cube in the cubes list
# For example the cubes in position 2 and 3 above both should have exposure
# set to 15 ms

exposures = [15.0, 15.0]

As with the exposure list this focus_offsets list is used to provide an offset to the focus position for each cube.,
# These are the offsets that will be applied to the zdrive for each cube.
focus_offsets = [0.0, 1.0]

Here we define the OnStart method that is called when the user presses start on the timelapse panel. This method is only called once. In this example we simply pass as we do not need to do anything at this point.

This global variable holds the current cube index into the cubes list defined above.

current_cube_index = 0

# OnStart is called once when the user presses start to begin the timelapse.
def OnStart():

Here the OnAbort method is defined. This is called when a timelapse experiment is stopped by a user. As with the OnStart method we don't need to do anything here.

def OnAbort():

Here OnCycleStart is defined. This is called every time a new cycle of points is started. It is at this point that we start visiting points after changing cubes and setting the correct exposure.

# Called once at the start of each cycle of points. Should contain at least one call to microscope.MicroscopeVisitPoints() to start the cycle.
def OnCycleStart():

    global current_cube_index
    current_cube_index = 0

    print "Back to start."
    # Here for each cube in the cubes list we move to the cube position and set the corresponding exposure setting. ,
    for cube in cubes:
        print "Moving to cube position ", cube
        print "Setting camera exposure to ", exposures[current_cube_index]
current_cube_index = current_cube_index + 1

Finally we define OnNewPoint. This is called every time a new point is reached. It is at this point that we adjust the focus position and then
snap an image..

# Called each time the stage moves to a new point.
def OnNewPoint(x, y, z, position):
    global current_cube_index
    print "Setting focus offset to ", focus_offsets[current_cube_index]
    microscope.SetStagePosition(x, y, z + focus_offsets[current_cube_index])

    # Wait for stage to finish moving (additional delay= 0.1 seconds, time out= 1.0 seconds)< /FONT >
    microscope.WaitForStage(0.0, 1.0)