[SulKiDo] [Korean] [6 basic forms]

SulKiDo Forms

Forms are fixed sequences of moves designed to improve a students balance, power and co-ordination (Japanese arts such as karate call these `kata'). Forms can be roughly divided into two styles, known as `hard' and `soft' (though the soft ones are more difficult than the hard ones). Hard forms are performed in a stop-go-stop fashion, whereas the soft forms are more flowing with each move blending into the suceeding one.
Unlike most martial arts, the SulKiDo syllabus incorporates both types. Our hard forms are identical to those found in some branches of TaeKwonDo, wherea the soft forms come from KukSoolWon.
For the benefit of people already in the club, we've put descriptions of some of the hard forms on the WWW, starting with the 6 basic forms.