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Membership Secretary: Lorna Caldicott
Tel. 01865 742006 (h), 07855 393021 (m)

New members of any age or standard are welcome to join the club at any time.
Contact the Membership Secretary for an application form.

2004 Subscription Rates

Subscriptions are due 1st January 2004. A 10% discount will apply if the full amount is paid before 31st January 2004. 

Five year member*
£880 Includes a 20% discount and safeguards against future subscription increases
Active rowing member £230
Student £165
Sculling only member £165 You are required to rack and use your own scull for this category
Gym member £  90 May be available at the Committee's discretion; 
apply to the Club Captain
Junior 12-18 £120 Includes social membership for 2 adults
Social members £  20 No voting rights
Ordinary member £  20 With voting rights
Coxing member £  20
Coaching member £  20
Family membership £ Total less 20% Applies to a family with one or more parents and one or more children
Rack Rents
Fixed Racks £  100
Mobile Racks £  65

Revised: September 29, 2004

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