Marlow, winners of Senior 1 Eights,
sponsored by PrestoPrint.

Maidenhead, winners of Senior 4
Eights, sponsored by The Prince of Wales PH.

Leiden, winners of Womens' Senior 2
Eights, sponsored by PrestoPrint.

HSBC WS3 8 warming up.

Exitech beat R.T. Harris & Sons
by 1' in the final of the Invitation Corporate Eights.

Exitech, winners of the Invitation
Corporate Eights.

Falcon, winners of the Senior 2
Coxed Fours, sponsored by W.S. Atkins.

Sons of the Isis, winners of the
Veteran B/C Coxless Fours.

Weybridge Ladies/UTRC, winners of
the Women's Senior 3 Double Sculls, sponsored by W.S. Atkins.

Wallingford, winners of the Women's
Senior 2 Double Sculls.

Falcon, winners of the Women's
Novice Double Sculls.

Marlow, winners of the Junior 14
Double Sculls.

Marlow, winners of the Women's
Junior 16 Double Sculls..

City of Oxford, winners of the
Men's Senior 2 Coxless Pairs.

Reading Smith, winner of the Men's
Junior 13 Single Sculls.

Maidenhead Gellin, winner of the
Men's Senior 1 Single Sculls.

Marlow Tipney, winner of the Men's
Senior 2 Single Sculls.

Falcon Gruenewald, winner of the
Men's Novice Single Sculls, sponsored by Martuccio's Ice Cream.

City of Oxford Gardner, winner of
the Men's Junior 10 Single Sculls, sponsored by Gorge Harris
Racing Boats.

Marlow McCollough, winner of the
Women's Senior 3 Single Sculls.

Wallingford Edge, winner of the
Men's Veteran B Single Sculls.

Weybridge Morley, winner of the
Men's veteran D Single Sculls.

Finish Judges.

Spectators on the Sponsors'

Winner takes all!