Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th August 2003
Results of ARA Open Events 

Saturday 16th August 2003
1000m Downstream on the Isis, stern-on start, bows-on finish.

Boat       No.   Qual.       
Size Class Raced Event Result                                            Verdict
 8o  S2     3          Henley                  bt Staines                 ¾ L   
 8o  S3     3          Exeter                  bt Staines                 ¼ L
 8o  S4     8    Q     Sons of the Thames      bt HSBC                    1/3 L
 8o  N      3          Merton College          bt Wallingford             1 L
 8o  WS1    2          City of Oxford          bt Asopos de Vliet, Leiden 4 L
 8o  WS2    2          Ironbridge              bt Asopos de Vliet, Leiden 1 L
 8o  WS3    5    Q     CUWBC composite         bt City of Oxford          2 L
 8o  WS4    4    Q     Falcon                  bt Linacre                 1 ¼ L
 8o  WN     3          Wallingford             bt Merton College          1 L
 4-  S2     4    Q     Sons of the Thames      bt City of Oxford          1½ L
 4-  VC/D   3          City of Oxford (D)      bt Molesey (C)             3 L
 4+  S1     2          Henley                  bt Asopos de Vliet, Leiden 4 L
 4+  S2     4    Q     Henley                  bt Abingdon                2 L
 4+  S3    12    Q     Exeter                  bt Twickenham              1½ L
 4+  S4    11    Q     Lea                     bt Sons of the Thames      E
 4+  N     15    Q     Falcon                  bt Wallingford             ½ L
 4+  VC/D   2          Abingdon (C)            bt Staines (D)             3 L
 4+  WS2    4    Q     Reading                 bt Wallingford             2 L
 4+  WS3    5    Q     Marlow                  bt CUWBC                   dqd
 4+  WS4    8    Q     HSBC                    bt Wolfson                 2 L
 4+  WN    10    Q     Wallingford             bt Tideway Scullers        2½ L
 2-  E      2
 2-  S1     3          London                  bt London                  ½ L
 2-  S2     5    Q     City of Oxford          bt London                  dqd
 2-  S3     5    Q     Eton Exclesior          bt Abingdon                E
 2-  WS1    3          Merton College          bt City of Oxford          nro
 4x  S3     4    Q     Walton                  bt Marlow                  1¾ L
 2x  S2     2          Canterbury Pilgrims     bt Upper Thames            4 L
 2x  S3     3          London                  bt Sons of the Thames      E
 2x  N      2          City of Oxford          bt City of Oxford          E
 2x  J      3          St Peter's School       bt City of Oxford          E 
 2x  J16    4          Wallingford             bt Tideway Scullers School 3 L
 2x  J14    2
 2x  VE/F   3 	       
 2x  WS2    3          Eton Excelsior          bt Eton Excelsior          E
 2x  WS4    2          Marlow                  bt Sons of the Thames      3 L
 2x  WN     8    Q     Oxford Univ WLRC        bt Marlow                  E
 2x  WJ13   2          Reading                 bt Reading                 E
 2x  MXD   11          Wallingford/Reading     bt Marlow                  2½ L
 1x  S1     2          London Kelsey           bt Albatross Schumacher    E
 1x  S2     5    Q     Tideway Scullers Sch    bt Reading                 ¾ L 
 1x  S3    11    Q     Tideway Scullers Sch    bt London                  2 L
 1x  S4     8    Q     Eton Excelsior Addy     bt Warwick Univ Loveday    1 L
 1x  N A   10    Q     Henley Hassel           bt Staines Neumeister      E
 1x  N B    9    Q     Hertford Coll Mattick   bt Wallingford Parker      1 L
 1x  J      4    Q
 1x  J15    5          UTRC Poulter            bt Marlow Knill            1 L
 1x  J13    2          CORC Smith              bt                         1 L
 1x  J12*   5          TSS Lambert             bt Canford Crocodiles Arnell E      
 1x  J11*   2          Eton Excelsior          bt Eton Excelsior          3 L
 1x  VB     2          Canterbury Pilgrims     bt Albatross Schumacher    4 L
 1x  VC     2          Cant'y Pilgrims Rudkin  bt St Catherine's Mitchell E
 1x  VD     2          Dart Totnes Poland      bt Weybridge Jones         2 L
 1x  VE/F   4          Weybridge Jones (E)     bt Marlow Adams (F)        E
 1x  WS1    2          Upper Thames            bt Canford School          1 L
 1x  WS2    3          UTRC Aitchison          bt Dartmouth Inkster       E
 1x  WS3    3          Marlow Williams-Jones   bt City of Oxford Shaw     2'
 1x  WS4    6    Q     Falcon Lywood           bt Wallingford Williams    4 L
 1x  WN    16          CORC Simpson            bt Somerville Goldsack     2½ L
 1x  WJ     2
 1x  WJ15   6          Canford School Noon     bt Reading Douglas         3 L
 1x  WJ13   2          Wallingford Drury       bt City of Oxford Parsons  ¾ L           
 1x  WJ11*  2          City of Oxford Seal     bt UTRC Poulter            3 L
 1x  WVB    3          Wycliffe Payne          bt Dartmouth Inkster       4 L
 1x  WVC    2          Eton Exclesior Arion    bt Maidenhead Phillips     1½ L
* short course (450 m)

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Revised: September 02, 2003.