Saturday 19th August 1995


SO   8o    5   Reading bt Wallingford                                 1 1/2 L
S1   8o    5   Star & Arrow bt University of Bath                     1 1/2 L
S2   8o    9   London bt City of Oxford                               1/3 L
S3   8o    7   Magdalen College bt Bewl Bridge                        E
WS1  8o    5   Lensbury bt Falcon                                     3/4 L
WS2  8o    2   OUWBC/St John's/Oriel/Wolfson Coll. bt City of Oxford  1 1/2 L
WS3  8o    5   Wallingford bt University of Bath                      2 1/2 L
VB/C 8o    3   Upper Thames (VC) bt Bewdley (VB)                      4 L
VD   8o    2   Nottm/Nottm Britannia/Nottm & Union bt City of Oxford  1 L
SO   4x    4   Isis/Tortoise bt Henley                                1/2 L
S2   4x    4   City of Oxford bt Maidenhead                           E
SO   4-    4   Marlow bt Bewl Bridge                                  2 1/2 L
SO   4+    3   Marlow bt Bewdley                                      4 L
S1   4+    6   London bt London/Oxford University Lightweights        3/4 L
S2   4+    5   Wallingford bt Bewl Bridge                             2 L
S3   4+   11   Wallingford bt Cherwell                                1 ft
N    4+   10   Wolfson College (A) bt Wolfson College (C)             E
WS1  4+    4   Falcon                                                 ro
WS2  4+    4   Burway bt Lensbury                                     2 L
WS3  4+   12   Furnival bt City of Oxford                             3/4 L 
WN   4+    8   City of Oxford bt Wolfson College                      1/2 L
VA/B 4+    4   Maidenhead (VB) bt Bewdley (VB)                        E
VC   4+    2   Derby bt Upper Thames                                  1 L
VD/E 4+    4   Walbrook (VD) bt Nottingham/Nottingham & Union (VE)    4 L   
MXDSO4+    4   Isis/Bedford/Falcon/Magdalen College bt Bewdley        1 1/2 L
MXDS24+    6   Falcon/Magdalen College bt Maidenhead                  1 L
SO   2x    5   Dart Totnes bt City of Oxford                          2 1/2 L
S2   2x   11   Marlow/Portsmouth University bt Wallingford            E    
WSO  2x    4   Upper Thames bt City of Cambridge                      E
VB/C 2x    2   Nottingham & Union (VC) bt London (VB)                 E
WVA  2x    2   City of Oxford bt City of Cambridge                    cvs
MXDSO2x    4   Nottingham & Union bt Isis/Osiris                      E
SO   2-    8   London bt City of Cambridge                            dqd
S2   2-   11   Magdalen College bt Minerva Bath                       nro
WSO  2-    3   Leicester bt Falcon                                    E
WS2  2-    2   Falcon bt Wallingford                                  nro
SO   1x    4   City of Oxford (Briscoe) bt Hereford (Phillips)        4 L
S1   1x    7   Tortoise (Brown) bt Lensbury (Harrison)                1 1/2 L
S2   1x    6   Portsmouth University (Tout) bt Isis (Kelly)           3 L
S3   1x A 14   Maidenhead (Webb) bt Marlow (Baker)                    1 L
S3   1x B 14   Thames (Berry) bt Derwent (Robson)                     1 3/4 L
N    1x A 13   St John's College (Kingsbury) bt Walbrook (Huntley)    E
N    1x B 12   Osler House (Pearce) bt Bewl Bridge (Gwizdala)         E
WS2  1x    6   City of Oxford (Edge) bt City of Oxford (Hansen)       2 L
WS3  1x    9   CUWBC (Winckless) bt Henley (Firk)                     E
WN   1x   11   St John's College (Eng) bt Tideway Sc. (Sheriff)       E
VB   1x    4   Lensbury (Harrison) bt Dart Totnes (Atkinson)          4 L
VC   1x    3   Upper Thames (Stuart-Bennet)                           ro
VD/E 1x    3   Derby (Lambert-Beason VE) bt Maidenhead (Adams VD)     3 ft

 49 Events
295 Crews

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