Saturday 22nd August 1998

Victor Ludorum

*** Magdalen College WS3 8o and Maidenhead/UTRC S2 4x were disqualified after the event, following an A.R.A investigation which found that both crews were overpointed for their categories. Non-qualifying wins were therefore awarded to the losing finalists, Falcon RC  and City of Oxford RC.

 Club                    Wins    Details

 Marlow                  6       S14+, N4+, E4x, S22-, WS32x, E1x
*City of Oxford          6       WS28, Mxd8 (with Grenoble), S24+, S44+, S24x, VE4+ (with Evesham), VF1x
 Grenoble                3 1/2   MXD8 (with City of Oxford), WS14+, MXD4+, E2-
 Lea                     3       S28, E4+, E4-
 Reading                 3       WS24+, WS31x, WJ151x
 Wallingford             2       WN4+, J181x
 Walton                  2       E2x, VB/C2x
 Ballarat                2       MXD2x, S11x
 Isis                    2       S21x, N1x
*Falcon                  2       WS38, S32x
 Henley                  1       S38
 Magdalen College        1       WS38 
 Linacre College         1       N8
 Merton College          1       S34+
 Llandaff                1       WS34+
 Leicester               1       WS1-
 Weybridge Ladies        1       WS22-
 Tortoise                1       S31x
 Dart Totnes             1       WS21x
 Globe                   1       VC1x
 Weybridge               1       VD1x

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