Bookham Technology Ltd 'Chicken'
push past 'Egg'
in the Final of the
Invitation Corporate Eights Challenge.

Bookham Technology Ltd 'Chicken' ,
winners of the Invitation Corporate Eights Challenge, at the Finish raft.

Heat of the Oxford Adaptive Rowing
Invitation Sculls.

Rachel Lunney, winner of the
Oxford Adaptive Rowing Invitation Sculls.

Leiden ahead of
Oxford Brookes in the
Final of the Women's Senior 1

Leiden celebrate
their victory in the
Final of the Women's Senior 1 Eights.

City of Oxford, winners of the
Women's Senior 2 Eights.

City of Oxford, winners of the
Women's Senior 1 Coxed Fours.

Leiden, rowing to the start for a heat of the Women's Senior 2
Coxed Fours.

Leiden, winners of the
Women's Senior 2 Coxed Fours.

Marlow ahead of City of Oxford 'B'
in the Final of the Men's Senior 1 Coxed Fours.

Curlew/Globe, winners of the
Men's Senior Four Coxed Fours.

City of Oxford, winners of the
Men's Veteran C Coxless Pairs.

City of Oxford Law, winner of the
Men's Senior 3 Single Sculls.

City of Oxford Hill, winner of the
Men's Novice Single Sculls.

Wallingford Elliot, winner of
Women's Novice Single Sculls.

The Regatta Trophies.

Finish Umpire.
Photos (c) Howard
Waller and David Wilson |